Clarification of Answer by
24 Nov 2003 16:24 PST
Hello Kedric Van de Carr,
I conducted additional research to extend the answer to your question
to cover the goals stated in your clarification request.
Hoodia Gordonii is a high-profile plant that has gotten a lot of
attention in the past few years. I found quite a few people looking to
buy it or offering to sell it, but always in small quantities. Growing
it on the scale you contemplate may be difficult. I found one
reference showing that ?Hoodia gordonii require more root run than
most growers are able to give, and hence seldom flower in
cultivation.? The research also shows that Phytopharm has the rights
to the development of pharmaceuticals from this plant but there are a
variety of diet pills and supplements that are based on the Hoodia
Gordonii. It seems that you may have to explore the viability of
cultivating this plant on the scale that you envision and that there
also may be some legal implications on using the plant.
Finding contract greenhouse growers was much tougher than I expected.
I?ve found you some possible contacts but the unusual crop you want to
grow may make it difficult to find a good source. I suggest that in
addition to the resources I?ve included here, you refer back to the
greenhouse resources I furnished in my original answer. Going through
some of the extension programs might be your best bet on finding
someone you could work with on growing this very specialized crop.
This was a very interesting search when taken beyond the original
question. I trust that the resources I?ve found will help you find a
greenhouse that can meet your needs.
Best wishes for your new enterprise.
~ czh ~
We would like to make the FDA aware that there is a global service for
introducing Molecular Farming Biopharmaceutical companies to potential
contract growers, with the stated aim of Environmental Safety. We at have a global database of farmers and greenhouse
owners who have stated a wish to become contract growers for new
non-food molecular crops.
Medical Molecular Farming is the growing and harvesting of genetically
engineered crops of transgenic plants, with the object of producing
biopharmaceuticals [ sometimes called 'farmaceuticals' ]. The idea is
to use these molecular crops as biological factories to generate drugs
difficult or expensive to produce in any other way.
This is our mission, - To inform you, the public, farmers and students
about a better, healthier World through safe, environmentally
friendly, properly regulated and controlled, Molecular Farming..
By providing a method, through the Database, for Biopharmaceutical
companies to contact you, the contract growers, farmers and greenhouse
owners, we will assist this globally.
We will act as "source", matching land, greenhouses, locations and /
or farmers to Pharmaceutical Companies in their Country, or another
where more suitable conditions may exist, either for growing,
'biofarming', 'pharming' or {bio}processing.
Location details below are supplied by potential growers.
***** Although your product (Hoodia gordonii) is not strictly a
?molecular plant? within the definition of this organization it seems
to me that the goals and uses of the product fit well with the mission
of this organization and their database may be a good source for
connecting with a contract greenhouse grower. In addition, contacting
their director may help you with finding a suitable vendor even if one
is not already listed on the website.
82 Nurseries Producing Florida's Finest Plants
***** Several list availability for contract growing.
Home > Retail_Industry > Home_And_Garden > Plants > Tropicals_And_Exotics
Tropicals And Exotics
***** Many of these vendors are capable of meeting your needs. One
specifically shows contract growing.
About Bentley Tropicals Nursery
Wholesale tropical nursery. Landscape design and installation.
Seedling propagation and contract growing....
Bentley Tropicals and More
We are happy to talk with you about your special projects. If you
would like us to propagate and contract grow your seedlings, give us a
call. Just tell us what you need...from contract growing, landscape
design and installation, or whatever you have in mind.
Nursery & Greenhouse Production
North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service
***** This site offers a huge collection of links that should help you
find a suitable contract greenhouse grower.
Land Measurement Conversion Guide
1 Acre = 43,560 square feet (5 acres = 217 800 square feet)
Hoodia Sweet ex Decaisne
The genus is named for a Mr. Hood who was a succulent plant grower in
England circa 1830. Distribution is in Angola, Namibia, Botswana,
Zimbabwe and South Africa. Basally branched, often woody, spiny stem
succulents. Stems usually erect but rarely procumbent, from 0.3 to
2.2metres in length. Relatively easy in cultivation, they require a
well drained compost and a minimum 10°C winter temperature. The
smaller growing species will readily flower in cultivation, whilst the
larger species such as Hoodia gordonii require more root run than most
growers are able to give, and hence seldom flower in cultivation.
Posted by Trish Flaster ® , Nov 30,2001
I am looking for anyone growing Hoodia species in the US.
***** This is a long discussion thread with up-to-date postings.
Hoodia gordonii
Hoodia gordonii
This is the hoodia gordonii diet plant discussed on Four Corners (TV
program in Australia) on 25th of August 2003
The Anti-Fat Pill and the Bushmen
Grow it yourself before it becomes depleted in its natural habitat.
Hoodia gordonii Seeds
These extremely rare succulent seeds are very difficult to come by.
A packet of 10 seeds was auctioned on eBay for $69.
last updated:
Looking for Hoodia Gordonii
Posted by Nikki on February 06, 2003 at 01:42:47:
I'm looking for Hoodia Gordonii plants to be shipped to California.
Can anyone help?
Phytopharm gets obesity drug back from Pfizer, seeks partner.
BioWorld International, August 6, 2003, by Nuala Moran
LONDON -- Phytopharm plc fell victim to the fallout from Pfizer Inc.'s
$66 billion acquisition of Pharmacia Corp., as Pfizer dropped
development of P57, an obesity treatment based on a plant extract
discovered by Phytopharm.
Phytopharm, based in Godmanchester, UK, has another obesity product,
P64, based on semisynthetic analogues of P57, an extract of a South
African plant called hoodia. The P57 program also includes other
semisynthetics. The two programs will now be amalgamated as Phytopharm
seeks a worldwide licensing deal.
30 July, 2002
Kalahari cactus boosts UK drug firm
An anti-obesity drug made from a Kalahari desert cactus is a step
closer to reality after its developer, UK drug company Phytopharm,
signed a fresh deal with US giant Pfizer.
The deal means Pfizer will take development of the drug, called P57,
inhouse, and will aim for key clinical tests by 2003.
With respect to Patent protection issue - even though the patent
apparently only covers the P57 complex of molecules, it is clear that
Pfizer wishes to protect itself against any commercial onslaught.
Pfizer?s court case against Vyotech's Thinphetamine®, containing the
dried plant is an example of the fierce protection of this
all-encompassing patent. Scientists say the appeitite suppressant
developed by Pfizer could become a major force in the worldwide
slimming-preparation market which has an annual turnover of billions
of Rand. South African Lawyer Roger Chennells, the attorney for the
Workgroup of Indigenous Minorities in Southern Africa (WIMSA) fought
the case for the SAN people and on 24 April 2003, an agreement was
made with the CSIR whereby the CSIR will pay the San 8% of all
milestone payments it receives from Phytopharm as well as 6% of all
royalties received by the CSIR once the drug is commercially
June 17, 2003
In Africa the Hoodia cactus keeps men alive. Now its secret is
'stolen' to make us thin
Pharmaceutical firms stand accused of once again plundering native
lore to make fortunes from natural remedies, writes Antony Barnett
Hoodia Diet Tabs -
Hoodia cactus is an exciting nutritional supplement which is a part of
a safe stimulant free way to diet. Hoodia Cactus has been used by the
indigenous San bush people in South Africa as a natural appetite
suppressant for generations. The rediscovered extract from this
african cactus has been tested in clinical trials and discovered on
obese subjects to reduce caloric intake by 30% to 40%. Meaningful
weight loss can result from such a drop in daily caloric intake.
Frequently Asked Questions (Hoodoba? diet pills)
We've prepared answers to frequently asked questions about Hoodoba?
diet pills to help you make an informed decision because we know that
the more you learn about Hoodoba? the more you'll see why it is right
for you.
The extracts of the Hoodia cactus, used by indigenous San
bushmen in Southern Africa to stave off hunger during long
hunting trips, are now available for everyone to experience.
VitaSalveo's Hoodia Weight-Loss tablets contains, unlike other
products currently on the market, pure Hoodia Gordonnii extracts.
B & T World Seeds
Hoodia gordonii in profile
commercial greenhouse operators
greenhouse contract growers