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Modelling the Universe through standard model to present day solar system.
Category: Science > Astronomy Asked by: choudhary-ga List Price: $200.00 |
16 Mar 2004 10:32 PST
Expires: 15 Apr 2004 11:32 PDT Question ID: 317285 |
To, The Reader, Dear Colleagues, Hi! I have a question and have mentioned it below ..... for you to know more about me, I have done my masters in Chemical Engineering and well am studying the cosmological literature at the moment I am pursuing to draw simulation codes at par to the latest know how with the present knowledge..... The cosmos in which we live in should be modelled to a precise level of accuracy which reveals its fine tuned nature. The present literature, alongwith the experimental signatures go ahead to give an infinite number of possibilities for the probable cosmos. A probable approach devised to land up with the above thought fantasy, would be to add in additional boundary conditions to the existing solutions which finally give rise to emergence of the single vacua in which we humans live in and which leads to a simultaneous roll up into those experimental domains where experiments have yet not been performed or are impossible. How could this a stupid fantasy as could be generally thought get realised based upon the present day know how ? Well simulations exist to be the answer. Those who have taken a sigh at this moment, or, would prefer to settle themselves as mind readers kindly excuse .... So, when I take a step as this I have planned to land myself very first with an enriched code which collectively should containing the features of the cosmos as much as has been placed in the literature ... once I land up having the developed code.. I would go right ahead to setlle down with incorporating the additional boundary conditions to be placed inside it... which if possible would probably open up knowhow to higher dimensional nature of our Universe or say parallel Universes leading upon to knowledge which would divide it to be a fact or fiction and well even the exact initial force field .... let me call it the unknown or say GOD gets answered. Those who think that the said statements would be speculations etc... kindly excuse .. Now what I need is a simulation from the standard model to the present day earth as detailed as possible if one could place high tide as well as low tide on the earth surface, the sun and even the solar system (probably the idea sounds crazy to the author himself :)) ) I shall be glad to have them... However the price as mentioned initially would even get hiked if required and felt appropriate... as for the satisfaction... Generally on the net these simulations are scattered in bits and pieces I need some one who would collect all of them together link them together (by linking I mean the codes get unified) and then point out the link from where the codes could be downloaded collectively (the modified one) and individually the ones available on the net .... Remember the system should be able to evolve itself and land upto the scenarios mentioned..... Their could be modelling difficulties which would exist in terms of gaps for the knowhow present in the literature, the person who settles himself on this task could have the leisure to incorporate direct transitions (and make a mention of them all and give a complete narrative..of them .) ... for the unknown .... However once the code is ran successfully and at this end the author is satisfied well the person could get the price... Answer - Editors please note ... Those answering me kindly communicate with me which exists as a precondition before you claim the price. However satisfaction gauranteed price could be even hiked. | |
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Re: Modelling the Universe through standard model to present day solar system.
From: hlabadie-ga on 26 Mar 2004 09:31 PST |
Considering the literally thousands of man-years and hundreds of computers linked in parallel that have been used to produce the limited cosmological simulations that currently exist, I don't see how any single person possibly could write the program desired. It would require the resources of many computer science departments and astronomy departments of many universities with government funding even to come close. http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/AboutUs/People/Divisions/divisions46.html hlabadie-ga |
Re: Modelling the Universe through standard model to present day solar system.
From: pinkfreud-ga on 26 Mar 2004 16:00 PST |
To have that much detail, this would probably have to be an actual-size model. Where would we keep it? ;-) |
Re: Modelling the Universe through standard model to present day solar system.
From: choudhary-ga on 27 Mar 2004 10:59 PST |
Dear Pink, The problem is planned to be handled with a modeller's gloves. So, when handling these data comes in the code would be made extra intelligent such that if initially one starts with actual cosmos in relativistic space, the final outcome of the code would be only the solar system in newtonian space which gets (is required) to be looked in as a single entity, at that stage of the problem (problem has been considered to be the code running at a transient run at which it would be worthwhile to define in a creation of a solar system), consisting of planets as their fundamental building blocks in newtonian space rather than relativistic space (though this does not imply that relativistic conditions would get sacrificed thorughout the runs but smooth transitions would be incorporated into) which itself would be the feature of the code.. rather then go ahead to look at it as a fundamental form of interaction of the standard model (which probably could be thought by some).... finally post processing a collection of few of these smart transient runs obtained would do the rest. Hence, a capacity of storing a few hundreds of Gigabytes, or, in its multiples would be sufficient for the thought work now in the present light. |
Re: Modelling the Universe through standard model to present day solar system.
From: choudhary-ga on 27 Mar 2004 12:07 PST |
Dear Hlabadie, Definitely, thousands of man years could be reduced to a couple of years of evolution and further modelled to say start with million particles in the very initial run of the simulation and end up having a simulation in its last run having only a few dozens of particles between these two extreme conditions lie my initial sets of computations .... Kindly have a look at reply given to pinkfreud-ga However, at a later stage I would be incorporating next generation advanced programming concepts which probably would be worked out on my own or say by my team (group of friends), (University where I would be pursuing my higher studies (Graduate Studies) or my professional work place after my studies).. for which I would be posing further questions when the requirement of it would be felt, which incase I succeed (their exists a great deal of probability here, things may/may not, work) as I have thought of now, then, the computation period required further grows thin .. and to be more precise am modelling things rather then accounting for each and every second .. I am interested more towards simulating and reaching the limiting cases conditions of our present knowhow and have them present with me in a concentrated manner.. in terms of a simulation... as soon as possible so as to leisurely grow the code........ When it comes to the funding .... funding is the secondary stage of growth of a project (Modelling the Universe as in our case) ... where the primary stage exists to be working out the strategy in a realistic and highly methodical way ..... initially using a pen and a paper. And, then directing them through to the entire workforce. At this junction I am in my initial stages and hence the quench for funding is felt necessary and till now has yet not been felt... that badly.... However experimental signatures obtained from the reactors could keep us guessing about the finer details of the Universe for next few decades... but modeller's do not stop there...... Cheer's HKC. |
Re: Modelling the Universe through standard model to present day solar system.
From: saroul-ga on 31 Mar 2004 06:00 PST |
Dear Choudhary-ga, and other friends, I have read your question in which you have desired to get some one to provide you the computerized standard model of the Universe to present day Solar System. You have, however, put your subject as under: ?Modelling the Universe through standard model to present day solar system? From your question under reference, I am sure that it sheds the high degree of understanding about the Cosmos and the interest shown in your subject, it gives an impression that your knowledge is deep. I also congratulate other researchers and comment writers who have taken so much time and pain to understand the deep question and then tried to reply to you in detail. You have asked the scientific world to provide you the computerized model of the Universe that could satisfy you but I feel that it has never been provided by anyone so far. Still I have brief comments to make, which I hope you would take it in the right spirit: Though I have no right to say what I am going to say, it is essential to help removal of the confusion in your mind through this specialized forum. Thanks in advance for allowing me to send my comments. The present theory which is accepted by the scientists is ?Big Bang? and you would also be knowing that it is recently contradicted by another theory of ?Two Big Bangs? and if you happen to read this book titled ?Two Big Bangs Created the Universe? (Formed in Eternal Space), I feel confident that after reading the latest theory which has already given the graphics in the book, may serve as a future model of the Universe, though that may not exactly be the same that you long for, however, it can definitely serve your purpose to a great extent in view of the new hypothesis. This new theory of Two Big Bangs is based on the prehistory of the Universe, which has the tracing of more than 1 trillion, 250,000 billion years before the occurrence of the Big Bang and is based on 349 authentic references including that of NASA and world University Researchers. Before I give my detailed comments, may I suggest to you to get the book and read it, it may help to remove your doubts and may provide you the new notion of the model that you are seeking for. The question may arise where from to purchase the book? Better log on www.twobigbangs.com and under query you may get the right address to get the book. If my other colleagues have some doubt, I would also suggest to them to read the new theory, it may also change their mind or revolutionize their thoughts along with yours. I have no hesitation to mention that the question, answers and the comments whosoever have given, deserve appreciation and show their deep knowledge on the subject and let us continue to make the subject more educative and comprehensive. saroul-ga |
Re: Modelling the Universe through standard model to present day solar system.
From: choudhary-ga on 31 Mar 2004 10:25 PST |
Dear Saroul-ga, Thanks a lot for placing Dr. Baldev's work... I would be glad if you note the additional questions that have been posed by me ... and based upon it get to the purpose of the question posted... the question posed is not for debating whether their existed a big bang or whether brane collisions produced our cosmos or whether their had been no big bang, but, its for a kind of continuity thread to be obtained from the initial conditions (as known to us in literature) to our latest situations... simultaneously moving down to extremities... and thats the only purpose of the question... ... which has been posed... for you to have a clearer picture of the space where the discussions exist I would request you to kindly spare your time on looking at the additional questions posed.... so that a better understanding of the domain where the discussions exist become clear ... and you help me in more ways than one..... I am not asking the scientific world to do anything any favours of constructing a model in a way out of their profession... but am aiming to collect the discussions (in terms of software developed and link them together) on the work done in the literature which show different aspects of our cosmos ....... once I have this I plan to work out my model in my profession in my way.... Out of your devoted interest towards the question posed I share one of the goals of the work which is to explain and define those laws which melt and are unknown to us on time scales before 10^-43 seconds, remember even reactors do not have the answer. However this is one of the complexity levels at which the problem is being handled. |
Re: Modelling the Universe through standard model to present day solar system.
From: saroul-ga on 03 Apr 2004 09:24 PST |
Dear friend, I am happy to learn that your ultimate aim is to collect the discussions, in terms of software developed and link them together on the work done in the literature which shows different aspects of our cosmos on one hand and to plan your model in your profession in your own way on the other. You feel that even reactors do not have the answer, so far the time scales before 10-43 seconds. I am confident when people like you are here with so much spirit and energy, you have better chances to succeed. Any how, I shall suggest to you it would be better if you read the Two Big Bangs Created the Universe by Dr. Raj Baldev. You may not lose anything if you do it, you may gain another idea which can help in your great research. I shall revert to you soon. saroulga |
Re: Modelling the Universe through standard model to present day solar system.
From: alkali-ga on 03 Apr 2004 13:59 PST |
I'm pretty sure that the correct answer is that you cannot model the universe, not because of a lack of time, or space or resources (thought experiment: do this in a universe significantly larger than our own - that's where you would keep it ;-) but because it is impossible. Our current understanding of the universe indicates that processes not only happen randomly but MUST happen randomly in order to avoid violating the undertainty principle. This is a the basis of complex dynamics, and it involves the idea that the only way to predict the outcome of a complex dynamical system is by actually doing the thing that you are trying to predict. Thus, if you were able to build a simulator for our universe in a computer in a larger universe, and model the initial conditions exactly, the outcome would be a universe that bore no resemblance to our own. In fact, you would have to run the simulation an infinite number of times to get the exact outcome that is our universe, but you would never know it because, in order to compare the simulation with our universe to prove they were the same, you would once again have to violate the uncertainty principle. Hence, the universe is its own simulator. Enjoy it. The answer is 42. Alan Kali |
Re: Modelling the Universe through standard model to present day solar system.
From: choudhary-ga on 04 Apr 2004 10:10 PDT |
Dear Saroul, I would be glad if you kindly make note of a point that linking the softwares is a kind of review work undertaken... I hope you have understood the way in which the goal has been planned to achieve (to make it more clear kindly note once you have to erect a plant on a site you have a survey once you are through your survey again and again defintely you could go ahead building your ownnn bla bla bla.... etc) .. Anyway thanks for pointing out Baldev's work as a reminder to me... I am a bit forgetfull... I hope now it shall stay in my memory... Anyways I can assure you of definitely going through his work once I complete my model ... since ... to declare the completion of my work minimum to myself in the preliminary stages would be to have a simultaneous comparision of the model being developed prediction's to other's, and, well their is where how the bang or no bang or n-bangs exist would be debated and their authenticities further probed... and proven..... Well lets see how quick the goal gets achieved. |
Re: Modelling the Universe through standard model to present day solar system.
From: choudhary-ga on 04 Apr 2004 10:22 PDT |
Dear Alkali, Thanks for your comment... at this very moment I have not permitted my ownself to comment as briefly as would have been a professional reply ...on your comment... All I could say is let's wait with fingers crossed say for another few years by when well this person's work at this end would be over.... till then lets be reminded of a story told long long ago. In the primitive days of a village which had never seen torchlight... a stranger (say from a city) crossed this village one night when it was pitch dark... the few people who were awake ran inside their houses closed all the doors... and dared not to come out... next morning when everyone came out and asembled in front of the village headman (the wise fellow) the headman told it was a cat carrying a cart.... full of his kittens... today would you beleive it ??? Probably the doubt should be clear by now...... |
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