Hi adamandu,
First let me direct you to the "Meaning of Life: Frequently Asked
Questions page". Yes, there really is one, and it covers just about
everything from "What is humanity's place in the cosmos?" to "Why
should I get up in the morning?":
"FAQ about the Meaning of Life"
Next, there is a page that suggests that people often ask about the
meaning of life when they really want the answer to some other
question, and then attempts to answer those other questions:
"The Meaning of Life"
By the way, I should mention that this same question has featured
before on Google Answers. It was asked (for $4) by tafora-ga in April
2002, and he or she got an answer from katwoman-ga which explored
sites listed in Google and Yahoo's Personal Philosophy and Meaning of
Life categories:
It was also asked (for $2) by googlsky-ga in November 2002, and he or
she got an answer from bobby_d-ga which explored the meaning of "life"
according to the dictionary, and generated a good deal of discussion
in the comments:
It was also asked (for $20) by qpet-ga in January 2003, and he or she
got a succinct and thoughtful $20 answer from journalist-ga:
Reynolea-ga asked the same question in October 2002 (for $2), and
politicalguru-ga gave a chatty answer here:
Polikashin-ga upped this to $2.50 when asking in November 2002, and
also received an answer by politicalguru-ga, who must specialize in
"meaning of life" questions:
Another researcher who seems to specialize in "meaning of life"
questions is katwoman-ga who, in addition to the question already
listed, tackled koffie-ga's question of May 2002. Koffie upped his
offering to $4, but for that wanted to know about "the universe an
everything" in addition to "life":
For the next part of this answer, I used Google's wildcard search
facility and found the following answers on the web, which might
provide insight into the meaning of life:
The meaning of life is:
- to increase fitness
- impaired by fixed notions on what it is to be human
- usual Monty Python stuff
- presented as a series of sketches
- shopping
- to give and receive love
- to find something you love doing
- to reproduce
- a film
- life's meaning
- all about learning through living
Finally, however, I found the ultimate answer here:
"The meaning of life is being alive"
I certainly can't argue with that!
Google search strategy:
intitle:"the meaning of life"
"the meaning of life is *"
eiffel-ga |
Request for Answer Clarification by
05 Apr 2004 10:23 PDT
The thing is there are a number of ways of interpreting the original
question. On a practical level, you could say the meaning of life is
to create more life, e.g. go forth and procreate.
As you guessed though, I was looking for more of a meta-physical answer.
The spiritual leaders from the last 5000 years or so have not managed
to really satisfactorily answer the question, for me anyway. As
Google accesses 5 gazillion or so pages of information (or however
many it is), I thought it/you was the most likely place to find such
To return to your question, I will admit to not knowing either way for
sure if life does have a meaning. If I was 100% sure, I probably
wouldn't need to ask the question in the first place.
However, as a relatively optimistic, and dare I say it, intelligent,
sort of chap, I did hope that there was some meaning to life beyond
the aforementioned practical reason.
So, to rephrase my question:
"Assuming life has a meaning, what is the meaning of life?"