It's my first time using this service. So, I'm starting with a
conservative rewards.
I?m looking for a researcher who really has an in-depth knowledge on
Hong Kong IT job market, preferable have been living in Hong Kong for
many years. I won't accept the answer that just comes with web links.
Since I'm also an IT guy and have done a lot of career search in
Google. What I'm looking for is an insightful idea.
So, if there's any expert like this, please leave me a note and I'll
start to clarify my question. Thanks. |
Request for Question Clarification by
16 Apr 2004 02:21 PDT
Hello wkliu-ga,
Since this is your first time using Google Answers you might want to
review the pricing guidelines. Questions priced $2-$5 "Can be answered
with a single link or a single piece of information. Sometimes, if a
researcher is personally interested in the question's subject, they
may provide a longer answer."
You also say you've done a lot of online career searching and that
what you want "is an insightful idea." If anyone is going to attemt a
single "insightful idea" as an answer we'll need to know more about
your situation. What kind of IT job you're looking for? What is your
work history/experience/qualifications? Do you have target
companies/industries you're interested in? What have you tried
already? The more you tell us about your situation, the more likely
someone might have that single "insightful idea" for you.
Best wishes for your career success.
~ czh ~
Clarification of Question by
22 Apr 2004 00:46 PDT
Well, I'm currently at my career crossroad. I don't know which career
path should I go for. First, let me spell out my background:
- Master degree in Computer Science from U. of Southern California
- Around 4 years IT working experience, mainly in banking and finance institutions
- Strong in Java and Web technologies
The problem is that the tech career in Hong Kong is so depressing.
Here so much emphasis is put on business knowledge and so-called
?project management?. They don?t value the coding and technical design
that much. Also, giving the trend of out-sourcing and reducing IT
budget, IT looks even worse.
As Hong Kong is a regional finance center, I have been working in
different banks. Since they?re the rich guys with money while most of
the tech companies are downsizing. However, working in banks, the tech
people are treated like a second-class citizen.
Anyhow, would like to have some insightful advice on the following issues:
- In Hong Kong IT market, what is the career path for tech people?
Given that HK is so business-oriented and also the outsourcing trend.
- Should I work in banks where I can get stable income, or work in
tech companies where I found more interesting?
- What are the differences, in terms of career development, between
working in banks, consulting firms or tech companies?
- What is the salary for a 4-year developer in Hong Kong? Especially,
I?d like the salary information of different investment banks,
financial institutions, consulting firms and the tech companies. I
always heard that tech companies don?t pay good money. Please try to
include the following companies for salary information:
Banking and Finance Companies
Morgan Stanley
Goldman Sach
Merrill Lynch
Consulting and Tech Firms
McKinsey (Business Technology Office)
Sun Microsystems
Request for Question Clarification by
22 Apr 2004 17:55 PDT
Hello again wkliu-ga,
I don't know enough about the Hong Kong IT job market to give you a
quick and simple answer from my personal experience. I'm afraid I
couldn't do justice to researching all the questions you ask at the
price you've posted. Maybe some other Researcher will be able to help.
Best wishes for your career success.
~ czh ~
Clarification of Question by
22 Apr 2004 19:43 PDT
Hello czh-ga and thanks for your attempt first.
I know the question is very HK specific and that's why I've already
stated clearly in my question: "I?m looking for a researcher who
really has an in-depth knowledge on Hong Kong IT job market,
preferable have been living in Hong Kong for many years."