Hi again, Ipri,
I apologize that my answer was not what you were looking for.. I
will try again to provide you with more books, forums and other
publications. It's just hard when you're not yet a researcher or
getting thanked or paid for anything you do (hope google reads
THIS)... I often times can't leave the most thorough answer that I
would like to, because I have people who WILL compensate me for my
work. But since no one else will help you.. here is some more to
answer your question:
Internet Psychology Forums:
The above are articles posted by Self Help Magazine, with online
discussion forums. Topics here are Cyber Love, Internet Sexuality,
and Crossing the Line, On Line. It goes hand in hand with the other
shpm.com link I gave you.
Here's a very nice discussion board by Ernest Wolfe, with many people
(and social psychologists) talking about how people can get so wrapped
up in the Internet that they spend hours online (sounds like me!! :)):
* Mail & Internet Surveys: The Tailored Design Method, by Don A.
* Caught in the Net: How to Recognize the Signs of Internet
Addiction-And a
Winning Strategy for Recovery, by Kimberly S. Young
* Psychological Experiments on the Internet, by Michael H. Birnbaum,
* Psychology & the Internet: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, and
Communications, by Jayne Gackenbach
* Online Communication: Linking Technology, Identity, & Culture, by
* Sex & The Internet: A Guide Book for Clinicians, by Al Cooper,
* The Electronic Dream, by John Fuhrman
* Katie.com: My Story, by Katherine Tarbox
* DSM-IV: Internet Companion
* The Psychology of the Internet, by Patricia Wallace
* Cyberflirt, How to attract anyone, anywhere, on the world wide web,
* Children's Journeys through the Information Age, by Sandra Calvert
* E-Therapy, Case Studies, Guiding Principles, and the Clinical
Potential of
the Internet, by Robert C. Hsuing
* The Internet in the Workplace, by Patricia Wallace
* Male, Female, E-mail, the Struggle for Relatedness in a Paranoid
Society, by
Michael Civin
* How to use Computers and Cyberspace in the Clinical Practice of
Psychotherapy, by Jeri Fink
* Culture of the Internet, by Sara Kiesler, Editor
* Cybersex, the Secret World of Internet Sex, by Adam Bullmore
* The Control Revolution, How the Internet is putting Individuals in
Charge and
Changing the World we Know, by Shapiro and Leone
* Self-Games and Body-Play, Personhood in Online Chat and Formations
by Dennis
Waskul, * Won't be published until January 2003
All of the above books can be purchased at Amazon.com by using the
following link:
Other Internet Psychology Articles:
This is a book review of Patricia Wallace's Psychology of the Internet
book, mentioned above:
Here's an article called "Two by Two in Cyberspace: Getting Together &
Connecting Online" :
Here's a Post Graduate research study, in the way people use e-mail;
Here's an article on Consumer Psychology & the Internet:
Finally, the link that ends ALL links, provided by Google, with about
50 or so wonderful Internet Psychology links, from studies, to online
questionnaires, to forums, discussions, etc.
The third page listed, called "The Psychology of Cyberspace" is a very
nice and very entertaining. The direct link to it is;
Ipri, I hope this finally gets you what you are looking for. If you
have any other questions, please post them & I will get back to you
asap. If you are pleased with my work, please contact Google and let
them know (so they can take my researcher application seriously).. and
I'd also appreciate if you let me know if I have helped you.
Thanks again for the opportunity to help, and to learn more about this
interesting area, (I'm a Psychology major!)
-Rebekah |