The Portuguese version is the easiest to buy. The Afrikaans and
Chinese versions are available at the University of Southern
Mississippi, and you might consider inter-library loan to obtain them.
"George, o Curioso"
The publisher in Brasil is Martin Fontes. You can order the book
online directly from the publisher:
University of Southern Missippi has the Afrikaans and Chinese
"Ju ch'eng chi"
Published 1989
"Pietie Pedaal"
Published by Human & Rousseau (1973)
The Afrikaans version might be out-of-print since the publisher no
longer lists it on its web page. See the children's catalog at Human &
Search terms: hans rey, curious george, curioso, afrikaanse,
portuguese, chinese
I hope this helps. I'm a life-long Curious George fan too. |
Clarification of Answer by
26 Jun 2002 02:09 PDT
I notice that those links to University of Southern Mississippi have
timed out. Sorry about that. Apparently, it's not possible to link
directly to a catalog entry at that library.
In any case, you can go to:
Click on "search anna." You can search using the titles above, or do
an author search on "rey, hans"
Request for Answer Clarification by
26 Jun 2002 10:30 PDT
Thanks for the info. I'm glad the Portuguese version is readily
available. Could you let me know what the publisher of the Chinese
version is? Also, are there any used versions of either the Chinese
or the Afrikaans books? Thanks a lot. :)
Clarification of Answer by
26 Jun 2002 11:18 PDT
The publisher of the Chinese edition was located in Hong Kong.
Unfortunately, the only listings I can find show it written in
phonetic Chinese. I found one library that lists it as:
"Ji du jiao wen yi chu ban she"
The University of Southern Mississippi listing below would clearly be
pronounced the same, but it's spelled differently.
[Curious George. Chinese]
Title: Ju ch?eng chi /
Edition: Ch?u pan.
Publisher: Hong Kong : Chi tu chiao wen i ch?u pan she, 1989.
[Curious George. Afrikaans]
Title: Pietie Pedaal / deur H.A. Rey
Edition: Eerste Afrikaanse uitgawe
Publisher: Pretoria : Human & Rousseau, 1973
ISBN: 0798102241
As for used copies, I looked at the inventories of the South African
book dealers affiliated with Abebooks.com, and none of them seem to
currently have it. However, you might try contacting some of them to
see if they can find it for you.
Go to:
Select "South Africa" from the menu and click on "search"
Here's a list of Hong Kong bookstores (some just sell computer books,
but many are general bookstores):
I tried the web site of one called Commercial Press, which is often
identified on the web as Hong Kong's biggest bookstore. The site is in
Chinese, but I did a search on "curious," and they do have "Curious
George Goes to the Hospital" and "Curious George Gets a Medal."
However, I'm not sure whether they're in Chinese or English. They
don't seem to list the original book.
Good luck on your search. I hope I've been of some help. As I say, I'm
a big fan too. I even wrote a letter to H.A. Rey when I was 5.