1. Leading companies in the world that develop navigation system software
This answer may generate some debate. In my opinion the leading companies are:
DeLorme -- www.delorme.com
Destinator (a division of HTSC) -- www.destinator1.com
Garmin -- www.garmin.com (they are also a hardware manufacturer)
Magellan (a division of Thales Navigation)-- www.magellangps.com (they
are also a hardware manufacturer; they supplied Hertz with NeverLost)
Pharos -- www.pharosgps.com
TomTom -- www.tomtom.com
TravRoute -- www.travroute.com
There are a large number of other, smaller companies that are
developing software of this kind as well.
2. Which are the leading companies that develop the maps.
This one will not generate much debate. The leading companies are:
NAVTEQ (formerly Navigation Technologies)-- www.navtech.com
TeleAtlas (who recently acquired GDT) -- www.teleatlas.com
3. What are the main collaborations between software navigation systems
developers and map developers?
Most of the software companies do not have their own map databases.
The two exceptions are DeLorme and TravRoute, both of which have their
own databases for the U.S. The map database companies have APIs that
developers can use to build applications but don't market applications
of their own.
Some software companies license data from only one map database
company and others license data from both.
Destinator licenses principally from NAVTEQ
TomTom licenses data from TeleAtlas
Pharos licenses from TeleAtlas
4. And what are the main collaborations between software navigation
systems developers and relevant hardware manufacturers?
Siemens' VDOdayton (www.vdodayton.com) licenses data from both NAVTEQ and TeleAtlas
Visteon, which was spun-off from Ford, (visteon.com) has been talking
about developing a system for a few years. They may or may not have
selected suppliers yet.
Detinator, Pharos, TomTom and TravRoute all have products that run on
PDAs and "Smart Phones".
5. Public Companies
Many of the companies listed above are publicly traded. Some
exceptions include DeLorme, Pharos and TravRoute. |