Hello again, sazypug-ga,
Thanks for asking a very interesting and -- like all matters having to
do with copyright -- somewhat frustrating question.
Please bear in mind that I am not a legal professional, and nothing
here shoudld be construed as legal advice. It is always wise to
consult an appropriate professional if you have any outstanding
questions or concerns.
Issues of copyright and public domain are rarely clear-cut,
particularly in the Information Age, when new forms of reproduction
have raised new and challenging questions of when an existing work can
or cannot be copied.
Happily, though, you are looking for names of fairly famous
characters, and this simplifies things. Famous names belonging to
works that are copyright-protected are jealously guarded. Any misuse
of such names is likely to be challenged, and questions of ownership
can lead to bruising battles.
For instance, this article from Fortune Magazine:
is titled "The Curse of Pooh" and it opens with: "Sure, kids love
him. But he's made everyone close to him miserable. Just ask Disney,
which is locked in a billion-dollar battle over his rights..."
So...no using Winnie the Pooh as one of your names!
Another happy fact for you is that your main interest is in classical
fairy tale characters. There is one very useful rule in copyright law
that will will greatly help to clarify things for you -- works
originally published prior to 1923 are now in the public domain. If
it's dated December 31, 1922 or earlier, you can use it.
As the US Copyright Office puts it in one of its helpful (but
convoluted) information circulars:
"...the U. S. copyright in any work published or copyrighted prior to
January 1, 1923, has expired by operation of law, and the work has
permanently fallen into the public domain in the United States..."
Knowing this opens up a large list of works -- and the characters from
those works -- that are free from copyright, and therefore available
for your use without restriction. Works dated 1923 or later can also
fall into the public domain under particular circumstances, but most
of the "fairy tale" type characters have long, histories, and are
thoroughly in the public domain.
I've compiled a lengthy list of such characters for your consideration.
Since you also asked about the popularity of any given character, I've
included information on the number of times the character's name
appears in a Google search -- this is the best "polling" indicator I
can think of for quickly assessing the level of familiarity the public
has with a particular character.
(that is, known by a great many people)
Peter Pan (2,350,00 Google search 'hits')
Aladdin (2,200,000)
Dracula (2,160,000)
Cinderella (1,830,000)
Snow White (1,520,000)
Frankenstein (1,440,000)
Robin Hood (1,300,000)
Tarzan (1,270,000)
Wizard of Oz -- (1,110,000)
Sleeping Beuaty (1,100,000)
King Arthur (1,030,000)
Sherlock Holmes (753,000)
Gulliver (751,000)
Pinocchio (748,000)
Alice (707,000 -- searched on [Alice Wonderland])
Moby Dick (617,000)
Ivanhoe (525,000)
Phantom of the Opera (419,000)
Lancelot (414,000)
Black Beauty (379,000)
Oliver Twist (337,000)
Dorothy (319,00 -- searched on [ Dorothy Oz ])
Rapunzel (307,000)
Mother Goose (303,000)
Scrooge (287,000)
Tom Sawyer (266,000)
Ali Baba (237,000)
Peter Rabbit (235,000)
Don Quixote (227,000)
Little Red Riding Hood (219,000)
Tinkerbell (207,000)
Little John (204,000)
Jekyll and Mr Hyde (201,000)
Pied Piper (192,000)
Robinson Crusoe (187,000)
Seven Dwarfs (186,000)
Uncle Tom (181,000)
Tin Man (169,00 -- searched on [ tin man oz ])
Huckleberry Finn (168,000)
Dorian Gray (168,000)
Jane Eyre (155,000)
Humpty Dumpty (134,000)
Pollyanna (129,000)
Chesire Cat (126,000)
Tom Thumb (113,000)
Hansel and Gretel (108,000)
Mad Hatter (106,000)
Hunchback of Notre Dame (106,000)
The Three Musketeers (105,000)
Tiny Tim (102,000)
William Tell (99,200)
Jack and Jill (85,500)
Puss in Boots (78,500)
Long John Silver (72,200)
Captain Hook (70,200)
Munchkins (70,000)
Three Blind Mice (67,700)
Little Bo-Peep (66,700)
Jack and the Beanstalk (63,200)
David Copperfield (60,900 -- searched on [ David Copperfield Dickens ])
Knights of the Round Table (59,800)
Rip Van Winkle (56,300)
Captain Nemo (55,000)
Little Boy Blue (39,500)
Wicked Witch (38,200 -- searched on wicked witch oz ]
Old Mother Hubbard (35,500)
Captain Ahab (33,300)
Cowardly Lion (33,100)
Little Miss Muffet (32,000)
Tweedle Dee/Tweedle Dum (28,600)
Friar Tuck (25,000)
Peter Piper (25,000)
Brer Rabbit (24,800)
The Tortoise and the Hare (21,700)
Ghost of Christmas Past/Present/Future (20,500)
Guenevere (18,100)
Sheriff of Nottingham (16,600)
Old King Cole (14,600)
Hans Brinker (13,500)
Little Jack Horner (10,000)
For the most part, I've focused the above list on characters from
fairy tales and popular fiction. Of course, there are many well known
characters from other sources, such as history (Achilles is big these
days, and there are plenty of standbys such as Davey Crockett, Daniel
Boone, Abraham Lincoln) and the Bible (Adam and Eve, Noah, King
Solomon) that offer additional possibilities for you to consider.
If there are particular titles or characters that are of interest to
you, let me know and I'll be most happy to do some additional research
for you as to their status regarding public domain.
In the course of my searching, I came across a number of excellent
resources that you should be aware of:
FPD -- Free Public Domain fairy tales
Public Domain Books
The Real Mother Goose
a list of the rhymes
This list contains many of the most familiar nursey rhyme/fairy tale
charachters known.
The Brothers Grimm: Grimms' Fairy Tales
and their copyright notice at:
"The works that appear here are in the public domain. While we cannot
assert copyright on the works themselves, we do claim a copyright on
the site design, the HTML rendering of the text, the site's look and
feel, and the back-end code and database that runs the site.
Plain-text copies of these works are available from other sources and
may be made available here in the future..."
A site geared towards people who wish to publish texts online. It
covers in considerable detail (perhaps more than you wanted to know --
but a good resource, just the same) the copyright norms in the US and
elsewhere around the world, and the steps needed to insure a work is
in the pubolic domain.
A terrific overview of intellectual property in general (written from
the perspective of those wanting to protect their works and the
characters within) that covers not only copyright, but trademarks as
In a nutshell -- and from my perspective as a non-legal professional
-- it boils down to this. An old work like Pinocchio is solidy in the
public domain. Particular works can still be copyrighted -- as is
the case with the Disney movie of the same name -- and the character
name itself can be protected by a trademark. However, these
latter-day protections cover only specific products -- the actual
movie, or a Pinocchio doll that has been trademarked -- but do not
protect the name itself.
If you've seen the movies Shrek and Shrek2 (both copyrighted, of
course), you'll get a good sense of this. The movies are full of
familiar characters -- including Pinocchio -- but the images of them
are all new, since the familiar Disney image of Pinocchio is
I hope that's clear. But before rating this answer, please feel free
to ask for any additional information you might like. Just post a
Request for Clarification, and I'll be happy to assist you further.
search strategy: Google searches on:
("public domain" OR "copyright free") fairy tale
("public domain" OR "copyright free") book
("public domain" OR "copyright free") text
("public domain" OR "copyright free") story
("public domain" OR "copyright free") cartoon |