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Q: Apteryx -> Archae0pteryx ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   3 Comments )
Subject: Apteryx -> Archae0pteryx
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: archae0pteryx-ga
List Price: $2.01
Posted: 10 Jul 2004 16:51 PDT
Expires: 09 Aug 2004 16:51 PDT
Question ID: 372467
Will you still talk to me if I change my name?

This is the name I wanted in the first place, but it was taken. 
Apparently it still is, although it's never been used.  (Puzzling.)  I
finally decided to take the plunge with a slight variation in

Now if I can just type all those letters right.

Bryan, Pink, and others, do note--the nickname still works!

(formerly Apteryx)

Request for Question Clarification by pinkfreud-ga on 10 Jul 2004 17:29 PDT
Do we get to call you "Archie?" :-D

Clarification of Question by archae0pteryx-ga on 10 Jul 2004 17:42 PDT
Ha ha, Pink.  Tryxie still suits me fine, especially as it was so
kindly bestowed by you and Bryan.  Even if I had changed my name to
"MaryContrary" or "SusieRainbow," I wouldn't want to give up that
affectionate epithet.  All I've actually done is add some intermediate
letters, expanding my pseudonymous silhouette in an all-too-familiar
middle-aged sort of way...


Request for Question Clarification by pinkfreud-ga on 10 Jul 2004 17:44 PDT
>> All I've actually done is add some intermediate
>> letters, expanding my pseudonymous silhouette...
Size doesn't count, Tryx. ;-)

Clarification of Question by archae0pteryx-ga on 10 Jul 2004 18:02 PDT
Well, I guess you've answered the question, anyway, Pink.  It seems to
be yes.  Thanks!  So do you want to post it?

Subject: Re: Apteryx -> Archae0pteryx
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 10 Jul 2004 18:16 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Dear Madame A,

I can't speak for everyone, but from my standpoint, an Apteryx by any
other name would spell as sweet.

Welcome to Google Answers, Archae0pteryx. You may have a zero in the
middle of your name, but you're of infinite worth to me, as long as
you're up to your old tryx. :-)

L'oeuf & quiches from
Pinque Froid
archae0pteryx-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $8.08
Rosy Pink,

Your surpassingly charming answer made me blush your favorite color. 
Merci, mon chere amie.


Subject: Re: Apteryx -> Archae0pteryx
From: pinkfreud-ga on 10 Jul 2004 20:32 PDT
So I sez to myself, "Self, I think this Archae0pteryx person is going
to be very, very popular on Google Answers. She's a big tipper, she
ain't stingy with the stars, she blushes, and she speaks French."

Then I sez to myself, "Self, drop the cutesypoo stuff and thank the lady."

Thank you, Tryxie, for the kind words, the ego-boosting stars, and the
generous tip. All are muchly appreciatified. Uh-oh, the cutesypoo
stuff is sneaking in again... where is that can of "Deep Words OFF?"

Subject: Re: Apteryx -> Archae0pteryx
From: missy-ga on 26 Aug 2004 06:59 PDT
Hey Archae0pteryx,

Leaving a comment here because I know you'll get notified!

I hear you were looking for me the other day!  As it happens, I wasn't
even home (busy getting Monsters set for school), so I didn't get to
answer your question before you closed it.  Just wanted to let you
know that I'm alive and kicking, and thank you for asking after me.

Still around, just frightfully busy at the moment.


Subject: Re: Apteryx -> Archae0pteryx
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 28 Aug 2004 11:34 PDT
Hey, Missy,

So glad to know you're still with us!  I guess Bryan must have been
joking or simply mistaken.  Well, would you have responded to the
question (# 390892)?  If so, I will repost a variant and leave it to
you.  I'm not in a rush this time.

Thanks for getting in touch!  This is one of those times that I really
wish there were some sort of mailbox system in GA (though I can see a
downside to that, all right).  This little exchange between us
couldn't possibly be of interest to anyone else.


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