Request for Question Clarification by
05 Oct 2004 14:09 PDT
Thanks for getting back to me. I think with one or two more rounds of
comments to each other, I may be able to provide an answer for you.
You are right in suspecting that there are commercial companies out
there tha make foreclosure information available for redistribution.
The main player in this field, though, is RealtyTrac, and I gather
that one has to be a pretty big outfit in order to play in their game.
RealtyTrac provides foreclosure listing information to America
Online, MSN House & Home, The Wall Street Journal Real Estate pages,
and Yahoo Real Estate, just to name some of the biggies. answer to your question is that RealtyTrac is a source of the
information you're looking for. I leave it to you to judge whether
you're ready for the big leagues here.
There's another company that also has a deep listing of foreclosure
information -- in fact, they provide some of their information to
RealtyTrac. I can provide some information on this company, though I
confess to not having an in-depth familiarity with their business
operations -- the best I could do is put you in touch with them to
explore the opportunities for yourself.
There's one more company that sometimes receives some attention as a
source of foreclosure information, but they do not seem to have a deep
database, and I don't believe they are anywhere near as comprehensive
as RealtyTrac. However, I can provide some information on this
company as well.
Lastly, I am aware of -- and can provide links to -- about 50 counties
around the country that make foreclosure information available online.
Here's an example of the information from one such county, although
each county has a different style for presenting the information, some
more comprehensive than others:
Fayette County, Ohio
Appraisals - first and third Friday of Month
Sales - second and fourth Friday of Month
Case No: 20040075CVE Date of Sale: October 8, 2004 Time: 1:00 PM.
Case Title: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. vs Evans, David A. et al
Attorney: Dennis Reimer Phone No: 330-425-4201
Place of Sale: Door of Court House, 110 E. Court St. Wash. C.H., Ohio 43160
Property Location: 40 Railroad St. Jeffersonville, Ohio 43128
Appraisal Date: 08-20-2004 (Exterior apprasial only)
Deed Reference: Volume 127 Page 2471
Property Appraised: $75,000.00 Minimum 2/3: $50,000.00
Appraisers: Wayne Taylor 121 E. Court St. Wash. C.H., Ohio 43160
Lisa Satterfield 314 E. Court St. Wash. C.H., Ohio 43160
Jim Polk 121 E. Court St. Wash. C.H., Ohio 43160
Auctioneer: Address:
Terms of Sale: 10% of sale value down on day of sale, balance due
within 30 days after receipt of confirmation of deed. No personal
checks. Buyer beware.
Sale price:
Down payment:
Deed preparation fee: $50.00
Balance Due:
Sold to:
Deed made to:
A very different sort of listing is at Craven County, NC:
10/05/04 TAX FORECLOSURES 17:07:03
001 ABOUZIED, FATHY 2 056 025 11 12 2003
002 ALANTIC STATES BANK 1 V-16 036 09 15 2004
003 ALDRIDGE, LEVI & EUGENE HEIRS 8 039 170 01 22 2004
004 ALEXANDER, WILLIAM H & JESSIE 8 044-A 064 09 17 2003 YES
005 ALLARD, WILLIAM R 6 220-E C-012 07 11 2003 YES
006 ALLEN, CHARLES P & MARLYN A 2 054 148 11 12 2003
007 ALLEN, WILFRED O & ALLEN, EVELUN D 2 017-2 104 07 11 2003 YES
008 ALLIGOOD, FLAVIUS L & MARTHA 7 107 009 00 00 0000
009 ANDERSON, FRED L JR & PAMELA ROUSE 2 035 085 09 15 2004
If you think the information on the companies and on the county
listings would suffice as an answer to your question, let me know, and
I'll be happy to post the information I have available.
And if there's something different that you're hoping for, let me know
that as well, and I'll see what I can do.
All the best,