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Why Tuesday for DVD and Movies?
Category: Arts and Entertainment Asked by: jack70-ga List Price: $2.00 |
15 Oct 2004 17:05 PDT
Expires: 14 Nov 2004 16:05 PST Question ID: 415498 |
Why are dvds and movies typically released on the same day of the week and why is that day Tuesday? How long has this practice been followed? |
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Re: Why Tuesday for DVD and Movies?
Answered By: googleexpert-ga on 15 Oct 2004 21:05 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi jack70, DVDs and Music CDs released on Tuesdays for several reasons. Sales Figures are released on Monday[1,2] Consumers know when to look for new releases[3] If a Tuesday release is selling well, there still is time to order more before the weekend.[3] Shipments of music usually begin to arrive in stores on Thursday. That gives the stores time to coordinate special midnight sales on Monday evening, as opposed to Sunday, which is usually a shorter work day[3] This practice appears to have been followed for 20 years[2,3] Please let me know if you have anymore questions. Thanks. -googleexpert References: [1] http://ask.yahoo.com/ask/20040217.html: Why do record companies release artist albums on Tuesdays? [2] http://www.enquirer.com/editions/2002/10/14/tem_stupid14.html [3] http://www.metajournalism.org/archives/000236.html [4] http://www.digitalmediafx.com/Shrek/News/shrek-dvd-released.html "When the LA Times pointed out that Tuesdays are an industry standard for DVDs and Shrek was being released on a Friday" |
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Re: Why Tuesday for DVD and Movies?
From: cryptica-ga on 15 Oct 2004 18:21 PDT |
I can't speak to DVD's, but movies are not released on Tuesdays. Most are released on Fridays. Some are released on Wednesdays, to get a head start on the weekend -- usually smaller movies do that when the studios know they're going to be trounced by blockbusters. There are industry calendars that list who's releasing what and when and the studios all jockey with each other and claim certain days, particularly around big holidays. Sometimes 2 blockbusters are registered for the same date and then there's a lot of huffing and puffing until eventually, one of the studios caves in and moves to another day. Or another year! The 2 films about President's daughters. . . the Mandy Moore one (I'm blanking on the title) and the latest one with Katie Holmes, were both supposed to open last January on the same Friday. Same plot, same everything. Warner Bros. vs 20th Century Fox. Neither would budge. Finally, Fox backed down and moved its movie to this month. And in the end, both films were bombs. |
Re: Why Tuesday for DVD and Movies?
From: chrisbrown-ga on 19 Oct 2004 21:57 PDT |
As a retailer, it was my understanding that Tuesday was always the "street date"[1] because it was the day of the week with the lowest sales. A list of music merchandisers and suppliers is on Yahoo[2] and the National Association of Recording Merchandisers site.[3] To ask an authorative souce, those would be a good start. [1] http://www.cmpda.org/english/stdate.htm [2] http://dir.yahoo.com/Business_and_Economy/Business_to_Business/Entertainment_and_Media_Production/Music/Distribution/ [3] http://www.narm.com/Content/NavigationMenu/About_NARM/Who_We_Are/What_is_NARM_.htm |
Re: Why Tuesday for DVD and Movies?
From: purplebif-ga on 26 Feb 2005 19:10 PST |
I think the question was directed at DVD & VHS releases of movies, not theatrical releases. |
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