Hello all,
I would like to know how long (in human hours) it would take to do a project
with the following deliverables:
1. a design of a PCI-X revision 1.0 core using VHDL,
2. an FPGA with the PCI-X core implemented on it,
3. a test bench implemented in VHDL,
4. a PCI-X card, that contains this FPGA and other peripheral hardware for
testing purposes,
5. a driver that will access the PCI-X card via the PCI-X bus, and
6. a program that transfers data to and from the PCI-X card via the driver.
Assume the following:
1. The PCI-X PCB, that works with a commercial PCI-X core (deliverable 4) is
2. Verilog code that implements a PCI core, like the core available from
http://www.opencores.org, may be used.
3. This project is given to one masters degree student in computer engineering
with the VHDL experience of a one semester course in rapid prototyping.
4. This student has full technical support from a company that specialises
in digital design in terms of advice, but all development should be done
by the student.
An acceptable answer will consist of:
1. A breakdown of the estamated time needed for each of the deliverables.
2. Justification for each estimate.
I shall also accept the answer if it gives the time needed for an experienced
person (or team), with a guess of how long it would take a student.
Please do not hesitate to ask for clarification, or advise on a different price.
riet-ga |