I need to find a United States patent but I only have the date it was
issued and a partial name of the person to whom it was issued. I do
have a location of the person or business to whom it was issued. Can
help me find what the patent was for and to whom it was issued? |
Request for Question Clarification by
01 Jan 2005 12:08 PST
We might be able to help you if you'd post the fragmentary information
that you have. The more you can tell us, the better.
Request for Question Clarification by
02 Jan 2005 00:41 PST
Hi czar77,
I can provide you with instructions on how to search for a patent by
date and/or partial name. Please let me know if this would suffice as
an answer to your question.
Alternatively, you can post the information you do have for assistance
in locating the specific patent you are requesting.
Waiting to hear your views.
Best wishes,
Clarification of Question by
02 Jan 2005 05:37 PST
Yes, the best would be if you are able to provide the patent
information directly. Here is the information I have which is marked
upon the object I am researching: "PAT. JUN 27 1876 F. S?H?FF?rLE
ST. LOUIS ". The best guess is that the name may be Schifferle but it
is just that a guess. Thanks again. Tim
Request for Question Clarification by
02 Jan 2005 06:37 PST
Hi czar77,
Unfortunately, the patent "search by date" facility works only with
those patents which were issued from 1976 to the present.
Hopefully another researcher will be able to help you locate this patent.
Best of luck,
Hello Tim.
Good guess! Schifferle it is!
June 27, 1876
June 27, 1876
Patent #: 179354
A link to the patent itself is here at the US Patent Office site:
and you can view it by clicking on the "Images" button. However, you
may need to download viewing software from the Patent Office site to
view the original patent.
The patent begins as follows:
Be it known that I, FRIDOLIN SCHIFFERLE, of the city of St. Louis, in
the county of St. Louis, in the State of Missouri, have made certain
Improvements in Culinary Vessels, of which the following is a
The object of this invention is to produce a cheap, safe, and
convenient vessel for common use in cooking and it consists in the
combination of a cheap earthenware vessel with surrounding bands at
top and bottom, with a handle or bail attached thereto...
I trust this information fully meets your needs. But before rating
this answer, please let me know if you need anything else. Just post
a Request for Clarification, and I'll be happy to assist you further.
All the best in the new year,
search strategy: Searched the historical patent database at
Lexis-Nexis by date to identify the Schifferle patent, and then pulled
up the patent image at the USPTO database. |
Request for Answer Clarification by
02 Jan 2005 09:04 PST
FANTASTIC!! That is what I needed!! HOORAY!!! GREAT STUFF!! I think
the info is encrypted as I was not able to print it out. Any
suggestions. Am headed to rate you with KUDOS!!! Thanks so much!!
Best, Tim
Clarification of Answer by
02 Jan 2005 09:55 PST
Glad to be of service.
I think the link I gave you may have expired. Try this as an alternative:
Head to the patent number search page:
Enter the patent number: 179354
and from the results page, try and retrieve the patent from the "Image" link.
Let me know if this works out...it's a kick to see the original
patent, so if there's any problem in pulling it up, we'll keep working
at it until you get it.
Request for Answer Clarification by
02 Jan 2005 11:45 PST
paf, Got to the patent site immediately (thanks!!) but not able to
print out info. It seems to be encrypted. Any suggestions. Thanks
again for your fine service!
Request for Answer Clarification by
02 Jan 2005 11:45 PST
paf, Got to the patent site immediately (thanks!!) but not able to
print out info. It seems to be encrypted. Any suggestions. Thanks
again for your fine service! Best, Tim
Clarification of Answer by
02 Jan 2005 12:15 PST
Glad to help, as soon as I understand what the problem is. Is it that:
1. You can see the patent on your screen, but just can't print it out?
2. You click on the "Image" link, but can't open up the image of the patent?
Let me know if it's 1 or 2 (or something else), and I'll see what I can do.
Request for Answer Clarification by
02 Jan 2005 13:12 PST
My problem is your answer #1. I get there and view it all but can't
print it. Thanks, Tim
Clarification of Answer by
02 Jan 2005 13:31 PST
If you can see it, it should print. Here's a couple of suggestions:
1. There should be two sets of commands for, e.g., printing the
image. One is the one you usually use, probably from your browser
menu. But the second option is the is the little printer icon
provided by the patent office software, which is right at the top of
the patent image (left hand side). Try using whichever one you
haven't tried yet, and see what happens.
2. If that doesn't do it, try saving the file to your PC with the
"save as" option (again, there will be two such options, so try them
3. You can save the file as a tiff file, or in bmp format. If the
first doesn't work out, try the second.
Again...let me know how it goes. Good luck.