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Q: How did this Doctor get his degree? ( Answered 4 out of 5 stars,   8 Comments )
Subject: How did this Doctor get his degree?
Category: Reference, Education and News > Consumer Information
Asked by: radioflyerx-ga
List Price: $50.00
Posted: 01 Jan 2005 15:11 PST
Expires: 31 Jan 2005 15:11 PST
Question ID: 450164
Dr. Ilchi Lee ( AKA Seung HUEN Lee AKA Seung HEUN Lee) claims to be an
enlightened person. I would like to know how he comes to call himself
We all know that someone who never studied a day in his life can be
given an honorary Doctorate because they donated huge amounts of money
or because the bequeathing school is honoring a politician or a
dignitary who has made a significant contribution to society. I cannot
seem to get the information I need by regular internet searches. I would 
like a clear-cut answer as to how this Ilchi Lee got
his doctor's degree and from whom. The founder of Dahn Hak is a
Doctor.. But of what? and what school gave him the degree- honorary or

Clarification of Question by radioflyerx-ga on 01 Jan 2005 18:23 PST
The only information I have so far is that he got his degree from Yuin
University in California. They do not appear to be an accredited
college from any major accrediting body. Is this a valid credential to
base the use of the title "Doctor" on? Is it possible that Lee has
gotten the accreditation from a different school which may be an
accrediting body? What did he do to get the degree? What did he do to
complete the course work? What year did he get this degree?

Clarification of Question by radioflyerx-ga on 02 Jan 2005 00:22 PST
I am trying to get a lock on this Yuin University in California. I
have two addresses- one in Compton ( a very economicallly depressed
area) and one in Canoga Park. I don't understand from the wording on
their site where they are and whether they are accredited or not. It
is important that I find out more information as to where Dr. Lee got
his Doctor's degree; if it is legitimate, and if the school that gave
it to him is an accredited school based on current  accreditation
More more on Yuin please! (By the way, someone joked that it really
was an interpreter's mistake, and that they didn't say Yuin- they said

Clarification of Question by radioflyerx-ga on 02 Jan 2005 11:35 PST
I erroneously cited Canoga Park (above) as an address of a YUIN
University in California. I meant Baldwin Park. Sorry. So far Any
browser searches bring up the name YUIN as a college in Hawaii, in
Baldwin Park and in Compton, CA. When I try to follow up on who this
Dr. Yu is who apparently founded YUIN University in Compton, I come up
with a few names, which I don't know if they are one and the same.
This one is the most interesting:  Henry Yu, Professor of History and
Asian American Studies, University of California, Los Angeles

Request for Question Clarification by czh-ga on 02 Jan 2005 16:03 PST
Hello radioflyerx-ga,

It seems that Yuin University was founded in Baldwin Park but has
since relocated to Compton. It is accredited by the State of
California Bureau for Private Post Secondary and Vocational Education
in the fields of Theology / Theological Studies, Acupuncture and
Business Administration and Management. I have not been able to
confirm what kind of degree (if any) Seung Heun Lee received from this
institution. Will the information about the Yuin University meet your

~ czh ~
Yuin University
2007 E. Compton Blvd. Compton, CA 90221
310.609.2704 Tel. ~ 310.609.1415 Fax.

Institutional Purpose
Yuin University is a private, international, and independent
institution of higher education consisting of the School of
Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine, the School of Business
Administration, and the School of Theology. Yuin University provides
undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate education. Yuin University
was established to fulfill the holistic needs of its students so that
they may promote mental, spiritual, physical and financial well-being
of the communities in which they live.

Historic Beginnings
Yuin University was founded on March 1, 1981 by Henry Yu, Ph.D. in the
city of Baldwin Park, California. The grand opening was held on
December 5, 1981 with the mayor of the city of Baldwin Park. Over 200
Baldwin Park residents were in attendance including Miss Baldwin Park.
In September of 1981, Yuin University received its full authorization
from the Califormia State Department of Public Instruction for its
graduate and undergraduate degree programs.
California Training & Education Providers

Clarification of Question by radioflyerx-ga on 02 Jan 2005 18:12 PST
I am raising my price because I am very satisfied with the direction
all this is going, and I am not through with finding out more:
    I need to know more about the Huin University and how Dr. Lee got
his credentials.  I also need to know if the info provided by czh
answers fully my original question: Are these accreditations which czh
says the university has received from the state of CA considered
official accreditations? Does this make Dr. Lee a real Doctor as we
normally use the word ? (eg. Dr. Henry Kissinger, Dr. Jonas Salk? Dr.
Christine Northrup? etc.)
    I need to know more about Dahn Hak as an organization (or is it
cult?) But I really need other totally objective sources- no Rick Ross
sites necessary, please (been there, read them all)

Request for Question Clarification by czh-ga on 03 Jan 2005 12:24 PST
Hello again radioflyerx-ga,

I'm glad to hear that you think the information I've found is heading
in the right direction. I have not been able to find anything to pin
down exactly what kind of Ph.D.  Dr. Seung Heun Lee has from Yuin
University. I have found quite a bit of information about Yuin
University granting lots of honorary Ph.D.'s to various celebrities
and government officials as well as evidence that professionals who
claim to have Ph.D.'s from Yuin University show that these degrees are
honorary. I'm reluctant to post this as an answer and at the same time
I'm skeptical that any clear information will be available about Dr.
Seung Heun Lee. One site I found named him "a new Moon on the horizon"
a la Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Please let me know how to proceed. I
look forward to your clarification.

~ czh ~

Clarification of Question by radioflyerx-ga on 03 Jan 2005 17:02 PST
The site you cite (sic) re: the Sun Yung Moon "a New Moon on the
Horizon" is from a Rick Ross link. As I said, I have already seen
those- everyone  of them.
Is your reluctance to post the information on Yuin University's
handouts of degrees because of legal reasons? If so, how could I get
the information legally? By you e-mailing it to me privately? If that
is the case, please feel free to do so, or ftp it somewhere, like on
my website, which I will give you access to. Whatever it takes. I
raised the stakes to $50 and I am hoping that so far it has been worth
your time. Thanks again, and please keep feeding me stuff- This is all
very important- and very personally close to me and my family.

Request for Question Clarification by czh-ga on 03 Jan 2005 18:03 PST
Hello again radioflyerx-ga,

The reference I found to "a new Moon on the horizon" came from the
James Randi Education Foundation site. Scroll down on the page to find
the section "A NEW MOON" on "Ilchi Lee, aka Seung Heun Lee".

I'm reluctant to post the information about the honorary Ph.D.'s
because the material I've found seems to be somewhat sketchy. Here are
some links to give you a better idea of what there is available.
Yuin U and California politics 
There have been earlier postings in the matter of state-approved
acupuncture school, Yuin University, awarding honorary Ph.D. degrees
to a fair number of California politicians, as they have (according to
LinguaFranca Magazine, 9/01) "been locked in a protracted licensing
dispute with the state."
Slightly OT: Honorary doctorates in Compton, CA 
Today's LA Times features a story about Yuin University, a
BPPVE-approved school in Compton, which has apparently granted several
honorary doctorates to local polticial bigwigs. See .
Ph.D.Hon.(Administration) Yuin University
Bradley holds an honorary Ph.D. from Yuin University, a school of
acupuncture. Henry Yu, Yuin's founder, has long battled with the state
to win full licensure for the school. Part of his effort has been the
granting of honorary degrees to local politicians in hopes of building
Young-Keun Park 
Honorary Ph.D., Yuin University

The indicators seem to show that Dr. Ilchi Lee is a very successful
scam artist with many enterprises. Dahn Hak is one of them.

I haven't been able to find anything solid about his doctoral degree.
Yuin University grants various Ph.D.'s (including honorary ones) that
don't seem to have much academic value although the school is
accredited in California.

Will this information meet your needs?

~ czh ~

Clarification of Question by radioflyerx-ga on 03 Jan 2005 19:08 PST
Where and how do I respond?  I it always just in this space? Or is
there another box I am missing or a link to click on where I can
respond? The reason I ask is, a response would not be considered a
clarification of the question.

Request for Question Clarification by czh-ga on 03 Jan 2005 20:55 PST
You respond here, in the clarification box. Whenever you enter
something in this box,  I am notified by e-mail. This is not true for
any remarks you make in the Comments box below. Thanks.

~ czh ~

Clarification of Question by radioflyerx-ga on 04 Jan 2005 00:51 PST
Other than saying the word "accredited"(which is obviously giving us
some difficulty here), is there in existence a rule or a law, a
decree, or a statement of standing written anywhere which clearly
defines the true and universally accepted term "doctor," that I can
cite, and then go on to say publicly or privately that Dr. Ilchi Lee
is not a doctor by any of those accepted standard?

Request for Question Clarification by czh-ga on 04 Jan 2005 11:05 PST
Hello again radioflyerx-ga,

The short answer to your question is "probably not." The granting of
academic and honorary doctorates is governed by local (national,
state) and institutional rules and varies enormously worldwide. Some
institutions have extremely low standards for issuing honorary
doctorates. In general, most institutions insist that only academic
"doctors" should use the honorific Dr. and Ph.D. designations and that
recipients of honorary doctorates should show their status. However,
there is no way to enforce such rules and customs. If Dr. Ilchi Lee
was granted an honorary Ph.D. by Yuin University there is no way he
can be stopped from calling himself Dr. and using the honorific.

I hope this information is useful. If you accept this negative answer
I will post it as the official answer and include additional
references to demonstrate my conclusions. I look forward to your

~ czh ~

Clarification of Question by radioflyerx-ga on 04 Jan 2005 13:49 PST
czh: I accept your negative answer. I ask now for you to please edit
or correct or put your unofficial seal of approval on some kind of
statement that I can use for my own personal purposes which I will
It will go like this: "Dr. Ilchi Lee (AKA Seung HUEN Lee AKA Seung
HEUN Lee) does not appear to have a valid PHD from any accredited
colleges or universities throughout America, or from any known
educational facilities in the European or Asian academic world. His
alleged degree from Yuin University in Compton, California does not
appear to be an accredited honorific decree. In general, most
institutions insist that only academic "doctors" should use the
honorific Dr. and Ph.D. designations and that recipients of honorary
doctorates should show their status. However, there is no way to
enforce such rules and customs. If Dr. Ilchi Lee was granted an
honorary Ph.D. by Yuin University there is no way he can be stopped
from calling himself "Doctor."

Request for Question Clarification by czh-ga on 04 Jan 2005 19:18 PST
Hello radioflyerx-ga,

I can share with you the information I?ve found about Yuin University
and its accreditation, information about the right to use the
honorific Dr. or Ph.D., some information about Yuin University
granting honorary degrees, and information about the various
enterprises of Ilchi Lee aka Seung Heun Lee. I have not been able to
confirm that Ilchi Lee has any connection with Yuin University. You
furnished the information that his degree was from Yuin. I have not
been able to confirm this or find out anything specific about the
basis of Ilchi Yee claiming to have a doctorate. I can?t put an
?unofficial seal of approval? on your statement about Ilchi Lee. You
can use the general information I?ve found (which I could flesh out
some more) to draw your own conclusion. Do you want me to post an
answer taking into account these limitations and considerations?

~ czh ~

Clarification of Question by radioflyerx-ga on 06 Jan 2005 22:43 PST
I am satisfied with the answers and response I have gotten from google
answers. I guess this case is closed, but please feel free to add
additional responses; or I can be reached at
Thank you any and all.
Subject: Re: How did this Doctor get his degree?
Answered By: czh-ga on 07 Jan 2005 21:02 PST
Rated:4 out of 5 stars
Hello again radioflyerx-ga,

Thank you for accepting the information I?ve collected regarding your
question about the use of the title Dr. by Ilchi Lee aka Seung Heun
Lee. You stated that he has a degree from Yuin University which is
located in Compton but also had a Baldwin Park address. You wanted to
get information about Yuin University?s accreditation and what kind of
doctoral degrees it grants. Below I?ve recapped and expanded on the
information I?ve already provided in my clarification requests.

Ilchi Lee is a controversial figure and I?m sure you?re aware of this
because you indicated that you?ve read all the Rick Ross sites and did
not need further information along those lines. It seems that Dr.
Ilchi Lee has an honorary doctorate from Yuin University. As such, he
is entitled to use the title Dr. in front of his name, although this
is not considered appropriate by many academic institutions. It is
noteworthy that none of the many websites operated by Dr. Ilchi Lee
and his many enterprises includes any information about his academic
background or degrees earned. He also does not provide information on
how he earned the Dr. honorific. You will have to draw your own
conclusions from the information I?ve collected.

Wishing you well for your project.

~ czh ~

Who is Ilchi Lee ? 

As an internationally recognized spiritual leader, and founder of the
Healing Society movement, Dr. Ilchi Lee is an educational philosopher
and world peace leader. He has established "Peaceology" for Earth
Humans, which is practicing love for humanity, love for the Earth, and
the realization of a true and lasting world peace.

After his enlightenment 25 years ago, on Mo-Ak Mountain in Korea,
Seung Heun Lee (his given name) chose the spiritual name Ilchi, which
literally means 'a finger pointing to the truth'. It symbolizes 'a
finger showing a path to enlightenment for humanity', and represents
his promise to dedicate his life to the realization of true peace for
humanity and the Earth.

***** This site gives you biographical information as well as details
about Dr. Ilchi Lee?s background and current projects, including
Dahnhak and Brain Respiration

Dr. Ilchi Lee, Creator of Dahnhak and Brain Respiration

Ilchi Lee is a world-renowned peace activist and spiritual leader. He
is the creator of Dahnhak® and Brain Respiration® (TM), a
comprehensive system of physical and mental exercises that uses the
life energy system of the body to attain spiritual awakening. He
lectures around the world on topics such as enlightenment, healing
society, and world peace, seeking to communicate the idea of an
Earth-Human as the basis for a global cultural movement for the
creation of eath peace.

***** This is another site from Dr. Ilchi Lee. There is nothing here
about his education or where he got his doctorate.

Dr. Ilchi Lee
- Chairman of World Earth Human Alliance for peace 
- Founder of International Graduate University for Peace 
- Creator of Dahn-hak and Brain Respiration
- Founder of Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center
Regarded as one of the chief spiritual leaders of Korea, Dr. Ilchi Lee
is the founder of the modern Dahnhak Movement and Brain Respiration.
He is also the founder of Ilchi Meditation Center in the city of
Sedona, AZ and International Graduate University for Peace(IPEACE) in
Seoul Korea. Dr. Ilchi Lee has been recognized as one of the 50
pre-eminent spiritual leaders of the world in the historic United
Nations World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders (August
28th~31st, 2000), attended by some 1,000 top religious and spiritual
leaders of the world. Dr. Ilchi Lee is the author of 32 books,
including "Healing Society (Hampton Roads, November, 2000)," reached
#1 in overall sales ranking within a month of publication.

***** Another site that gives limited biographical information.

Sedona International Film Festival and Workshop :: March 3-6, 2005

Dr. Ilchi Lee, Development/Fundraising
Dr. Ilchi Lee is the creator of modern DahnHak and Brain Respiration.
He is the founder of the Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center where he
Directs research into the relationship between meditation and brain
science. Most importantly, he is among the world's foremost experts in
Brain Based Education and Brain Function Research. He is the inventor
of the HSP Brain training system. HSP stands for Heightened Sensory
Perception. He is The founder and current president of the Korean
Institute for Brain Science And he is now bringing his revolutionary
work in human brain development to Sedona with the opening of Ilchi
Center for Brain Research. He is a 10-year resident of Sedona, which
he calls home when he is not traveling and lecturing abroad and
throughout the USA . More than 2,000 people from all corners of the
USA and Asia visit Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center and Sedona region
every year to hear Dr. Ilchi Lee lecture.

***** Current information about Dr. Ilchi Lee.

Googling the founder of this movement, Dr. Ilchi Lee (AKA Seung Heun
Lee) yields rather more information, although it's rather hard to
verify the "clinical pathologist" status that Mr. Witchalls bestows
upon him. Oh wait - here it is, from the official biography on the
Brain Respiration site:

"Dr. Ilchi Lee majored in Clinical Pathology in college, in addition
to gaining degrees in Physical Education and Oriental Medicine."

Unfortunately, this is the only information provided as to "Dr." Lee's
formal education, so we're rather left in the dark as to how he
achieved that title, and in what discipline. What seems much clearer
is the conclusion that Lee should not be described as a "clinical

***** This is a blog that comments on Ilchi Lee?s qualifications. The
Brain Respiration site it links to has changed and the information
about Dr. Lee?s degree can no longer be found there.

The Mission and Goals

In the early 1980s Dr. Ilchi Lee, founder of modern Dahn-Hak, who
majored in pathology, physical education and additionally was a
clinical researcher, brought new focus to Dahn as a systematized,
scientific energy and healing training program.

***** This is a New Jersey school affiliated with Dahn Hak. The school
brochure includes this brief statement about Dr. Ilchi Lee?s
educational background.

The Healing Power within

The following is a story about another remarkable man from Korea, Dr.
Seung Heun Lee. He is the creator and grand master of Dahn Hak (a type
of Ki (chi) practice, and Brain Respiration. He first experienced Ki
(life force) when he was five years old. One day, his mother woke up
in panic because she had forgotten that her mother-in-law?s birthday
was that day. She needed meat for the special occasion and there was
none in the house. The butcher?s house was over five miles away
through rough, mountainous terrain and knee-deep snow. Out of
compassion for his mother?s plight, the child, Seung Heun Lee
volunteered to go. Dr. Lee?s mother, in her panicked state, actually
gave him permission to go.

***** Read the whole article for additional information about Dr.
Lee?s spiritual awakening.

Brain-Based Holistic Education

***** This site is dedicated to information about the Brain Respiration products.

Dahn Healing Institute (DHI) provides the students with a completely
authentic holistic experience in a comprehensive learning environment.
Dahn Healing Institute (DHI) facility serves as a campus, as well as a
healing center, a massage therapy center, and a yoga studio. This is a
unique opportunity for massage therapy students to study in a facility
that practices what it teaches.

Korea Institute of Brain Science

Dr. Ilchi Lee, the President of Korea Institute of Brain Science

What is Ilchi Academy? 
Ilchi Academy is an online school for enlightenment and spiritual
growth for changing yourself and the world developed and guided by Dr.
Ilchi Lee, world-renowned spiritual leader, peace activist and the

Posted: May 9 2004, 06:58 PM

***** This is a listing of 90 Ilchi related enterprises from a poster
to this forum.

James Randi Educational Foundation 

Ilchi Lee Revisited

Sheldon W. Helms, Department of Psychology at Ohlone College in
Fremont, California, made an inquiry about one of the claims made by
scam-artist Ilchi Lee of academic support from Weill Cornell Medical
College (see and had this response
from Sean Kelliher, of the college Public Affairs department:

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. "Brain Respiration" is not
associated with Weill Cornell Medical College. After our issuing a
verbal "cease and desist" order, they have removed the reference to WC
from their website. Again, thanks for your help.

Bad science 
Brain sensitising

Generally, I don't go for the little guys. But when the seventh copy
of the Brain Respiration leaflet arrived in the Bad Science mailbag, I
knew it was a serious moneyspinner: a multimillion dollar operation,
in fact, with four centres in the UK, and headed by spiritual leader
Dr Ilchi Lee, who runs international conferences, attended, he claims,
by Al Gore. I don't know if his doctorate is in neurosciences but he's
certainly made some breakthroughs with his "brain sensitising, brain
versatilising, brain cleansing, brain re-wiring, and brain mastering".

***** This is an article that expresses skepticism about Dr. Ilchi Lee
and his Brain Respiration research.

EYES OPEN, WALLET SHUT -- A Cautionary Commentary on Ilchi Lee (aka
Seung Heun Lee):

You should have investigated before publishing a laudatory article on
Ilchi Lee's programs.

Behind this movement for peace and healing through meditation and yoga
lies a controversial public figure involved with a number of
tax-exempt organizations intermingled with dozens of for-profit
businesses, e.g. Dahn World Company, BCC Consulting Company, Bell Rock
Development Corporation, Vortex Inc. (which sells baseless healing
devices, like a $4,500 turtle).

***** This site offers a skeptical commentary by Lorie Anderson that
discusses in detail the claims made by Dr. Ilchi Lee.

Anyone got the scoop on the Healing Society/Dahn Institute?

Spatio-temporal Pattern of EEG in Young Brain Respiration-training Children

American Journal of Chinese Medicine,  Wntr, 2001  by Hyung Rae Kim, 
Soo Yong Kim,  Dai Jin Kim,  Young Youn Kim,  Sang Kyu Park,  Jeong Ho
Chae,  Kwang Soo Kim,  Kun Ho Lee,  Seung Heun Lee

Hyung Rae Kim(1)(*), Soo Yong Kim(1), Dai Jin Kim(2), Young Youn
Kim(3), Sang Kyu Park(3), Jeong Ho Chae(2), Kwang Soo Kim(2), Kun Ho
Lee(4) and Seung Heun Lee(3) (1) Department of Physics, Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon, Korea, (2) Department of
Psychiatry, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea,
Seoul, Korea, (3) Department of Brain Science, The Korean Research
Institute for New Human Science, Seoul, Korea, and (4) Department of
Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA
(*) Corresponding author

***** The Korean Research Institute is Seung Heun Lee?s own organization.


1999 United States California luring college (Yuin University) honor
herb doctor crane doctor

***** The machine translation is terrible but the gist of the
statement seems to be that Ilchi Lee received an honorary doctorate
from Yuin University.

Yuin University is a private, international, and independent institute
of higher education consisting of the School of Acupuncture & Oriental
Medicine, the School of Business Administration, and the School of
Theology. The School of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine provides a
classroom based on traditional instruction. However, the School of
Theology and Business Administration provide a non-traditional
independent study system of education.

Historic Beginnings
Yuin University was founded on March 1, 1981 by Henry Yu, Ph.D. in the
city of Baldwin Park, California. The grand opening was held on
December 5, 1981 with the mayor of the city of Baldwin Park. Over 200
Baldwin Park residents were in attendance including Miss Baldwin Park.
In September of 1981, Yuin University received its full authorization
from the Califormia State Department of Public Instruction for its
graduate and undergraduate degree programs. In October 1982, Yuin
University received Acupuncture Vocational Certificate course approval
from the California State Department of Public Instruction. In May
1983, the school became affiliated with The National Council of
Acupuncture Schools and Colleges, an Acupuncture Accreditation
Association heading toward Federal Government recognition. The
University voluntarily withdrew membership in 1985.

2007 E. Compton Blvd. 
Compton, CA 90221
310.609.2704 Tel. 
310.609.1415 Fax.

Yuin University
Type of System:	State-Approved Institutions

***** Scroll down to review profile information.

State Approved and Exempt Institutions

Private postsecondary schools, colleges, and universities are approved
by the State with oversight authority vested in the Department of
Consumer Affairs, Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational
Education (BPPVE).

Listed in this section are 255 state approved degree-granting
institutions offering a variety of academic programs.

***** Yuin University is listed as a State-Approved Institution.

California Training & Education Providers
Yuin University
Accreditation/Approval Agencies
     Bureau for Private Post-Secondary Education
Program / Occupation ?
     390601 Theology/theological studies
     513301 Acupuncture
     520201 Business Administration and Management

Governing Magazine/August 2001, Congressional Quarterly, Inc. 

Boasting that he had a doctorate didn't help Omar Bradley in his bid
for a third term as mayor of Compton, California. But then, he wasn't
exactly an Ivy League graduate anyway.

Bradley holds an honorary Ph.D. from Yuin University, a school of
acupuncture. Henry Yu, Yuin's founder, has long battled with the state
to win full licensure for the school. Part of his effort has been the
granting of honorary degrees to local politicians in hopes of building

"When you're having brain surgery, you want the smartest, best-
prepared doctor you can afford," Bradley suggested in a campaign
brochure. "When you're running a city the size of Compton, you must
have an adequate education to make the best-informed decisions."
 Bradley's favored candidate for a city council seat touted her own
Yuin Ph.D. in campaign materials.


Today's LA Times features a story about Yuin University, a
BPPVE-approved school in Compton, which has apparently granted several
honorary doctorates to local polticial bigwigs. See .
PhDs Are in Name Only; Compton: Political candidates tout their
honorary degrees from an acupuncture school. They defend their
credentials.; [Home Edition]
JOE MATHEWS. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles, Calif.: May 17, 2001. pg. B.1

Bradley, facing a June 5 runoff election, boasts of a doctoral degree.
His chosen candidate in [Compton]'s 2nd Council District, Compton
College board member Melanie Andrews, refers to herself as Dr. Andrews
in campaign materials. Another key Bradley ally, 4th District
Councilman Amen Rahh, who won't face reelection for two years, has
been noting his own PhD in local newspaper ads endorsing the mayor and

***** You have to pay a fee to read the whole article.

A doctorate is an academic degree of the highest level. Traditionally,
the award of a doctorate implies recognition of the candidate as an
equal by the university faculty under which he or she has studied.
There are essentially three types of doctorates: research,
first-professional (USA only), and honorary.

***** This page gives you an excellent overview of all aspects of the
granting of Ph.D. degrees. Follow the links to explore whichever topic
interests you.
Honorary degree
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
An Honorary degree (Latin: honoris causa ad gradum) is a degree
awarded to someone by an institution that he or she may have never
attended, it may be a bachelor's, master's or doctorate degree -
however, the latter is most common. Usually it is given, amidst great
pomp, as a way of honoring some famous or distinguished visitor.
Recipients of an honorary doctorate who do not also hold an earned
doctorate often choose not use the title of "doctor" though it is
entirely appropriate to use the title so long as it was conferred
based on some achievement although in many countries, including the
United Kingdom and Australia, it is not customary for an honourary
doctorate to grant the title of "doctor".

Psst. Wanna Buy a Ph.D.?
Some professors have dubious doctorates, other professors sell them,
and colleges often look the other way

***** This is an excellent Special Report from the Chronicle of Higher
Education which will give you a comprehensive overview of the problems
and current trends in the granting of honorary doctoral degrees.


From higher education come two coveted prenominals, the titles "Dr."
and "Professor," both of which are, in some areas of this country,
treated with as great a respect as any European title of nobility.
(This is especially true in certain areas of the American deep South
where, sometimes, a "Dr." or a "Prof." may not even have to produce a
driver's license to pass a check.) The holder of a doctor's degree
(whether the Ph.D., the Ed.D., the D.Psy., or the M.D., or any other
variation) is granted the non-transferable, vital (non-inheritable)
title "doctor," which makes the doctor's title an American equivalent
to a life peerage.

The honorary degree most often awarded is the "Doctor of Humane
Letters." Does the holder of an honorary degree have the right to the
title of "doctor"? Yes, absolutely, although writers of books of
etiquette seem to think that the holder of the honorary doctorate
should not use the title, which is utter nonsense and sheer snobbery
on the part of "etiquetticians."

***** Interesting long article about American use of Dr. title.

Bear?s Guide

***** This article discusses the history and trends in the granting of
honorary doctorates.

Are All "Doctors" Really Doctors? 
Preachers and the "Honorary Doctorate"

***** This is a long article that discusses the use of honorary
doctorates by religious organizations.

Honorary Doctorates: Facts and Fiction 

***** This is a collection of articles about honorary doctorates.

Awarding Honorary Doctorate Degrees

***** This is a short sample policy from Texas A&M University.


Dr. Ilchi Lee
Seung Heun Lee
"Seung Heun Lee" education
"Seung Heun Lee" yuin
"Seung Heun Lee"  doctoral
yuin university
granting honorary doctorate
"honorary doctorate"  using title dr
radioflyerx-ga rated this answer:4 out of 5 stars
I found out as much as I think I can find out at this time. The only
outstanding question still remaining is, "If Dr. Ilchi Lee got an
honorary degree from Yuin University in Compton California, what was
the degree in? Was it a Doctor of Herbal Medicine, of Eastern Healing
Techniques, in Clinical Pathology? What? If anyone can find that out,
then my quest for information will be finished on this subject for

Subject: Re: How did this Doctor get his degree?
From: tutuzdad-ga on 01 Jan 2005 16:43 PST
His real name is Seung Heun Lee. The fact that he decided to change
his name in before calling himself taking the title "doctor" would, in
itself, would make me wonder. But what do I know?

Subject: Re: How did this Doctor get his degree?
From: czh-ga on 01 Jan 2005 17:59 PST
Hello radioflyerx-ga,

It seems that Dr. Ilchi Lee is a rather controversial figure. Here are
some interesting starting points for exploring his background and
credentials. Follow the links embedded in the article.
December 07, 2004
Guardian Reporter Unquestioningly Promotes Cult Therapy

Googling the founder of this movement, Dr. Ilchi Lee (AKA Seung Heun
Lee) yields rather more information, although it's rather hard to
verify the "clinical pathologist" status that Mr. Witchalls bestows
upon him. Oh wait -- here it is, from the official biography on the
Brain Respiration site:

"Dr. Ilchi Lee majored in Clinical Pathology in college, in addition
to gaining degrees in Physical Education and Oriental Medicine."

Unfortunately, this is the only information provided as to "Dr." Lee's
formal education, so we're rather left in the dark as to how he
achieved that title, and in what discipline. What seems much clearer
is the conclusion that Lee should not be described as a "clinical
pathologist." Even the BR site doesn't do so, claiming that the good
doctor, the "President of World Earth Human Alliance for Peace," is
"perhaps best characterized as the world's first and foremost activist
for 'Brain - Based Peace Movement [sic]."
EYES OPEN, WALLET SHUT -- A Cautionary Commentary on Ilchi Lee (aka
Seung Heun Lee):

Behind this movement for peace and healing through meditation and yoga
lies a controversial public figure involved with a number of
tax-exempt organizations intermingled with dozens of for-profit
businesses, e.g. Dahn World Company, BCC Consulting Company, Bell Rock
Development Corporation, Vortex Inc. (which sells baseless healing
devices, like a $4,500 turtle).

Good luck.

~ czh ~
Subject: Re: How did this Doctor get his degree?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 02 Jan 2005 09:00 PST
Regarding Yuin University, it appears on this list of degree mills and
unaccredited universities:

"Wannabe universities
More degree mills and uncredited universities cash in on
education-hungry world. The A-Z watch list to watch for by The
Oct 29, 2003

An extensive guide to active, emerging and recent degree mills and
officially unaccredited universities, compiled from original research
by the Higher Education Supplement.

Degree Mills 
These 'universities' offer to 'confer' degrees based on life
experience, with prices ranging from $300 to about $10,000"
Subject: Re: How did this Doctor get his degree?
From: radioflyerx-ga on 02 Jan 2005 11:23 PST
The fact that a YUIN University is on the Australian list of Wannabe
schools, degree mills and unaccredited universities would be more
significant if it were made clearer on the list exactly where the
school is located. I can see many names of schools on that Australian
list which are very common used names and which are very likely
replicates. I would think we do need to be address-specific in order
to be credible in this case.
As far as supplying any hard information on membership, the YUIN
school in Baldwin Park shows up with big ciphers according to:
Subject: Re: How did this Doctor get his degree?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 03 Jan 2005 12:38 PST
Regarding the matter of whether this person would be considered a
"real" doctor, I've seen no evidence that he has credentials from any
academically accredited university. I believe that accreditation by
the State of California is essentially an official acknowledgement of
the school's existence, not an endorsement of its legitimacy as an
institution of higher learning. Without accreditation by a reputable
regional or national accrediting body, a school can grant all the
course credits and degrees it wants, but such credits and degrees have
little meaning in the academic world; credits earned at Yuin
University would probably not be accepted by mainstream universities
such as the University of California, Stanford, etc.

More info on accreditation may be found here:
Subject: Re: How did this Doctor get his degree?
From: ilovelucy-ga on 27 Jan 2005 22:27 PST
The statement mentioned here that appeared to say that he received an
"honorary" degree from Yuin University, found on one of Ilchi Lee's
former (inactive) Korean web pages is more accurately translated as:

"1999: Graduated from United States Yuin University with a
professorship/doctorate in herbal medicine."
Subject: Re: How did this Doctor get his degree?
From: ilovelucy-ga on 31 Jan 2005 00:18 PST
Here's another translation of the statement on one of Lee's former
Korean websites:  "1999 Graduated California United States Yuin
University with a doctorate in Eastern/Herbal
Subject: Re: How did this Doctor get his degree?
From: czh-ga on 31 Jan 2005 09:44 PST
Helllo ilovelucy-ga,

Thank you for providing Korean translations. I hope that the
additional information will be useful to radioflyerx-ga.

~ czh ~

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