Hello silverstork,
Below you will find the results of my research for information,
statistics and facts on Dads in the US.
According to the US Census Bureau 66.3 million is the estimated number
of fathers in the United States today.
105,000 is the estimated number of ?stay-at-home? dads. These are
married fathers with children under 15 who are not in the labor force
primarily so they can care for family members while their wives work
outside the home. Stay-at-home dads care for 189,000 children.
US Census Bureau
2 million is the number of preschoolers whose fathers care for them
more hours than any other child-care provider while their mothers are
at work. This is a ratio of about 1-in-5 preschoolers of employed
US Census Bureau
How Many Fathers?
25.8 million is the number of fathers in married-couple families with
their own children under 18.
Among these ?
2-in-10 are raising three or more of their own children under 18.
1-in-10 are raising their own infants under age 1.
1-in-8 are under 30.
4 percent are 55 or over.
2 percent live in the home of a relative or a nonrelative.
6-in-10 have an annual family income of $50,000 or more.
US Census Bureau
2.0 million is the number of single fathers, up from 393,000 in 1970.
Currently, 1-in-6 single parents is a single father, compared with
1-in-10 in 1970.
Among these fathers ?
- 10 percent are raising three or more of their own children under 18.
- 45 percent are divorced; 34 percent have never married; 17 percent
are married with - an absent spouse; and 4 percent are widowed.
- 10 percent are raising their own infants under age 1. (This
percentage is not significantly different from the corresponding rate
for fathers in married-couple families.)
- 22 percent are under 30.
- 5 percent are 55 or over. (This percentage is not significantly
different from the corresponding rate for fathers in married-couple
- 13 percent live in the home of a relative or a nonrelative.
- 24 percent have an annual family income of $50,000 or more.
US Census Bureau
3-in-10 is the ratio of children under 18 living with their single
father and his unmarried partner. In contrast, only 1-in-10 children
who lived with their single mother shared the home with mom?s
unmarried partner.
US Census Bureau
60% of children under 6 years old living with married parents who eat
dinner on a daily basis with their fathers.
24% of children under 6 years old living with married parents who eat
breakfast on a daily basis with their fathers.
88% of children under 6 years old living with married parents who are
praised by their fathers at least once a day.
US Census Bureau
Issued August 2003
?The United States had an estimated 5.5 million ?stay-at-home? parents
last year ? 5.4 million moms and 98,000 dads, according to a report
released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. It contains the Census
Bureau?s first-ever analysis of stay-at-home parents.
Among these stay-at-home parents, 42 percent of mothers and 29 percent
of fathers had their own children under age 3 living with them.
Thirty-nine percent of mothers and 30 percent of fathers were under
age 35.?
U.S. Census Bureau
NOVEMBER 30, 2004
Family Households, by Type, Age of Own Children, Age of Family
Members, and Age, Race and Hispanic Origin of Householder: 2003
Male Householder, All Races
America?s Families and Living Arrangements
Page 9 - Single Fathers
Total single fathers maintaining their own household: 1.68 million
Total single fathers living in the home of a relative: 240,000
Total single fathers who were divorced: 920,000
Total single fathers who had never married: 640,000
Total single fathers who were separated: 260,000
Total single fathers raising one child: 1,220,000
Total single fathers raising three or more children: 200,000
Adult Men Often Father Babies Born to Younger Teens.
?athers of babies born to teens are often significantly older than
their female partners. It is estimated that, among girls who have
given birth to a child by age 15, 39 percent of the fathers are
between the ages of 20 and 29.
The age gap between teen mothers and their male partners is
particularly striking among the youngest adolescents. Among mothers
ages 11 to 12, fathers are on average 9.8 years older, and among
mothers ages 13 to 14, fathers are on average 4.6 years older.?
Advocates for Youth
The Gender Center provides some men and fatherhood statistics
?Nearly 11 million fathers in the United States do not live with their
children. Two-thirds of these fathers do not pay formal child support.
Of the 2.5 million poor nonresident fathers who do not pay child
support, the two largest groups are black (41 percent) and white (40
percent), with Hispanic fathers (14 percent) accounting for most of
the rest. The average age of poor nonresident fathers is 34 years,
about two years older than the average poor custodial mother who does
not receive child support. The educational levels of these fathers are
relatively low, as are those of poor mothers not receiving support
(see table 1). Just over half of mothers and fathers have a high
school diploma or equivalent; almost all the rest have less than a
high school education.?
Urban Institute http://www.urban.org/Template.cfm?NavMenuID=24&template=/TaggedContent/ViewPublication.cfm&PublicationID=7425
29 years is the average age of fathers at the time of birth in theUS
Charting Parenthod: A Statistical Portrait of Fathers and Mothers in
America, By Child Trends, 2002.
?How do men feel about parenthood? How involved are fathers in
day-to-day parenting activities? Do men think single parents are just
as effective as two-parent families? Do men wait longer to have
children? While most parenting statistics have focused only on
mothers, on June 13, 2002, a first-of its-kind report on parents ?
including fathers ? was released. This report looks at what is known
about both mothers and fathers, offering a more complete picture of
family life in the United States. The report was produced by Child
Trends, a non-profit, non-partisan research organization and funded by
the Department of Health and Human Services through the National
Institute for Child and Human Development/NIH and the Administration
for Children and Families, the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and
Family Statistics, the NICHD Family and Child Well-being Research
Network, and the Ford, Annie E. Casey, David and Lucille Packard, and
William and Flora Hewlett Foundations.?
This report is available on the Internet at:
Report (in PDF format for printing)
220 pages
The following research brief, Fathers' Activities with Their Kids,
uses data from several sources to examine fathers' participation in
their children's lives in four key areas: recreational activities,
home activities, school activities, limit-setting and religious
The Effects of Fatherfullness
"Fathers in America"
Demographic Trends in Fathering
Father Facts
Fathers and Families - Statistics
Divorce and Fatherhood Statistics
Fatherhood Statistics
by John Knight http://www.fathermag.com/htmlmodules/knight/xFatherhoodStatistics1of2.html
Fathers and Daughters
Studies show that close healthy father-daughter relationships foster a
sense of competence in daughters? mathematical ability and a stronger
sense of femininity in girls. Furthermore, girls who live with both
their mother and father do better academically. In addition, they are
less likely to engage in early sexual behavior and in the use of
alcohol or illicit drugs.
Fathers and Children
All children, not just girls, benefit from having a positive
relationship with their fathers. It has been found that children whose
fathers share meals with them, spend their leisure time with them, or
help them with their homework do significantly better academically
than children whose fathers do not
40 Percent of Men Say They Prefer Electronics For Father's Day
?While sweaters, self-help books and "#1 Dad!" knickknacks might seem
right up dad's alley, those who responded to the survey say these are
considered "dreaded gifts." To stay away from these gift-giving faux
pas, consider this: Nearly 40 percent of men say the top gifts they
want this Father's Day are consumer electronics items, followed by
gift cards (27 percent). Both rank higher than sporting goods, tools
and tickets to athletic events or concerts. More specifically, when it
comes to technology, dads want plasma/flatscreen TVs (47 percent);
entertainment items such as music, movies and video games (43
percent); and digital cameras or camcorders (30 percent). If they were
to have the opportunity to buy their own gift, they say that
electronics items would be their first choice, with entertainment
products such as DVDs coming in second, and tools third.?
RTO Online
Growth in single fathers outpaces growth in single mothers.
?The number of single mothers has remained constant over the past
three years (9.8 Million) while the number of single fathers in the
United States has increased dramatically. In 1997, there were 2
million single fathers, more than 50 percent more than in 1990 and
triple the number in 1980. Families headed by single fathers comprised
5 percent al all parent-child families in 1997. Men account for
one-sixth of the nation?s 11.9 million single parents.
In 1997, nearly half of the single fathers, 46 percent, were divorced,
while 32 percent were never-married, 13 percent were separated, and
about 5 percent each were widowed and separated due to reasons other
than martial discord. In 1997, the majority of single fathers (61
percent) were rearing one child and 10 percent were rearing three or
more.? http://www.nazarene.org/ssm/adult/single/articles/state.html
Search strategy:
Fatherhood, Dads Fathers statistics data numbers
U.S. Census Bureau
I hope you find this information useful!
Best regards, |