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Q: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   29 Comments )
Subject: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
Category: Computers > Hardware
Asked by: probonopublico-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 11 Jan 2005 00:44 PST
Expires: 10 Feb 2005 00:44 PST
Question ID: 455423
Please see:

And give Anne-Marie a hand.

Many thanks!
Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
Answered By: cynthia-ga on 11 Jan 2005 08:31 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hi Bryan...

Since I can't be a Knight in Shining Armor, call me Lady Godiva in
Shimmering Glory (I do have very long hair), --for I have fought a
courageous fight at the Nokia web site --and lost, ...alas, I found
another trustworthy source for Anne-Marie's Nokia 447za Monitor

Nokia Windows 95/98 Monitor Driver
Nokia is redoing their site and had me going in circles for 15
minutes.  So ZDnet to the rescue!!  This zip file is 2MB and has all
the drivers for Win95/98.

Anne Marie, do you know how to unzip? If not, Bryan and I can get you through it. 

Create 2 folders on your desktop.  


Go to the first link and download the driver to that folder so you can
find it.  Go to the folder and use an unzip utility to unzip the
driver.  When you're done, click on the resulting exe file, or read
the README that will be in there.  It sounds like you've done this
before so I won't elaborate until you ask for help.

After that, you should be able to rest your Screen Resolution to 600 x
800 --that will cure the current problem you are having.  You may want
to view web sites at 1024 x 768.  Try them both.

Next, take a few minutes --download, unzip, and run this cool utility:

Nokia Test  (ignore the first sentence about a 21" high end monitor)
..."Nokia Test is a freeware utility by Nokia that will guide you
through testing and adjusting any monitor for an optimum
display......runs under all versions of Windows and can be used on any
computer display. There is nothing to install. Simply extract the zip
file into a directory of your choice and a Nokia Test directory will
be created. You can run the program directly from the directory or
make a shortcut to Ntest.exe and run it from where ever you wish. ..."

When you're certain you have the monitor set the way you want it, just delete it.

Bryan, be sure to ask for Clarification if I miss Anne-Marie's
Comments.  As always, it's been my pleasure...


Search terms used at Google:
Nokia monitor 447za driver

Request for Answer Clarification by probonopublico-ga on 11 Jan 2005 08:43 PST
Hi, Cynthia

What a sweetie you are!

And I know ALL about Lady Godiva ... WOW!

I'll sure keep you posted with Anne-Marie's comments.

All the Best


Clarification of Answer by cynthia-ga on 11 Jan 2005 09:06 PST
Thanks Bryan...!

Clarification of Answer by cynthia-ga on 11 Jan 2005 11:36 PST

On the Display Properties page, have you changed the colors from 16,
to either 256 or High Color (16 bit) ?

Clarification of Answer by cynthia-ga on 11 Jan 2005 11:38 PST

Do you see any YELLOW "!" marks?  If so, is it the Video Card or the Monitor?

Clarification of Answer by cynthia-ga on 11 Jan 2005 14:05 PST
Anne-Marie, have you gone to the Windows Update site and installed all
the Critical Updates and Drivers?  If you need drivers, it'll likely
tell you.

Also, go here:

START - RUN and enter:   hwinfo /ui

The different colors mean things.  Report any bright blue warnings and
bright red errors.  The color code is at the bottom of the page.

Look up your Video Card there.
probonopublico-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $5.00
Hi, Cynthia

Even though Anne-Marie is not fully sorted, I must thank you for
'giving her a hand' - which was all that I asked.

In fairness, I am now going to rate your answer although obviously
this will not prevent you (or anyone else) from continuing to help
Anne-Marie in any way possible.

This exercise has served to confirm to me the difficulty of trouble
shooting a problem remotely.

Your efforts were truly 'uitstekend' (as we say in Dutch).

Tot ziens


Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: am777-ga on 11 Jan 2005 00:55 PST
now that touched me......

thank you Bryan..


Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: silver777-ga on 11 Jan 2005 02:07 PST
And to save you scrolling through the question linked above, the
following is the need in question:

Issue 1:

I have formatted ( dunno if that is the proper english word, emptied?)
my computer and have succesfully installed windows 98 etc. 
HOWEVER, I have a Nokia 447Za monitorscreen and the colors on it
have disappeared, that is I have less colors than usual. I have dealt with
this thing earlier, when I had a Compaque screen. What I did at that time
was download a Compaque driver from the Internet and install it ( do not
have a clue however anymore how I did that, so any help is greatfully
So, where can I find a driver on the net and how do I make that work
on my computer so I will have full screen colors again?

Issue 2:

The internetpages on my computer are much wider than my screen. Now I do have
the opportunity to go to the left and the right with a "thingie" 
am not much of a computerexpert in english..., but that is pretty
So, how can I "narrow" the seize of the webpage?

Issue 3:

I have to format another computer. How can I prevent that 
computer from "loosing" the driver for the colors for the screen?

million thanks in advance for helping me out!!!!

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: ddhara-ga on 11 Jan 2005 03:06 PST
For Issue -2, right click on your desktop screen and click on
properties. Once you get a window, choose settings and you should see
an option called screen resolution. Choose 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768
pixels and you should be fine. Most websites are built with 800 x 600
resolution and you should not have to use the scroll bar (thingie) for
going left and right.

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: am777-ga on 11 Jan 2005 04:28 PST
Hi ddhara,

Thank you for trying to help me out with my computer ( and for
learning me a new word --scroll bar --). It is most appreciated.
I did as you suggested, however, I think due to my monitor issue, I
can not move the "thingie" ( I doubt that you would call that a scroll
bar too, it is a kind of button that should be moved to the right to
change the pixels).
It is set on 640 X 480 pixels, which does explain why I have to use
the scroll bar to see the whole page on my computer.
But I do know now where to change another step further in my
broadening my computer knowledge.

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: steph53-ga on 11 Jan 2005 05:58 PST

What a sweatheart you are....


You too :)

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: am777-ga on 11 Jan 2005 11:10 PST
Hi Bryan and Cynthia,

Thank you both for trying to help me out with this issue. I have
downloaded the driver, unzipped it, installed it and am still not
aible to change the pixels. That sort of little scroll bar just seems
I did run the monitor test, but that didnt change the lack of colors either. 
However, I asked somebody over here  (that is in the Netherlands) and
he told me it is a problem due to a very simple driver "on board" of
windows 98, which does provide a screen, but not with full colours
He advised me to find out what "videocard" ( is that the same as a
Graphics Card?) is in the computer ( I think it is a Graphics Card
2D/3D from Guillemot)
and download a driver for that one.
So, I will continue exploring.
And Bryan,I owe you one!!!

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: am777-ga on 11 Jan 2005 11:39 PST

I certainly would have changed it if the computer would have that option.
All I have is either 16 or 2, which is the issue, cuz I should have more.
Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: am777-ga on 11 Jan 2005 11:52 PST

that sounds easier than it is, because I wouldnt know with which dutch
pages these correspond.
what I do know is that I went to the page where I can choose how many
pixels, that is if it works and where I can change the amount of
is that the same one you are referring to?
Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 11 Jan 2005 13:36 PST
Hi, am777-ga

I sympathise with your problem, I had something similar happen to me
on an old computer (now gone to a family member). I did a clean
install (reformatting the hard drive) of Millennium Edition and this
functioned but locked me into 16 colours and the lowest screen
resolution available. After doing all the steps you have done and
getting nowhere, a friend told me this could be a known issue between
?Me? and the sound card! I was very sceptical but I found an old sound
card in my box of computer junk, changed it out and bingo, bingo, it
worked. I have never heard of this issue with Win 98 though. Perhaps a
more computer savvy researcher would know this one.

To find out what graphics card you have installed, follow these steps:
Start; Programs; Accessories; System Tools; System Information;
Components; Display ? The name of the graphics card and the installed
drivers should come up. Similarly Components; Sound Device, should
tell you what sound card you have installed.

If possible check to see if your monitor works on another computer. If
not you can pick a second hand one up for not much money. Try or for dates of the next local
computerbeurs. Alternatively go to your local container park and see
if you can pick one up for a few euros. Many people are changing out
their perfectly good crt screens for the latest plasma technology. The
only thing you have to check is if the cable that goes to the computer
is USB or multi pin and if it is multi pin whether it needs to be male
or female.

Hope this is helpful

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: silver777-ga on 11 Jan 2005 20:56 PST

"Anne Marie, do you know how to unzip? If not, Bryan and I can get you through it."

Do you have a visual for that? Purely for learning purposes of course!

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: cynthia-ga on 11 Jan 2005 21:18 PST
That was an excercise in Lateral Thinking...  LMAO!

Thank goodness Anne-Marie made it through the unzipping ritual without
requiring assistance!

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: silver777-ga on 11 Jan 2005 22:09 PST
Miss Cynthia,

Well perhaps. Yet this talk of the long-haired Lady Godiva and Marie
Antoinette seeking assistance certainly sends one's lance astir.
English and French maidens in distress. Lady G an equestrienne herself
adds to the visual. The Knights Templar (Probo and I) upon our
respective steeds, nay Blancharts, come to the rescue after having
defeated our enemy in joist "A la Toille".

And who says that chivalry and romance is dead?

Hail Sir Bryan of Humble Hove.

Now where were we? .. ahh yes .. have you resolved the dilemma with
your electronic abacus Miss Anne-Maree?

Sir Phil
Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: probonopublico-ga on 11 Jan 2005 22:15 PST
The best thing would be for us all to fly to Holland for a rescue mission.

Here's a hotel guide:

Please make your own arrangements and we'll meet up at Anne-Marie's
place at 12 noon Friday.

Tot ziens!
Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: am777-ga on 12 Jan 2005 00:53 PST
LMBO in here.....

Bryan...I sooo enjoy your sense of humor........(and your Dutch is
fairly good!!!!!)

well, got some work to do...will try all that you so kindly suggested
( thank you for symphatising and thinking with me too Norman) and be
back later with a new report on Anne-Marie's computer adventures
chapter III.
Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: cynthia-ga on 12 Jan 2005 06:31 PST
Wow Bryan, Thanks !!!!  And certainly I'll continue to help.  In fact,
where's my horse? ...hehehe
Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: am777-ga on 12 Jan 2005 11:46 PST
To find out what graphics card you have installed, follow these steps:
Start; Programs; Accessories; System Tools; System Information;
Components; Display ? The name of the graphics card and the installed
drivers should come up. Similarly Components; Sound Device, should
tell you what sound card you have installed.

that piece wat thanks.
it showed me that the driver of the Nokia monitor isnt installed,
which information helped me to define that it is probably not the
driver of the videocard that is responsible for the color change.....

and Bryan...where did you learn dutch?

to be continued.....
Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: probonopublico-ga on 12 Jan 2005 13:28 PST
Hi Anne-Marie,

In Holland ... where else?

Veel mensen wonen in flats maar ik wonen in een huis in een buitenwijk
in Den Haag (if I remember the Linguaphone course correctly) ...
Wassenaar, Voorburg, Mariahove ... Mijn huis heeft twee tuintjes: een
voortuin & een achtertuin ...

Oh yeah, and I worked in Amstelveen and my two daughters were born in
Leidschendam. Yep .. I have twee daughters both born in Holland.

Wat leuk!


(Now, if you are a guid Nederlander you should correct my
pronunciation and spit 'Buitenlander!')
Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: am777-ga on 12 Jan 2005 14:02 PST
Hi Bryan,

I think your Dutch is great!!!
LOL.....what on earth is a "guid" Nederlander?
So, how come you moved to Holland? or is that too personal and to
chatty for this site..............
and how long did you live in holland?
and why did you go back to the UK?
....not that I am curious........
Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: probonopublico-ga on 12 Jan 2005 21:55 PST
I think your English is great, too!!!

"Guid" is the Scottish word for 'good' ... I thought everyone knew that. 

Why did I move to Holland? I couldn't get a job in the UK.

How long did I live in Holland? Funf ans.

Why did I come back to the UK? J'ai continué à me mélanger vers le
haut des langues ... Nobody could understand me anymore. They said I
was speaking 'Double Dutch'.

Au revoir

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: am777-ga on 13 Jan 2005 05:24 PST
Hi Bryan,

dank je wel voor het compliment!

well, just learned my first Sword........bedankt!

......and I have never seen anybody speak "Double Dutch" as eloquantly
as you do.....
my french is pretty wont "go there" with you.... "du
pain,du vin,du Boursin" is as far as I get with that
language..............but I do love the sound of it though..........
so...what work did you do and what was it like for you and your family to live
in Holland?
Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: am777-ga on 13 Jan 2005 05:25 PST

I really typed Scottish where did that one go???????????
Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: am777-ga on 13 Jan 2005 05:43 PST
BTW......the computer functions again as he/she should.............
full colors and a "back to normal screen seize".....

thanks for all the help!!!!!!
it did appear to be the driver for the Video Card.....

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 13 Jan 2005 07:27 PST
Dag, Anne Marie,

Wat is er gebeurd met deze computer van jou. Heb jij een oplossing van
jouw probleem nog niet gevonden? Zijn het veloren ?drivers?
aangebracht of zijn het meer probleemgevallen dan dat. Wat is de
geschiedenis van jouw computer en waarom was het nodig voor de hard
drive om het leeg te maken en klopte het scherm wel vroeger?

Tussen ons, moeten wij het mogelijk maken voor jouw Brian te zien in
meer dan 16 kleuren.

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: probonopublico-ga on 13 Jan 2005 10:34 PST
Dag, Norman

I see that you've dabbled with Linguaphone, ook.

And to think that with your handles I had both you and Marie
Antionette figured as Frenchies.

Dag, Anne-Marie

Glad you are sorted!

Amstelveen was the European HQ of an American Engineering Group and I
ran their European operations from there.

After 5 years, I returned to the UK to work for a British Engineering
Group with subsidiaries all over the world. I ran the whole shooting
match for them and I spent A LOT of time travelling.

I really enjoyed my time in Holland and I've been back since when I
was doing research for one of my books.

Auf Wiedersehen

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: am777-ga on 13 Jan 2005 10:50 PST
Dag Bryan..(did you ever get used to that "dreadfull" (i wonder if
that is spelled that way?) dutch g?)

And to think that with your handles I had both you and Marie
Antionette figured as Frenchies.....
.does that mean you thought I was from France....ermmmmmm.........and
what does "with your handles" mean in this context.....?

..........and what is a "shooting match"?..........
well, I bet you did enjoy your time travelling.......I would!!

and what books do you write?

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: am777-ga on 13 Jan 2005 11:04 PST

now I wonder where you got that Dutch text from...........

op de een of andere manier denk ik dat je het van het net hebt............
van een vertaalmachine?
en vanwaar die laatste vraag?

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 13 Jan 2005 14:56 PST
Uit mij kop, schat Anne_ Marie, Ik woon kortweg bouten Antwerpen, een
kilometer of honderd lang de rijbaan van jij. Ik raden het was de
?jouw? dat heeft jij twijfels gegeven, echt mensen gebruik het niet.

As for my handle, I am neither a capitaine nor formidable (well not
too often) I just like the silly name. Between you and me I tried to
get my wife to use it as a bedroom name for me but she wouldn?t go for
it!  Actually, I thought you would both have me figured for a Brit. As
for the Frenchies?ah! They don?t like us because we keep winning wars
for them and we don?t like them because they don?t like us.

Anyway, I?m pleased we got your computer sorted between us.

Tot kijk

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: probonopublico-ga on 13 Jan 2005 21:51 PST
Oops Norman ... There ain't no place called 'Antwerpen' in Holland.

Were you possibly thinking of Anvers? 

That would be in the phlegmish part of some other nearby country methinks. 

My books, Anne-Marie ... I write about lots of different stuff
including phreaking, hence my visit to meet the Dutch hackers.

And the Dutch 'g' ... sure is difficult - even for the Dutch.

À bientôt

Subject: Re: Monitor trouble: Computer whiz required
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 14 Jan 2005 00:24 PST
You are probably right Bryan, half the time I don?t know where I am
and the other half I don?t know where I am supposed to be.

My, I haven?t heard of phreaking for a while, I thought VOIP had taken
all the phun out of it!

Wrt. The Dutch ?g?, it sure does seem strange to English people that
you have to listen hard to tell the difference between a ?g? and an
It really was the Dutch ?sch? that had me phlumixed. Still, we can
score a point back with the English ?th?. There are not many Phlegms
that can do good ?th?. In fact there are not too many Phlegms that can
do a good tea. No offence Anne-Marie, I am sure you make lovely tea.
Oh, sorry, I have just realised, you are not a phlegm, you are a



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