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Q: One-off Internet Print and Mail Service in US ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   1 Comment )
Subject: One-off Internet Print and Mail Service in US
Category: Business and Money > eCommerce
Asked by: markdraughn-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 03 Feb 2005 13:14 PST
Expires: 05 Mar 2005 13:14 PST
Question ID: 468276
I want an internet service that is optimized to print and mail
individual letters to individual addresses in low volumes.

The Problem I?m Trying to Solve

I do most of my personal and professional business online. Sometimes,
however, I have to send an actual paper letter.  (For example, to
request that a credit card provider remove an unauthorized charge.)
This is annoying, because I have to print the letter and then figure
out how to load an envelope into the printer, figure out how to start
and use the envelope printing service in Word, print the envelope,
reprint it if I loaded the printer incorrectly, fold the letter and
stuff the envelope, find and affix a stamp, and take the letter to a

Yeah, I know, it?s not that big a deal, but it?s an unfamiliar
activity that disrupts my normal work style.  And it?s a peeve.  I?d
like to find a solution.

I realize that single item printing and mailing is relatively
expensive on a per-piece basis, but an extra dollar or so is
acceptable if it makes this annoying activity easier.

What I Want

A good solution would be a web site that allows me to upload a letter,
type a destination address, and be done.  The site will print and mail
the document. (There could be some setup in which I enter my return
address, credit card, default paper and envelope preferences, etc.)

To be worth anything to me, a solution must:

- send mail to addresses in the United States of America.
- be usable from a Windows XP computer.
- work with PDF documents.

The solution I?m looking for should have all or nearly all of these features:

- send the mail within one business day.
- work with Word documents.
- work with TIFF documents.
- allow direct entry of an address (I don?t want to have to create and
download a one-address mailing list)

I don?t want:

- a bulk mailing service.  I typically want to send one custom-written
letter to a single address.
- a fulfillment service. These will send documents to a single
address, but the documents are chosen from a stockpile kept at the
fulfillment center.  I need to send one-off letters that I create just
before mailing them.

An ideal solution would include:

- direct integration into Word or Outlook.  Type the letter, pop-up a
dialog, type the address (or select it from the Address Book), click
OK and the letter is sent over the internet automatically.
- an Application Programmer Interface (API) using web services,
COM/ActiveX, or .NET so I can write my own programs that access the
- The ability to send a check.


An alternative solution that would also be good is something like the site which used to exist several years ago.  Instead of
downloading a PDF or Word document, you typed the text of the letter
into the site.  The site would add the address heading and an image of
your signature.  The site kept its own address book and allowed you to
send a check or money order with the letter.  The letter would go out
at the end of the day, and you?d receive email confirmation.  The site
provided a simple API for business users.  If this service still
existed, I wouldn?t have to ask in Answers.

The application does not have to be web-based.  A Windows application
that contacted the printing service over the internet behind the
scenes would be acceptable and maybe even preferable.  As long as it
does the printing and mailing.

A service that provides an API would be acceptable even if it lacks
some of the other features if the API allows me to implement them


I am already aware of the Mailing Online service provided for the
United States Postal Service by RGC Communications.  This service is
oriented towards mass-mailings and requires a downloaded mailing list.
 It also has a slow turn-around time, in some cases requiring over a
week for a single letter.

Request for Question Clarification by bobbie7-ga on 03 Feb 2005 13:25 PST
Hello Markdraughn,

Please take a look at the following services?

One page letter costs $1.18

Price: $1.23

Would these services meet your needs?


Clarification of Question by markdraughn-ga on 03 Feb 2005 15:45 PST
How strange that the mailing services you find for delivery in the
United States are both located in the UK.  No wonder I couldn't find

I had hoped you would find solutions that have more of the items from
my list of "ideal" attributes.  In addition, I had hoped for more
mature and featureful services, including choice of envelopes and
paper.  I would have thought these services would have grown by now. 
Then again, I just checked the USPS site and they claim faster
service, so some things are changing.

I checked out both sites and sent myself sample letters from each. 
I'll comment with my results later.

Anyway, although you didn't find the really amazing solution I was
hoping for, there's nothing wrong with either of the services you
found.  Both have the features I asked for in my question.  I imagine
one of them will do.

Thank you.

How, by the way, did you find them?

Request for Question Clarification by bobbie7-ga on 03 Feb 2005 18:01 PST
Hello again markdraughn,

I'm glad that the two services that I located for you are satisfactory.

In order to find these services I used the following search terms in Google.

letter online to snail mail

Here are two more services that you can try out.

Can I post the information  as the official answer to your question in
order to claim the fee?


Clarification of Question by markdraughn-ga on 03 Feb 2005 19:53 PST
Thanks for the followup.  The first two sites you found seem best to
me.  You can definitely post them as the official answer.
Subject: Re: One-off Internet Print and Mail Service in US
Answered By: bobbie7-ga on 03 Feb 2005 20:35 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Dear Markdraughn,

Thank you for the clarification. I am reposting the information below
to make the answer official.

One page letter costs $1.18

Price: $1.23

Here are two more services that you can try out.

In order to find these services I used the following search terms in Google.

letter online to snail mail

Best regards,

Request for Answer Clarification by markdraughn-ga on 14 Feb 2005 15:39 PST
[I'm posting this comment as a Request for Answer Clarification
because comments are broken for some reason and Google support
suggested this.
I don't need anything clarified.]

In case anyone is interested, the PC2Paper and L-mail letters both
arrived on the first Monday after the Thursday on which they were
sent.  The USPS letter didn't arrive until the following Friday.

USPS had the most printing options and looked the best.

PC2Paper looked pretty good too.

L-mail came in an addressed envelope, PC2Paper came in a window
envelope, and USPS came in a window envelope with the address printed
on a separate insert sheet.

L-mail arrived with a Canadian postmark, which might be a problem if
you're writing, say, your U.S. Congressman.

L-mail and USPS are pay-per-piece, whereas PC2Paper required me to use
create and fund an account.

Clarification of Answer by bobbie7-ga on 14 Feb 2005 15:44 PST
Thank you for letting us know the results for each service.
markdraughn-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $2.50
This was a product search, and the researcher was unable to find an
ideal match to my needs, probably because it doesn't exist.  However,
the researcher found several products that will be close enough to be
very useful.

Subject: Re: One-off Internet Print and Mail Service in US
From: postasap-ga on 29 Mar 2005 22:59 PST
Two cents from 

We provide "one-off" internet printing with a few twists. 
  Use any application--not browser or upload based.
  Printed & posted in the USA.
  Document security features and multiple shipping options.

View more at:

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