<Number of genetic counsellors.
There are about 2,000 genetic counsellors in the US. (Source: Arizona
Daily Star. By Paul Elias. The Associated Press. 03/07/2005.)
The National Society of Genetic Counselors lists approximately 1046
genetic counsellors in the US.
Masters level genetic counselors were first trained in 1969. The
National Society of Genetic Counselors was incorporated 25 years ago.
Over 2,100 genetic conselors have been trained and provide services
nationally. 80% hold certification by the American Board of Genetic
Conseling. In 2003, approximately 270 genetic counsellors graduated.
The number of genetic counsellors has double in the last decade and
continues to increase.
They practice in the following areas:
Prenatal ? 55%
Pediatric ? 36%
Cancer genetics ? 39%
Other adult genetic areas ?24%
(Source: ACMG.)
Demand for genetic counsellors is booming. There are approximately
2000 genetic counsellors in the USA and Canada. A further 175 to 200
will graduate in 2001. (Source: Ioma.com)
The genetic counseling profession is rapidly expanding and
diversifying. Heightened public awareness, coupled with scientific
advances in adult disorders and reproductive technologies, have
increased the demand for genetic counselors in clinical, teaching,
administrative, commercial, private practice and consulting
environments. This trend is expected to continue well into the 21st
century ...and beyond.
This site also gives statistics about education levels, the
environments where genetic counsellors work and their regional
(Source: NSGC).
The need for genetic counsellors is shown by a study (Giardiello FM,
et al. N Engl J Med. 1997;336:823-827) which found that nearly
one-third of physicians who referred patients for genetic testing
misinterpreted the results. (Source: High hopes, hard work await gene
tests. Karen Titus. December 2001. College of American Pathologists.)
With the increase in genetic testing, the demand for genetic
counsellors is likely to increase in the future.
According to DTC, approximately1 million genetic tests were performed
in 2003, comprising a market of around $200 million. This market is
growing at around 30% a year.
One million genetic tests were done in 2003 and the number is
anticipated to grow to 200 million over the next five years. (Source:
SACGHS Meeting. October 22-23, 2003.)
The US market for genetic testing is anticipated to grow to between $7
billion to $20 billion by 2010. (Source: Predicting the Future. By
Sarah Staples. 2004-04-12.)http://www.canadianbusiness.com/shared/print.jsp?content=20040412_59277_59277>
<Additional links:>
<The Professional Status Survey gives demographic information, salary
details, number of years employed, ethnicity, region, educational
level and more for genetic counsellors.
(Source: NSGC.)>
<The National Society of Genetic Counsellors (NSGC)>
<Search strategy:>
<"demand for genetic counselors">
<"million genetic tests">
<"genetic counselors" market>
<Hope this helps.> |