Greetings Whatda,
The earliest instance I located of the words together in the order you
cite is from Chapter 5 of Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
published 130 years ago, in 1875:
"Mr. Walters fell to 'showing off,' with all sorts of official
bustlings and activities, giving orders, judgments, discharging
directions here, there, everywhere that he could find a target."
****************************** cites the words in the order you mention from a 1913
Webster's Dictionary:
"Note: Over, out, off, and similar adverbs, are often used in the
predicate with the sense and force of adjectives, agreeing in this
respect with the adverbs of place, here, there, everywhere, nowhere;
as, the games were over; the play is over; the master was out; his hat
is off. [1913 Webster]"
"Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)"
Later instances (but still pre-Beatles) appear in a New York Times
crossword puzzles title listing including 4 puzzle titles of the late
40s of either "Here There Everywhere" or "Here There and Everywhere"
by different puzzle authors. See
Thanks for asking this interesting question. I hope I've help shed
some light on your query, and that the grouping of the words was not
created by the Beatles.
Best regards,
"here there everywhere" origin
"here, there, everywhere" origin
"here there and everywhere" origin
"here, there and everywhere" origin
"here there everywhere" history -beatles
"here there and everywhere" history -beatles
"here, there, everywhere" book |