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What percentage of the population is hermaphrodite?
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: cvenom-ga List Price: $10.00 |
31 Mar 2005 06:01 PST
Expires: 05 Apr 2005 05:10 PDT Question ID: 503139 |
Upon reading the post about the word transgender: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=502924 Pink quoted this statement "...(someone) who considers that they fall 'between' genders, not identifying strictly to one gender or the other, identifying themselves as neither fully male, nor female." Which got me thinking (which is often a dangerous thing); hermaphrodites have both male and female reproductive organs and can show either male or female tendencies (the way they portray themselves in public). My question is this: 1. What percentage of the population are (born) hermaphrodites? 2. What percentage of these individuals have operations to become either male or female exclusively? (A best guess using available data would be fine). 3. Do parents have the option of having the gender change operation on children born as hermaphrodites, at birth, like a circumcision, or are the organs just not developed enough to do anything about it? If development is the reason for not doing the operation at birth, do parents opt to have the surgery later in life (teen years or age of sexual maturity) or do they leave the decison to the children (when and/or if ever)? 4. With this all being said and done, how many true hermaphrodites are out there? Broken down to how many are dual gender (have both reproductive organs in tact) and a best guess at how many have surgically chosen a gender, with a break out of which gender is chosen. (my guess is 50-50, but you never know) I know that a lot of this information I am asking for will be difficult, if not impossible to answer (i.e.; how many are now men and how many are now women), but as I stated before a best guess based on information available would be acceptable. Thanks! | |
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Re: What percentage of the population is hermaphrodite?
From: myoarin-ga on 31 Mar 2005 07:56 PST |
A researched answer or comment to this question is going to be very interesting. I have heard (read??!) that doctors do what they think is right at birth, based on which organs seem more predominant, and that this has been criticized since it does not allow for eventual recognition of the sexual orientation of the child. Apparently the occurance is extremely rare in most places, though a German TV film a few years ago reported that in one or two villages in Turkey there are quite a few hermaphrodites, presumably as the result of incest (with brief pics, limited to 3 seconds, I believe, by TV controls on explicit genital views). "True hermaphrodites"? Adults capable of reproduction with both sets of organs? ???? It seems extremely unlikely that this has been documented or occurred. Maybe it is not impossible, but the chance that the individual in any society actually found partners to do so seems infinitesimally small. |
Re: What percentage of the population is hermaphrodite?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 31 Mar 2005 11:02 PST |
This may be of interest: "...absolute dimorphism disintegrates even at the level of basic biology. Chromosomes, hormones, the internal sex structures, the gonads and the external genitalia all vary more than most people realize. Those born outside of the Platonic dimorphic mold are called intersexuals. In "The Five Sexes" I reported an estimate by a psychologist expert in the treatment of intersexuals, suggesting that some 4 percent of all live births are intersexual. Then, together with a group of Brown University undergraduates, I set out to conduct the first systematic assessment of the available data on intersexual birthrates. We scoured the medical literature for estimates of the frequency of various categories of intersexuality, from additional chromosomes to mixed gonads, hormones and genitalia. For some conditions we could find only anecdotal evidence; for most, however, numbers exist. On the basis of that evidence, we calculated that for every 1,000 children born, seventeen are intersexual in some form. That number--1.7 percent--is a ballpark estimate, not a precise count, though we believe it is more accurate than the 4 percent I reported. Our figure represents all chromosomal, anatomical and hormonal exceptions to the dimorphic ideal; the number of intersexuals who might, potentially, be subject to surgery as infants is smaller--probably between one in 1,000 and one in 2,000 live births. Furthermore, because some populations possess the relevant genes at high frequency, the intersexual birthrate is not uniform throughout the world." http://www.neiu.edu/~lsfuller/5sexesrevisited.htm |
Re: What percentage of the population is hermaphrodite?
From: cynthia-ga on 31 Mar 2005 14:18 PST |
For Clarification: As pinkfreud's comment points out, the current politically correct term, as it relates to humans, is Intersexed. Hermaphrodite http://www.answers.com/hermaphrodite Intersexed http://www.answers.com/intersexed Transgendered http://www.answers.com/transgendered There are many degrees, both ways, of intersexuality. Mostly female, nearly half and half, and all degrees in between, and mostly female. There are also varying degrees of functioning. All in all, it's an incredibly complex subject. Add to that is trangendered people. They are physically one sex and they totally 100% feel, with every ounce of their being, that they are in the wrong sexed body. Myoarin's comment is correct: "that doctors do what they think is right at birth, based on which organs seem more predominant, and that this has been criticized since it does not allow for eventual recognition of the sexual orientation of the child." Luckily for the children, that medicine is slowly evolving to recognize this. Experts these days recommend delaying a surgical decision until the child has a chance to understand, and help in the determination process. Decision making in infancy is happening less and less. I have a female friend that suspects she was intersexed, or "something." She vaguely remembers going through a series of genital operations as a toddler. Luckily her adult sexual orientation is female. Both her parents are deceased, as are her aunts and uncles. There is no one to ask. Intersexed http://www.itpeople.org/intersexed.php PS, great work on the stats pink! ~~Cynthia |
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