Clarification of Answer by
03 Jun 2005 13:53 PDT
Hello karolina_5-ga,
This has been a most frustrating search. After several hours I have
not been able to come up with any additional biographic information
about J. Roybal/Raybal beyond the one reference you already have. This
is very troubling since any reputable artist?s biography should be
readily available but I haven?t been able to find anything meaningful
on the many websites that sell works by this artist. This may be
entirely intentional.
I found that the J. Roybal paintings are mass produced and
manufactured in China and available from several sources for extremely
low prices. These are then sold in galleries and through auctions
(galleries and online) for incredibly varied prices. Anyone buying any
of these paintings should be extremely careful.
The Chinese manufacturers reproduce works from all types of artists,
many of them very famous. The original works of these artists can be
identified and located. I?m amazed that after hours of digging I have
not been able to find anything on J. Roybal from a reliable or
reputable source. This artist does not appear in any artist
directories or other usual sources for artists? biographies. I have
not been able to find a single museum or gallery that claims to
exhibit an original work from J. Roybal that can be verified as not
being one of the mass-produced paintings.
It?s interesting that J. Roybal?s work is extremely similar to that of
Graciela Rodo Boulanger. On some sites it?s even advertised as
Boulanger style. I?ve included some links so you can explore
Boulanger?s works.
So, karolina_5-ga, I regret to tell you that after hours and hours of
digging I haven?t been able to find an answer to your original
question of who is J. Roybal and where can the originals of his work
be viewed or purchased. This has been an intriguing wild goose chase.
I trust that the negative findings will help.
~ czh ~
Boya Arts & Crafts Corp. Lt.
Add:No.18 East Denggao Road,Longyan,Fujian,China
Contact Person:Victor Liao/General Manager
Tel:0086-13055976799 0086-597-2802698
The Art of Oil Painting
We specialize in supplying oil paintings hand-painted on canvas by
professional painters. All the paintings on our website are taken
photo by our digital camera from the actual oil paintings. We ensure
that you can buy good quality paintings at reasonable prices from our
Browse Our Online Oil Painting Reproductions Art Gallery and Purchase
Oil Paintings at Wholesale Prices!
J.Roybal Oil Paintings
***** Catalog includes 60 paintings.
Q: About the signature?
A: It is up to you whether you want our artist's signatures on the
paintings or not. There won't be any signatures or seals on the
painting area without your approval. You can also propose signatures
or signing methods of your desire.
High Quality Oil Paintings
Boya Arts & Crafts Corp. Ltd. is one of powerful oil painting
re-producers by hand in the country with a great many senior &
experienced painters working in it in expert skills. We have our own
studios in Longyan City of Fujian province, also we collect paintings,
which have brilliant colors and give the look and feel of high
quality. These painters with different working styles scattered in
Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Xiamen, etc. We have been very
successful in offering our customers the oil painting reproductions of
varieties in styles and motifs of modernism realism, impressionism or
classical arts or any of the customers request in real oil stroke on
canvas with most prompt delivery satisfaction such as TNT. EMS. DHL.
UPS. FEDEX or by air, which help us win great popularity among
***** It seems that this is the manufacturer who supplies the
galleries carrying J. Roybal/Raybal painting reproductions in
galleries worldwide.
Walter Liubin: "J Roybal Styles Series" - Painting Oil, 2000
Contact Information:
Walter Liubin
Arton oil painting Inc.
FAX:0086 592 5566 309
E-mail(1) :
***** Here is another Chinese art manufacturing organization where one
of the artists producing the J. Roybal paintings is identified.
J.Roybal oil Painting Price List
Hand-painted-signed by artist & oil on canvas
***** Here is another Chinese manufacturer.
Image search for < "j roybal" OR "j raybal" >
***** No artist information
The finest J. Roybal oil paintings hand painted on the market at the
best possible prices.
Paintings at unbelievable prices, all the paintings are originals not
reproductions and signed J.Roybal and can be ordered in any sizes.
J. Roybal is well known all over the world, we offer these paintings
at unbelievable prices.
Please note that all paintings can be ordered in any sizes.
We respect the privacy of all artists and will not provide any
information that is not in the public domain.
***** This is very interesting. Why on earth would a reputable artist
not want to provide a verifiable biography?
Oil Paintings, Portraits and famous artists Reproductions. sells ONLY authentic Oil Paintings on canvas
How are your paintings done?
Our reproductions are hand painted oil painting on canvas and very
accurate copies of the original painting using techniques similar to
the one used to produce the original painting and brushstrokes.
We commission highly talented artists to produce your oil painting on
canvas reproductions and portraits. We work with more then 450 artists
in different countries worldwide. These works are without compare to
the lifeless prints, transfers or giclee. We do not use computer
enhancements, canvas transfer or any other short cuts. We do only hand
painted oil paintings on canvas.
***** Be careful about the terminology evaluating what you?re getting.
A ?J. Roybal? painting from this store is a reproduction painted by
someone other than the original artist.
------------------------------------------------- was formed in late 2001 by the Owners of Professional
Art And Framing Services Inc. (P.A.A.F.S Inc.) in order to present
original art to the public by real living artists.
Art galleries and picture frame shops often present to the public
artwork which is manufactured and marketed by large national
publishers. These works are either reproductions of works in museum
collections or contemporary artists who are in a particular
publishers stable of contracted artists. There are any number of such
publishers and there are of course many works of art to choose from.
Sometimes artwork is cunningly crafted to appeal to the heartstings or
the common taste just like any other consumer product. However, you
the art viewing and art purchasing public tend to get the same images
over and over or a homogenous collection of work representing the
taste and sometimes political or cultural views of those publishers.
What you do not see are the thousands of artists who are not part of
that corporate mechanism and we are all the poorer for it.
Therefore our mission is to bring to you the work of local, regional,
national, or internations artists who are not part of that homogenous
corporate machine, and to let you decide if they are fabulous and
talented or merely adequate.
Frame: artists à other artists à more artists
some other artists who are not associated with a publisher oir who we
dont have sufficient biographical information
***** This page shows five paintings by J. Roybal.
J. Roybal ORIGINAL Oil Paintings for sale:
About Your Painting: Our commissioned artist J. Roybal has created
all of our 100% Guaranteed hand painted oil on canvas originals of
each J. Roybal Original Fantasy Kids Art Painting. Each oil painting
is rich with texture and full of life and color, and is sure to
brighten any room in your home. Each J. Roybal Original Fantasy Kids
Art oil painting comes unstretched rolled in a tube.
Highest Quality: Your J. Roybal Original Fantasy Kids Art oil painting
is guaranteed to be of the highest quality and in pristine condition!
All oil paintings are 100% hand painted with the highest quality oil
paints on the highest quality cotton linen canvas. Your oil painting
has been carefully done, detail-by detail, color-by-color, in order to
preserve the sentiment and splendor of the original famous paintings.
Value of Your Painting : Dont be fooled by our low price of $75. Most
of these J. Roybal Original Fantasy Kids Art paintings retail for $350
to $650 in Art Galleries and on the internet.
Artist's Biography
Graciela Rodo Boulanger
***** And many more
Graciela Rodo Boulanger
***** No listing for J. Roybal or Raybal.
"J roybal" OR "j raybol"
Boulanger roybal OR raybal
Graciela Rodo Boulanger