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Where can I find an exorcist?
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: elenafox-ga List Price: $20.00 |
28 Aug 2005 18:20 PDT
Expires: 27 Sep 2005 18:20 PDT Question ID: 561573 |
I am looking for a serious exorcist that offers consultations/see clients. I would prefer in the New York area but will accept other states if none available here. I have problems with being possessed by negative entities- I have had healers temporarily help but I need to banish them permanently. Where can I turn? Good answer will include name and contact information of welldocumented (that have displayed good results) exorcists. Thank you! |
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Re: Where can I find an exorcist?
Answered By: nenna-ga on 08 Sep 2005 14:08 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hello elenafox-ga, First, before you embark into an exorcism, please go see a medical doctor and a therapist. Not only to maybe get an idea if this is ?real? or psychological, but also to rule out any other issues as well. Possession is quite rare and it may be many other factors causing your issues instead of being possessed. ?my higher self is not happy with me and therefore causing the negative entities to visit me until I do what I am supposed to do in this lifetime? ?I think one problem is people stealing my energy for instance it is known that when shaking hands especially older men and younger women they steal your energy? This makes me wonder who is advising you on what?s happening with you. Please go see a Medical Doctor, a family practice doctor with a MD in Medical Science and a Licensed Psychiatric Therapist In addition, in my research, the Archdiocese requires? ?The Roman Catholic Church requires that a physician rule out the existence of a medical or psychological condition before an exorcism can be considered.? "It might be harmful to do an exorcism prematurely," said the Rev. Robert Barron, a Chicago archdiocese theologian and spokesman on exorcisms. "You always exhaust the medical, physiological, psychological, psychiatric possibilities and only at the very limit of that process would you entertain the possibility of doing an exorcism." http://www.rickross.com/reference/general/general315.html (Exorcists and Exorcisms Proliferate Across U.S.) It looks like contacting the New York Archdiocese is your best bet in finding an exorcist, however. In a 6-year period from 1989 to 1995, they have investigated more than 300 potential cases, however only 10% of the cases needed exorcisms performed. Since 1995, there have been about 40 investigated cases a year. http://www.ny-archdiocese.org/ (New York Archdiocese) Archdiocese of New York 1011 First Avenue New York NY 10022-4134 212-371-1000 Google Searchs: Priests who perform exorcisms in new york ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=priests+who+perform+exorcisms+in+New+York&spell=1 Where to find an exorcist ?movie -film ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=where+to+find+an+exorcist+-movie+-film&btnG=Search Exorcist for hire in new york ? movie -film ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=exorcist+for+hire+in+New+York+-movie+-film&btnG=Search If this answer requires further explanation, please request clarification before rating it, and I'll be happy to look into this further. Nenna-GA Google Answers Researcher | |
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rated this answer:![]() Good research and appreciate adress/phone info. The search methods posted did not supply too many results though but good job all-in-all. |
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Re: Where can I find an exorcist?
From: silver777-ga on 29 Aug 2005 07:43 PDT |
You can turn inward .. therein lays the answer. Seriously. |
Re: Where can I find an exorcist?
From: elwtee-ga on 29 Aug 2005 11:58 PDT |
i think william peter blatty keeps that list |
Re: Where can I find an exorcist?
From: purplecloud-ga on 29 Aug 2005 21:39 PDT |
Take comfort, elanafox, that you know you need help in dealing with the negative forces in your life. Looking for help is an important step to take. Western culture does not provide much support in dealing with the supernatural world. Consequently, our western construct of what to do in this situation is quite limited. As your message/question pointed out, you've been helped by healers, but then the problem reoccurs. What you appear to need is more than an exorcism or healing which only drives out the negative entities. You also need to find out why you are attracting these forces. There could be many reasons why you are being possessed: something about your living situation (relationships, housing), work, possessions, and life habits may be causing you to attract these forces to you. For example, do you collect antiques? Do you work in an profession which encounters lots of negative forces (e.g. health care, mortuary science, academia) What events in your personal history cause you to 'think or stew' too much and thus attract negative forces to you? Once you've identified these culprits, you can consider what to do about them. In addition to having an exorcism, you also need to have help finding out what you are doing to cause these negative forces to possess you. At the very least, you need to consider doing some sort of physical and mental practice to discipline your body and mind. In this way, you won't be sending out signals/frequencies that invite these forces to you. Some people do yoga, some do qigong/chikung: whatever practice you follow, be sure it is one that does not involve any visualizations at all. I have found practicing qigong helpful in this, but finding a good teacher is not easy - hence I live in Taiwan. You should also know that there are different types of exorcisms. The movie The Exorcist portrays a very messy and quite lengthy exorcism using negative forces. Another type involves using positive forces, making it much quicker and not at all messy. If you lived in Taiwan, I could introduce you to someone who does the 'positive forces' exorcism. Best wishes in your search. AM |
Re: Where can I find an exorcist?
From: titters-ga on 29 Aug 2005 22:54 PDT |
what kind of demons do u have?? |
Re: Where can I find an exorcist?
From: fotoflo-ga on 30 Aug 2005 03:11 PDT |
During a Greek baptism the priest performs an exorcism on the baby before it is baptised, I have seen it done several times. The priest explains the whole process in English after the baptism is over. A Greek Orthodox church might be able to help you. |
Re: Where can I find an exorcist?
From: purplecloud-ga on 06 Sep 2005 21:10 PDT |
Howstuffworks.com has a lengthy explanation of how exorcism works in the Roman Catholic Church. http://people.howstuffworks.com/exorcism.htm |
Re: Where can I find an exorcist?
From: elenafox-ga on 06 Sep 2005 23:36 PDT |
Thank you purplecloud! Unfortunately i am not in Taiwan but wouldn't mind going. I found some information about entities- apparently most of them are dead people who have been afraid of leaving the world to go to heaven and they latch on to whoever they can (spirit attachment). A healer told me the other day that part of the negativity is self-destructive subconciousness and my higher self is not happy with me and therefore causing the negative entities to visit me until I do what I am supposed to do in this lifetime. But how am I supposed to know what that is? I also heard that the entities gain power when talked about so I try to keep it undercover. I do not really feel that the evil forces are out to get me but even so the entities are causing negative energy and misfortune to me whether intentional or not. I agree that I must be doing something to attract these forces but not sure what, I have difficulty focusing and concentrating and sometimes hear voices. I think one problem is people stealing my energy for instance it is known that when shaking hands especially older men and younger women they steal your energy (not consciously). So perhaps I have a lot of good vibrational frequencies/energies that attract negative people known as psychic vampires/parasites (since they lack energy of their own) so they take mine therefore causing me negativity. Tricky situation- still if anyone knows any really good professionals in this field please let me know! |
Re: Where can I find an exorcist?
From: myoarin-ga on 07 Sep 2005 11:19 PDT |
Elenafox, Have you entirely rejected talking to professionals other than "healers" and "exorcists" who deal with your perceptions? "A healer told me the other day that part of the negativity is self-destructive subconciousness and my higher self is not happy with me and therefore causing the negative entities to visit me until I do what I am supposed to do in this lifetime." Most of us have periods when we know that we are not doing what we ought to be doing. Some Christian religions include this in the confession of sins: "I have left undone those thing which I ought to have done." Obviously, one does not have to be a Christian or religious to suffer from recognition of this, but that statement puts the responsibilty back with the individual. Demons or voices or other negative forces are just expressions of one's own conscience - subconscience - telling one this. Myoarin |
Re: Where can I find an exorcist?
From: purplecloud-ga on 09 Sep 2005 00:19 PDT |
Nenna-ga's advice to get a health check up is good - to a point. Western medicine can treat symptoms, but often can't get to the root of a problem. So, it can only temporarily stablize your situation. Sooner or later some other symptom or illness will poke its head up, but the root problem is the same. A more holistic approach would have a better chance to get close to the root of the problem. Most people have the same problem -- using our minds too much/thinking too much/ hanging on to our past. Most people have developed their own way to be 'healthy' for a number of years, only to sucumb to ill health when they enter/pass through middle age. You mention needing to figure out what you are supposed to do in your lifetime. Perhaps a better phrasing of that would be 'what you are supposed to be in your lifetime.' Western culture, esp American culture, focuses on what profession you are in -- it's often the first question strangers ask each other. Europeans don't ask that question for a long long time. Getting access to knowing what you're supposed to be is largely a matter of just learning to be quiet, of turning off the noise in your mind -- like in the Carly Simon song 'Haven't Got Time For the Pain'. The first step to being quiet is de-emphasizing or turning off the electro-magnetic forces our minds generate when we use it. Trying to figure out whether someone is stealing your energy or not will not get you very far in solving your situation. Answers to questions usually stimulate more questions, creating a vicious cycle. You have enough energy or forces to enable you to be alive, and that's what's important in the end. Different religions and cultures have their own way to describe how energies or forces appear in our life. It's remarkable how similar they are. If you are interested in knowing more about the Chinese (Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist) understanding of these energies and forces, you could visit this website: www.chikung.org.tw which has Q&A in English and Chinese. AM |
Re: Where can I find an exorcist?
From: gagageegee-ga on 09 Sep 2005 23:53 PDT |
First you need to know what u have to exorcise out? As said negative entities are if ill feelings,bad thoughts and memories recurring then u can perform exorcism yourself. Human body and soul are to be kept clean.Body is a temple for the life essence.It is consciousness and love that is the real nature of soul.Now will u put water into an internal combustion engine to work properly , would u.Similarly human body will not maximise itself,work properly if it is not supplied with the right fuel.this right fuel is right food,right thought,right doings. Of these most of the time food is the most important thing u need to work on.what u are is what u eat.If u eat meat,fish your mind will be suscepltible,defenseless against animalistic behavior and cravings.its like gasoline mixed with water. Now if u strictly eat fresh vegetable/cereal meals it will be like pure gasoline.humans were not at all meant to kill and eat other souls,but at times it was found necessary. What a human must do is to preach and practice love to the most,it produces the most profound cleansing experience on mind and body alike, and right kind of food makes him more prepared for it.This is my own view that i practise.Of course there are a lot of meat-people with no problems,there are a lot of meat-people with problems and also same for non-meat people.but its worth a try....and it might become easy for u to turn inward,meditation. |
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