Enron's losses
Category: Business and Money > Accounting Asked by: tomjones-ga List Price: $5.00 |
31 Aug 2002 02:25 PDT
Expires: 30 Sep 2002 02:25 PDT Question ID: 60460 |
What are the losses to Enron's common stockholders after the company's collapse? I think it is around $60bn, but am unsure. |
Re: Enron's losses
Answered By: politicalguru-ga on 31 Aug 2002 05:04 PDT Rated: |
Dear Tom Jones, Most sources which refer to the amount lost by Enron shareholders refer to losses of "over $60 billion". For example, The Boston Globe claims that "The partnership of Skilling and Lay lost Enron stockholders upwards of $60 billion". [Source: Boston Globe 3/8/02, as qouted in several sources, such as http://www.converge.org.nz/pma/cra0216.htm]. This figure is also qouted here: "Some $60 billion of shareholder value disappeared with Enrons implosion." [source: http://www.ibew.org/stories/02journal/0203/Enron.htm ] CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corporation) discusses losses of "63 billion" (http://www.cbc.ca/news/features/enron.html) and another news source (which is somewhat less respectable), quotes "over $64 billion" as the sum of losses suffered by stockholders [Source: http://davidm2.home.mindspring.com/02bh04.htm] In a newsgroup I also found the sum of $70 billion as the total losses of shareholders ("Most of the owners of Enron lost 70 billion dollars in market capitalization" -[ source: http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=20020217040702.12977.00000102%40mb-fi.aol.com&oe=UTF-8&output=gplain]. The highest figure I found was, surprisingly enough, in a quasi-official source, an opening statement by Sen. Mark Dayton (D, Min), before the US-Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs (January 24, 2002). Dayton claims there that "Enron's investors have lost over $80 billion from the stock's collapse." http://dayton.senate.gov/floor/fs0105.html . Further Related Enron Stockholders Information: http://www.classactionamerica.com/cases/case.asp?cid=1171 http://www.classactionamerica.com/cases/case.asp?cid=1406 http://www.senate.gov/~gov_affairs/070702psipress.htm http://www.senate.gov/~gov_affairs/070902enronboardreport.pdf (PDF - requires Acrobat Reader) http://www.enron.com/corp/investors/shareholder.html http://directory.google.com/Top/Society/Issues/Business/Allegedly_Unethical_Firms/Enron/ (Oh, does Google Directory have a way to word things or not? "Allegedly_Unethical_Firms" category...) My search strategy included Google and Google Groups searches on the words : Enron, sharehorlders/stockholders, billion, losses (and related such as lost, lose), suffered. I think that answered your question and supported your argument. However, if you need clarifications, please contact me before you rate the answer - I'll be more than glad to give some! |
tomjones-ga rated this answer: |
Re: Enron's losses
From: vitalmed-ga on 10 Jul 2003 18:01 PDT |
Tomjones, You accepted my answer regarding Incogno, but did you mistakenly cancel out the question before allowing me to be paid for the research that I did for you? Please return the courtesy that I extended to you. Vitalmed-ga |
Re: Enron's losses
From: tomjones-ga on 11 Jul 2003 02:18 PDT |
Hello vitalmed, I am not sure what happened, when I went through the process. I think it must have been that I saw your answer and just closed the question (thinking that this was how to finish the question) and then it would be converted to an answer. Now I am thinking that this was the wrong thing to do. I am a little unsure as to the procedure. Could you shed some light on the situation. I am not trying to offend you. |
Re: Enron's losses
From: vitalmed-ga on 12 Jul 2003 19:31 PDT |
Hello tomjones, Thank you. I replied in your repost of the question, and appreciate very much that you followed up that way. Normally, a question is closed either when it is answered, specifically in the "Answer" section, or it has expired, which could be 30 days after it has been posted. As a matter of courtesy, researchers like myself sometimes convey in the "Request Clarification" or "Comments", we were are heading with an answer, because the transaction would be committed, once it is actually posted as "Answer", and we want to ensure that it meets your needs. When the answer is closed out by the person asking the question, it precludes our being able to post the information as an answer and receive the credit. The best thing normally is to leave the question posted until it is officially answered or expired; unless you have some overriding reason for canceling it. I hope this helps you to understand. No offense was taken, because mistakes can happen as we all know and experience, and that clearly was the case. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated. Regards, vitalmed |
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