Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
After a fair amount of searching, it seems there's only on possible
conclusion to come up with.
You're right! There aren't a heck of a lot of books out there on
outsourcing specifically for small businesses.
I searched numerous sources -- Google, Google Books,,
Barnes & Noble, and (a large, online bookseller), and
came up with only a very few items.
At Amazon, for instance:
a search on [ "small business" outsourcing ] and similar terms
returned only a few dozen items, very few of which were on-target (and
those that were, were chiefly reprints of magazine and newspaper
The closest hits were these two:
Complete Idiot's Guide to Successful Outsourcing
Gene Marks
Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Alpha (September 6, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN: 1592573703
...Some small businesses are reporting up to 30% in cost savings by
outsourcing large portions of their work...Gene Marks is an author,
small business expert, and owner of The Marks Group, an 11-person
consulting firm that provides IT outsourcing and software support to
small- and medium- sized companies across the country.
Go It Alone!: The Secret to Building a Successful Business on Your Own (Hardcover)
by Bruce Judson
Hardcover: 240 pages
Publisher: Collins (October 26, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN: 0060731133
...Judson capitalizes on this shift with an "extreme outsourcing"
model. The Internet...has...made it possible for anyone to build a
business that leverages the expertise of others at a very low cost,
with almost no up-front capital investment required.... any business
function can be outsourced to another business, large or small,
somewhere in the world. There is a limitless network of businesses out
there -- and infinite possibilities for starting new ones.
And another one that popped up at Abe Books was:
Indian Take-Away: Offshore Outsourcing for Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises
Downey, Jim
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 1905363516
Publisher: Exposure Publishing
Publication Date: 09/2005
100 pages
There's this one as well, though with a 2003 publication date, it's
almost historical at this point:
Outsourcing In A Week
Jacqueline Chapman
RRP: £6.99
ISBN: 0340811498
Published: 26/09/2003
...This book covers a range of key issues that any SME owner or
manager would need to consider before making the step to outsourcing
That's it!!!
Of course, there are many hundreds of books that are aimed at small
businesses and that touch on the topic of outsourcing. You can see
many of them at the Google Books search results page, for a search on
[ "small business" OR sme OR "small * enterprise" ~outsourcing ]:*+enterprise%22+%7Eoutsourcing&btnG=Search+Books&as_brr=0
There are many books here, but none that really hit the nail on the
head as far as your topic goes.
Bottom line -- it seems that your book is quite timely, and would fill
a need that is, as yet, addressed by very few titles in the book
publishing world.
I trust the information above fully meets your needs.
But if there's anything else I can do for you, please let me know by
posting a Request for Clarification, and I'm at your service.
All the best of luck with your efforts.
pafalafa-ga |
Clarification of Answer by
07 Sep 2006 04:20 PDT
Thanks so much, for the tip, kind words, and the invite, which I much appreciate,
Researchers aren't permitted to communicate with customers outside the
confines of the text boxes here, so you won't be receiving any emails
from me. But certainly feel free to mention pafalafa-ga and Google
Answers in your book.
And best of luck...hope it's a million-seller, at least!