Hypersensitivity to the sound/sight of people eating?
Category: Relationships and Society Asked by: pillowphat-ga List Price: $15.00 |
30 Oct 2002 09:47 PST
Expires: 29 Nov 2002 09:47 PST Question ID: 93244 |
Ever since I was a small child, I have had an extreme sensitivity to the sight and sound of other people eating. My parents taught all of us "table manners" and were fairly strict about that, but none of my siblings developed this hypersensitivity that I have. I cannot stand to see certain people eat, and certain things drive me almost to madness. The sound of people snapping or smacking on gum makes me want to scream, and I tend to stare/glare uncontrollably at the offender, wanting to rip his tongue out and stuff my fist down his throat. I'm normally very calm, sensitive, polite, and peaceful, but all that has to be controlled when I get around someone with poor eating manners. Also on my list of "don'ts" is: - Chewing anything with mouth open - Eating fast, or with large (too big) bites - Scraping teeth on the utensils - Slurping (unless you are from an asian culture where it is polite!) - Chomping ice.. ooooh, now that really gets me going too - People in movie theatres shoveling handfuls of popcorn into their mouths I have been known to stop dead in my tracks at the shopping mall when I hear a passerby snapping her gum, staring at her as she passes as I am unbelievably irritated by her. When I was 7, I had already learned that the people around me were really bothered by my irritation, and that I basically needed to hide my distaste with people at meals. I developed complex ways of dealing with it, including playing a "game" with my little friends called "Colonial Times". I told them we were pretending to live in colonial America, and that rules at the table were very strict and children weren't allowed to make any sound at all. That was one way of compromising, but I am an adult woman now and things have never really gotten any better. What's terrible is that I have really tried for many years to stop feeling this way, but it hasn't really gotten any better. It has impaired some of my close relationships, and I always end up feeling like crap when I share this with someone close to me, because then they usually end up feeling weird the next time we eat together. What's strange is that it doesn't really bother me if I'm eating with just an acquaintance. With my last several romantic partners, their eating suddenly started bothering me right about the time a certain level of intimacy was reached. Any ideas on beating this? My family used to joke that they were going to lock me in a room with my uncles, who all eat like pigs, to do some desensitizing, but I have a feeling that would definitely not work. I don't have an eating disorder, and am otherwise fairly well-adjusted. Grr! I would just like to be able to eat in the same room with the people I love, without having to strap on my mental defenses or avoid them. I realize this may be an issue for a therapist's sofa, but I thought it was worth a try. Any ideas? |
Re: Hypersensitivity to the sound/sight of people eating?
Answered By: hummer-ga on 30 Oct 2002 11:55 PST Rated: |
Dear pillowphat, You have my sympathies. I used to experience something similar, although to a much lesser degree than you. My mother sucked on candy charms, you know, those hard colored candies that have a hole in the middle. Well I think she was addicted to them, because it seemed to me she was never without one in her mouth (sometimes she would switch off to Necco Wafers, which made me happy because she would give me the chocolate ones). Anyway, the clicking sounds that the hard candies made on her teeth drove me up the wall. Funny, I don't remember ever telling her about it, I just remember how it drove me crazy to the point where I would have to leave the room. My mother died a few years ago, and as you might suspect, I would give anything to hear that clicking sound again. What you must come to realize I think, is that you are not alone, we all get annoyed with little things. But it sounds as though what should be just a simple annoyance, has moved on to become a "food intolerance" or "social phobia" for you because you are letting it interfere with things which would otherwise be enjoyable or easy to do. Once a person developes a phobia they tend to worry a lot about it and feel very anxious before going into the social situation that worries them. In a way, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. For you, this would mean you worry so much about sharing a meal with other people, that sharing a meal with other people inevitably becomes a disaster. Afterwards, you probably find yourself going over and over what transpired and wishing you had handled the situation differently. To lighten your mood, I'm sure you will enjoy this site: "Things That Make Your Skin Crawl" http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A137567. Here is an excerpt: "As if foods themselves didn't send our spines shivering enough, listening to each other dine, ups the shudder factor considerably. Here's a little check list for you of things that will drive us right out of the room: * Chewing with your mouth open * Chewing gum - Who in their right mind decided to invent something that makes everybody look and sound like a bunch of cows chewing the cud? * Proclaiming "Aaaahhhhh..." after each sip of a hot beverage, blowing off hot air each time. * Soup slurping - "f-f-f-f-fp" - This is highly irritating, particularly as it goes on for an entire meal and can be perpetrated by a whole table full of people. * Doing an audible intake of breath with each mouthful. * Scraping the fork against your upper incisors as you remove it from your mouth. * Creating the slurps, slops and suckles generally brought on by eating foods like peaches. * Burping after a meal of, say, cheese and pickled onions. If you can work up the courage to eat again, be sure to brush your teeth afterwards. The yellow or brown teeth of one who hasn't brushed in a day or so rates high on the skin crawling meter." I think once you start looking around on the internet, you will be surprised to find out how many people share your "eating intolerance". There's nothing better than talking to other people who really understand what you are going through, and often they can offer advice on how to feel better. Therefore, my advice is to find a group of kindred spirits online who you can share your feelings with. I was able to find the following link of a little band of people like yourself. I suggest you post a note to them - hopefully they'll be able to give you some advice and direct you to other groups: 1. Rocket Girl: Neurosis: http://www.rocketgirl.org/mt/archives/2002_08_26.html Here are a couple of examples of what I found while searching around - I hope they make you feel better about yourself and make you realize you really aren't as different as all that. "And it is not only with the eating of food that I have a problem. Other people very often drive me mad with their chomping and slurping. I know a girl who I swear crunches her carrots just to annoy me, something which she manages to do quite successfully. The sound of someone biting into an apple sets my teeth on edge, and more than once I have come close to striking out at people who crack chewing gum in my presence. It is called chewing gum for a reason; were it meant for cracking, it would surely be called cracking gum instead." © Stuart Mudie 2001 http://www.paris-stories.com/food_intolerance.html. "I have a ton of pet peeves. I guess that makes me an easily annoyed person, I guess. :) I can't stand to be near people chewing with their mouths open. As if the site of half-chewed food isn't enough, it's the sound of lips smacking together. Gum chewers doing this are the worst! ©ßëççå 2001-2002 http://www.becklyn.com/aboutme.html "The sound of people chewing. It's sooo gross. I mean I can't stand staying too long for dinner, I have to leave like half-way through and then come back again. It's so annoying!" (no copyright noted) http://www.angelfire.com/nj/kidblinkbabysarah/bugging.html And to read about how it is from the other side: Gibberations: Chewing Too Loudly: "I have been reminded on a number of occasions that I have the tendency to chew too loudly." (no copyright noted) http://www.cyber-gish.com/Blogger/archives/000265.html Search Strategies: ://www.google.ca/search?as_q=can%27t+stand+the+sound+of+people+chewing&num=100&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&btnG=Google+Search&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&lr=&as_ft=i&as_filetype=&as_qdr=all&as_occt=any&as_dt=i&as_sitesearch=&safe=images Terms Used: can't stand the sound of people chewing My goal was to lighten your load a bit and to point you in the right direction - I hope I've accomplished that. Perhaps developing a sense of humor about your "condition" and being able to laugh with others about yourself, would go a long way to being able to enjoy a meal with those you love. A little practical advice: try to eat in a noisy environment, such as outdoor barbecues. Not only will other sounds drown out the sounds of eating, but there are many other distractions to get your mind off your companions. Sincerely (good luck), hummer | |
rated this answer:
Thanks for your thorough answer! I appreciate all you had to offer and I will try to formulate a strategy now that I think I've been poined in the right direction. |
Re: Hypersensitivity to the sound/sight of people eating?
From: afisguy-ga on 30 Oct 2002 12:13 PST |
I wonder if perhaps you could have someone with a camcorder follow you around and film you for a day, and then watch yourself on film. I wonder if it might help you to ease up on the edacious of the world. At any rate, keep up the good manners - some of us appreciate it! |
Re: Hypersensitivity to the sound/sight of people eating?
From: expertlaw-ga on 30 Oct 2002 15:00 PST |
I heard on NPR a few months ago that, after he went blind, Joseph Pulitzer was so offended by the sound of people eating that people applying to become one of his personal attendants were required to eat a meal in complete silence as part of the interview process. It is my understanding that short-term cognitive therapy can be very effective in treating this type of aversion. |
Re: Hypersensitivity to the sound/sight of people eating?
From: mwitzah-ga on 31 Oct 2002 12:24 PST |
I don't think this problem is really an issue of judging other people - it is an aversion to the sounds made by others. For me, at least, I sometimes get disgusted by the chewing noises I make myself! I know that I am not a perfect eater, but I try my best to avoid making noises and committing the faux-pas I was taught about while growing up [perhaps, for me too, this is the reason for my chewing-anxiety]. I do get absolutely disgusted by chewing sounds, too, and am really happy to read that there are actually other people out there that are as phobic of this as I am! |
Re: Hypersensitivity to the sound/sight of people eating?
From: jamesv-ga on 04 Nov 2002 12:52 PST |
I was absolutely shocked to read this question. It describes my life too, at least the part about sound. Although I am a well adjusted and easygoing man, I have had a lifelong struggle with certain noises. Despite all logic and circumstance, chewing (food and especially gum), barking dogs, and sniffling drive me absolutely insane. I'm exceedingly tolerant in general, but these noises have brought me untold grief and misery all my life. It was worse as a child when I found I didn't have the power to control my circumstance. I remember being stuck in a classroom, forced to listen to people chew gum around me. I felt like I was being punched in the stomach repeatedly. Almost as bad was the knowledge that strangers and even family could not understand how upsetting the noises were to me. I have no answer to this question, but feel your pain. The following strategies help me cope: 1. Avoidance. The simplest solution is to remove myself from any situation which I find unbearable. 2. Exercise. I have found my tolerance somewhat raised when I have a rigorous daily exercise routine. 3. Sleep. Obviously lack of sleep makes anyone more irritable. I'm no scientist, but it would be interesting to learn if there's a genetic component to this. I know at least one of my ancestors had a heightened sensitivity to noise, although not to my extreme. I had to laugh at the advice "I think if you can get your focus off of what everyone is doing, and onto something else, it would be most helpful" which was well meaning, but useless. At least in my case, my annoyance is an immediate, unconscious, and involuntary reaction. Getting my focus off it is about as effective as trying to ignore a pinch on your arm. Glad to know I'm not alone out there. |
Re: Hypersensitivity to the sound/sight of people eating?
From: pillowphat-ga on 04 Nov 2002 13:19 PST |
Thanks to you guys for your additional comments, which I have taken to heart. Jamesv, you may find the following book helpful personally - it's something I keep meaning to check into more, but apparently there are a bevy of "HSPs" (Highly Sensitive People) out there: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0553062182/qid=1036444651/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_1/103-2661657-1043038?v=glance&n=507846 Thanks again, and I'll keep fighting the good fight! (While others aren't eating, of course) |
Re: Hypersensitivity to the sound/sight of people eating?
From: hummer-ga on 04 Nov 2002 15:05 PST |
Hi pillowphat & jamesv, "I think if you can get your focus off of what everyone is doing, and onto something else, it would be most helpful" "which was well meaning, but useless. At least in my case, my annoyance is an immediate, unconscious, and involuntary reaction. Getting my focus off it is about as effective as trying to ignore a pinch on your arm." I understand what you are saying, but I don't think my advice was useless. Ask a woman who has gone through labor using the Lamaze method - it is not idle advice for her to get her mind off the pain by trying to project herself somewhere else - she'll pick something to concentrate on (the clock on the wall) and I'm suggesting you do the same thing. Avoid those quiet meals around the dining room table - eat out on the back porch where you can concentrate on that Robin in the tree (BE that Robin in the tree). "Glad to know I'm not alone out there." I just knew you all would feel that way - Good to hear from you again, pillowphat, hummer |
Re: Hypersensitivity to the sound/sight of people eating?
From: feivel-ga on 04 Nov 2002 15:47 PST |
I can't touch dry wood. Can't eat an icecreambar or popsicle unless i wrap paper around the stick. Have no idea where that came from. Never met anyone else with that idiosyncrasy. |
Re: Hypersensitivity to the sound/sight of people eating?
From: hummer-ga on 04 Nov 2002 17:14 PST |
Dear feivel, Wow, that sounds awful. First thing that came to mind - have someone blindfold you and put a wooden object in their one hand and a similar unwooden object in their other hand. Choose a hand, over and over, touching whatever object is in it. I don't see how you can get through the day without touching any wood - hummer |
Re: Hypersensitivity to the sound/sight of people eating?
From: feivel-ga on 05 Nov 2002 08:51 PST |
just dry untreated wood. wood that's been varnished or painted, etc. is no problem. really never comes up except with popsicles and the like. not a life-altering problem, just curious as to what the source of this is. |
Re: Hypersensitivity to the sound/sight of people eating?
From: steph1000-ga on 02 Dec 2002 02:14 PST |
Read "The Inner Game of Tennis" by W. Timothy Gallwey This book will teach you how to redirect your hypersensitivity. Don't mind the title of the book, most people who rave about this book don't even use it for tennis. |
Re: Hypersensitivity to the sound/sight of people eating?
From: pmoshay-ga on 04 May 2003 05:04 PDT |
don't feel badly about it... they ARE gross behaviors. you left off, how really elderly people constantly "smack" their lips. ever take a longer elevator ride in a downtown medical bldg? yuck! |
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