Hi jimwest,
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, but hopefully, all will soon be
well. You'll find directions for removal at the following websites:
Removing about:blank Homepage Hijacker:
Windows XP Home edition Service Pack 1 with Internet Explorer 6.0:
"Presented below are several tools and methods used to remove the
about:blank homepage hijacker."
Removing the «About:Blank» Virus from W2K:
All about about:blank:
"We are pretty sure now CoolWebSearch is part of a new strain of
trojans that have recently been identified that all have one thing in
common: they install through the ByteVerify exploit in the MS Java VM
and change the IE homepage, search page, search bar, etc. Take a look
at this snippet from the description of the Java.Shinwow trojan:
This is a growing family of trojans that exploits the ByteCodeVerifier
vulnerability in the Microsoft Virtual Machine to execute unauthorized
code on an affected machine.
The variants of this trojan that we have seen in the wild have been
functionally diverse; the common factor amongst them has been the use
of the ByteVerify exploit to achieve their goals. Some variants may do
little more than change the user's default Internet Explorer home page
and/or search page via modifications to the registry.
We strongly recommend you install the patch, available from this MS
security bulletin. If you have Windows XP with Service Pack 1a, your
system has no MS Java VM. Information on removing the MS Java VM
completely and replacing it with the newer, safer Sun Java VM can be
found here."
Is about:blank IE specific?
Wilders Security Forums > Official DiamondCS Public Forums > Trojan
Defense Suite > About:Blank:
"As we all add detection we are not stopping the CAUSE of the problem,
having IE run in full standard install-whatever-you-want-website mode.
Stopping this should be what we tell users, if they have to format to
remove whatever "adware" they have on their machine they should write
to their leaders and demand action ;)
The latest versions don't apear to be IE specific that is the worry
now earlier versions attacked via then byte verifier bug in IE using
M$ Java VM only.
The latest versions attack & get in the system regardless of browser,
regardless of Java VM versions,
We see it in Netscape browsers, Opera, Mozilla in fact any browser is
affected, Even removing M$ java VM completely still lets it on so the
only common key is Windows and it attacks all versions, I know IE is
inbuilt to all op systems so it is still probably using something
within the IE structure, but it's getting much harder to fix
we haven't heard of it attacking Mac or Linux yet, but we probaly
wouldn't in these forums"
Good luck - I hope to hear good news from you soon! If you have any
questions, please post a clarification request before closing/rating
my answer and I'll be happy to reply.
Thank you,
Google Search Terms Used: about:blank |
Clarification of Answer by
22 Jul 2004 14:27 PDT
Hi Jim, it's good to hear from you - I was wondering how you were making out.
Ok, are you following the XP directions?
Removing about:blank Homepage Hijacker:
Windows XP Home edition Service Pack 1 with Internet Explorer 6.0:
"Presented below are several tools and methods used to remove the
about:blank homepage hijacker."
First, do you have System Restore enabled? Make sure you have a recent
"snapshot" of you system.
Backing Up and Restoring the Windows XP Registry:
"The last method of backing up the registry is using System Restore,
another utility that is included with Windows XP. System Restore is
best likened to a camera taking a complete snapshot of your computer
system at one point in time and storing that image in what is called a
restore point. This restore point can then be recalled at some point
in the future, effectively overwriting any changes that have been made
to the computer since the restore point was created."
Ok, it's time to get to work! Just follow the directions, step-by-step:
1) Will find the name of the hidden file on your computer.
2) Will rename the file you just found.
3) Will delete the file you just renamed using Reglite.
4) Will delete the second file using HijackThis (and the other one too
if it's still there).
You'll be ok, just take your time. If you make a mistake, you'll have
your back-up all ready to go. We all have gone through the same
jitters the first few times of just going into the registry and
looking at it, let alone actually making changes in there. But you'll
feel like a million bucks when it's all over and all fixed!
Good luck - I'll be thinking about you all night so please let me know
how it goes as soon as possible.