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Q: The duel begins .. ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   34 Comments )
Subject: The duel begins ..
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: silver777-ga
List Price: $2.00
Posted: 27 Jan 2005 01:47 PST
Expires: 26 Feb 2005 01:47 PST
Question ID: 464133
Hear ye, here ye .. hey you

Fellow countrymen, Romans and peanut galleratarians.

The honour duel betwixt the Maid and the Capitaine will commence within 48 hours.

Your attendance is paramount to ensure the future of Hovealot in repair.

Jeering, yelling, commenting, cheering and unleashing of lions is encouraged.

Good seats still available. Limited tickets may be purchased on day of
entry. Hotdogs, ovine beer (sheep dip), pomegranates and cumquats on
sale for your gastronomical satisfaction.

Presiding holder of the kerchief fall and decisive Thumb - Sir Probo
Overseeing animal Libetarian - Madame Steph
Technical Support - Sir Guzzi Claus
Transportation Manager - Sir Omnivorous
Strategy Co-ordinator - Sir Mathtalk
Future sales Entrepreneurship - Sir nRonronron 
Crystal Ball Alley - Maid Tryx
Rules Adjudicator - Princess Pink
Researcher Understudy - Sir David, sans slingshot

Ticket sales and Hotdogs - undersigned

Sir Philsalot

(OK, anyone please post an answer. "Maybe" will suffice.)
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
Answered By: hammer-ga on 27 Jan 2005 06:38 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hammeria accepts thy challenge, despite having no idea of what thou
speakest. We accept, secure in the protection of Our Lady of Cowardice
and Ignorance. We shall not fail to brandish our weapon and make
pretty and brave speeches until we are guided by our protector to
capitulate and fall into ignominious retreat. So challenge us, ye who
dare! Thou shalt be surrendered to as thou hast never before, and our
pleas for mercy shall scald thine ears with shame on our behalf!!!

- The Lady Hammeria 
- She Who Has Never Yet Been Touched By The Weapon Of Any Foe

Clarification of Answer by hammer-ga on 27 Jan 2005 08:56 PST
We see a Capitaine. Have we a Maid?

Request for Answer Clarification by silver777-ga on 27 Jan 2005 20:18 PST
The Lady Hammeria,

Hark! .. a virgin in our midst.

Do grace thy seat adjacent and tell more of thyne woes. Thyne chastity
entrances, nay, such implores more prose. Do tell of untouched petals,
thyne flower thus intact. Accept, partake a hotdog, prior thy arena be

The cause ..

The affect ..

Indeed a Maid we have. Maid Marie-Anne aka AM777

Sir Philsalot

Clarification of Answer by hammer-ga on 28 Jan 2005 05:16 PST
<<Hark! .. a virgin in our midst.>>

What? Where??!!! Heavens, kindly Sir Phil, but thou couldst never be
speaking of me...

I see by the visions thou hast provided the nature of this great
contest to unfold before us. Honored be I to accept the seat beside
thine and talk with thee while we await the coming of the Maid.
All-unknowing, I have dodged a gauntlet strike never meant for me. 
Praise be to Our Lady of Cowardice and Ignorance, having guided me
once more to glory without risk!

<<Do grace thy seat adjacent and tell more of thyne woes. Thyne chastity
entrances, nay, such implores more prose. Do tell of untouched petals,
thyne flower thus intact. Accept, partake a hotdog, prior thy arena be

Alas, dear Sir Phil, my flowers and petals are trodden indeed.
Although their scent remains sweet, they no longer evoke the fresh and
delicate perfection of the new-bloomed rose. I have ridden
Flashman-esque through the wildnerness, avoiding brave deeds and
strewing unintended havoc in my wake.

I look eagerly forward to a moment of repose at your side as this
mighty contest maketh its glorious commencement.

- The Lady Hammeria

Request for Answer Clarification by silver777-ga on 28 Jan 2005 07:12 PST
The Lady Hammeria,

Guiding thy steed sidesaddled, upon enveloped rose thou sit
A hearty sojourn in haste, glad'nd thou couldst make it  

Loyal subjects await Sir Probo, savouring wait to greet thy throng
Lookouts at thy battlements, contemplate what might be wrong

Thyne grace bestowed Dear Lady, warms thy heart increased
Yet Hush I fear be wanton, 'afore our witness to deceased

Add patience to thyne virtues, else our contest be contested
Quiet reside we must endure, lest our words become arrested

As spoken truth in answer, danced trippingly o'er thyne tongue
Thyne task to quest complete my guest, enjoy your honour sung

Sir Philsalot

Clarification of Answer by hammer-ga on 28 Jan 2005 08:02 PST
Sir Philsalot, with thee I wait
For Sir Probo our lust to sate
With drop of kerchief, by our laws 
And deeds worth tales told 

I answer here thy R.F.C.
As ordered by the Googs That Be
So timers blind do not find cause
Your humble GAR to scold

My lips now sealed, fingers stilled
Waiting silent with our guild
Entranced by breathless hush-filled pause
For duellers brave and bold

- The Lady Hammeria
silver777-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Excellent. The researcher is well versed in the topic. Additional
information provided to be entertaining as well as informative.

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: peterpantobe-ga on 27 Jan 2005 01:58 PST
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: mikomoro-ga on 27 Jan 2005 03:07 PST
Or maybe not.
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: silver777-ga on 27 Jan 2005 03:09 PST
Peter and Mike,

I only wish that either of you could be paid for your responses.

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: steph53-ga on 27 Jan 2005 05:52 PST
Hello Sir Philsalot....

I'm comfortabley seated in the front row with a hotdog and and sheep dip
in my hand.

So when's the action taking place? 

< looking over shoulder for her fellow peanut galleratarians >

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: ddhara-ga on 27 Jan 2005 06:52 PST
As an anachronism - I have soda and popcorn and the best seat... in
front of my comp...

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 27 Jan 2005 08:34 PST
That is the question.

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 27 Jan 2005 10:09 PST

I wouldn't let Daisy stray too near the hot dog stand - you never know?

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: guzzi-ga on 27 Jan 2005 17:45 PST
Ach jings ye hae me flummuxed Wizard o? Oz. Whit like wid ah ken if
thae scunners wud tak a len o? me wi their mischiefs. Mair like the
gowks wud gae in a fankle an? faa aboot their eens in onycase. A whack
aroun their heeds wi? ma cromach wid dae them guid. Claymores at
glimmer wud be a mauns fecht but yon sassenachs couldnae hannle a pair
o? skian dubh. Ah?ve a mind to hae a blether wi? Groundskeeper Willie
aboot the stooshie but he?s like tae be sae sick-fu? o haggis to dae

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: mathtalk-ga on 27 Jan 2005 17:47 PST
It is a far, far better thing now I do not than ever I shall not do again.
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: pinkfreud-ga on 27 Jan 2005 17:48 PST
Uh-oh. Guzzi has been guzzling the Glenfidditch again.
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: shockandawe-ga on 27 Jan 2005 17:52 PST
I vote for for tedmccall-ga as court alchemist.
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: guzzi-ga on 27 Jan 2005 19:40 PST
Aye, an? the sloe gin.
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 27 Jan 2005 20:18 PST
Honored 38.85score Phil,

Whereof speakest thou?  I dout not thou hast wroghte a faire offer,
yett thou makest little ynough sense that thou couldst, I ween, place
ye whole of it within a callycotte and still have room to spare for a
wydgill of lusty size.  Nathelees it liketh me to be "Crystal Ball
Alley" yclept.  What wouldst thou?

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: silver777-ga on 27 Jan 2005 21:34 PST
Maid Tryx,

Thyne Maids grey matter entrances one so. As doth thyne magic. Thyne
enigmaticus demeanour beckons thoughts beyond said realm. Maid Tryx,
ne'er dispute thyne thrust to yonder secondment, Crystal Ball Alley.
Paltry side-show, nay, entertainment, nay .. yet enticing said
commoners to familiar soil, thyne commoners shall be learned in thyne

Singular question remaineth. What doth one maketh of "38.85score" so adorned?

Sir Philsalot
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 27 Jan 2005 21:50 PST
Ffufflewogge, dear Phil, seith I.  Flatterye and charme, but
ffufflewogge.  Wouldst have me duel with yon Capitaine?  I had as lief
be curst for fowl vileynye.  But if he be sette upon it, I shall
choose ye weopons.

"38.85score"?  Do ye math.

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: silver777-ga on 27 Jan 2005 22:15 PST
Maid Tryx,

And sayeth I .. dare ye seek thy equine's cavernous recepticle in
thyne searching of falsified molars, canines nor incisors scant. Nay
ffufflewogge, all beith held in fine and heartfelt temperament of
thyne learned ways.

Thyne math beget advice be true. Clueing search be revealed in thy asketh.

Sir Philsalot
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: silver777-ga on 27 Jan 2005 22:30 PST
Hear ye, Here ye you lot ..

The red carpet has been laid awaiting Sir Probo. 

As holder of the kerchief and decisive Thumb, Sir Probo shall announce
the start of the duel within the next 24 hours, upon his command, with
the drop of said kerchief. We must remain seated and patient as we
anticipate the Royal Arrival.

"Hotdogs .. Hotdogs .. get your Hotdogs here" 

Rules of First Blood with Seconds have been adopted. However, Sir
Probo may overide all rules with a decisive downturn of the Royal
Thumb to indicate a change in rules: To The Death.

Sir Philsalot
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: peterpantobe-ga on 28 Jan 2005 11:51 PST
some entertaiment while we are waiting........
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: peterpantobe-ga on 28 Jan 2005 11:51 PST
entertainment even !!
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: silver777-ga on 28 Jan 2005 19:16 PST
A display of fine weapons ..

Guzzi ..

The Lady Hammer arrived ..

Pink's and Steph's cats come to an agreement ..
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: guzzi-ga on 28 Jan 2005 20:16 PST
Ah canny get a thing you craters are on aboot. Whits rang wi yer
thrapples that you canna spik plain English! Ah'm awa fir a drink.
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: silver777-ga on 29 Jan 2005 00:23 PST
hhmmm .. 

"Entranced by breathless hush-filled pause" (extract - The Lady Hammeria)

What more can one do?

There is a way, but it won't be the same without the trio of stars.

So we wait.
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 29 Jan 2005 11:14 PST
Threadviiew 464701 appears to be blocked so I will post my comment for
that question here.

With regard to your clarification, I see that you support the Woody
Allen, school of thought. He once said that? Most people achieve
immortality through their work, I want to do it by simply not dying!?

Also, wrt. the other question (now this question) and immortality; has
anybody yet sorted out the ethical problem of my fighting a duel when
I am already dead. I really think it gives me a bit of an unfair edge,
wouldn?t you agree.

I remain as always your honourable Capitaine Formidable.
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 29 Jan 2005 11:31 PST
To the honourable maiden,

We now have four rooms hooked up to the new electricity and three
rooms still on the old electricity and one we are not really sure

If it?s alright by you we could take it in turns to stick a finger
into a contact on the new circuit breaker board. Sort of a cross
between Russian roulette and The Green Mile, certainly a hair raising
experience for someone. Stand by with the fire extinguisher Bryan.

Your trusty adversary Formidable.
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: am777-ga on 29 Jan 2005 11:37 PST
ROFL ....

sounds like fun to me Norman!!!

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: silver777-ga on 29 Jan 2005 23:54 PST
Right you two. Don't go anywhere. You are now incarcerated within the
confines of the arena. Attempts to backout now will prove to be
futile. Christian (and non-Christian) hungry lions are pacing back and
forth beyond the latticed gateways.

My first job is done. We now await Sir Probo. Stand ready to herald the arrival.

Rumour has it that his Royal Seal was required on voluminous tomes of
legal documents. (Not to mention the autograph requests on his way to
the stadium).

Watch this space.
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 30 Jan 2005 15:07 PST
Phil, I don't think he's coming.  For some reason he doesn't want to
play.  Maybe it's raining where he is.  I think we'll have to call the
game, don't you?  I enjoyed the hot dog and the rowdy company. 
Thanks!  See ya--

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: capitaineformidable-ga on 30 Jan 2005 15:32 PST
I do hope he hasnt been smitten down for his last irreverent question.

Phil - if you are quick about it, he could finish up in the hot dogs
before anyone realises whats going on. Bring on the cheer leaders and
drag out the show for a bit longer.

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: silver777-ga on 30 Jan 2005 20:20 PST
Maid Tryx .. ye hath meagre faith. Ne'er concede. All cometh to those
whom wait and whither. Taketh heart in observation of thy Madame Steph
transfixed and numb of buttock. Yet thou faith dwindles not. And
puzzled I, intrudes yet thrice in order gleaned thyne knowledge ..
38.85score? Be it thyne temperature of modern beast?

Capitaine .. a few thoughts. Thank you for actually asking me to
continue this diversion from reality. Everything serves a purpose. It
may not appear obvious on the surface at first. One could do with
further assistance to the likes of Guzzi's fine humour, Pink's succint
one liners and of course Hammer's eloquent command of language and
verse. All other fine contributors may be addressed in time, if the GA
administration allows.

But then .. (he babbles so), what of the readers? "Who's this idiot
with misplaced "thees", "thous" and "thynes". If he isn't careful he
might end up with a lithp." Then again, the misplacement makes for
more smiles methinks. And smiles are good.

Yet most importantly, the overt purpose of posting is to help set the
scene for Probo as a prompt to his original tongue-in-cheek question
on duelling. I admit, I had wondered if I had trodden upon Royal Toes
by assuming the self imposed role. Nahh .. Probo will see the
intention for what it is. All in good fun. I am led to believe that he
is preparing Daisy chains at present, but he shall return.

And we can't be upsetting any question rules now can we? Pushing the
question envelope is fun though. Until all disappears of course.

Also, I think I have fallen in love .. again. With the words, that is.
I am torn between " .. tendrils of thought, where thoughts may not
usually go .. " and as above " .. entranced by breathless hush-filled
pause .. ".

If you have read this far. I thank you.

Sir Philharmonicorchestra
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 31 Jan 2005 00:08 PST
Well, all right, Phil, I'll check back--but remember, I'm the one with
the crystal ball.

Besides, I was getting a cramp in my tongue from talking like that.

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: hammer-ga on 31 Jan 2005 05:04 PST
A Haiku for Phil
silver waits and hopes
seven rings thrice upon us
the chime of patience

Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: am777-ga on 03 Feb 2005 07:19 PST
13 14 1037 1038
13 14  1037 1038
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: silver777-ga on 04 Feb 2005 02:48 PST
All interested parties,

Never give up. This question has 22 days to run before expiration. No
need to close down the arena. All can be revived in continuation one
of two ways. We can wait for Sir Probo, or we can have some
preliminary events in the interim.


May I suggest a duel of words betwixt The Lady Hammeria and Princess Pink?


The Lady Hammeria ..

Thank you for your kind energy and thought in composing your Haiku
just for me. I must reciprocate, yet I feel that any words I compile
will not do justice to compliment your verse. I shall put my mind to
the task, provided that you will humour me in my feeble attempts. This
may take some time in thought.

AM .. very good. I get the message. Keep playing with your keyboard
and create an Excel spreadsheet to reference the Alt key symbols for
later use. I have searched for a conclusive list, but I can only find
bits and pieces. As below, are the results of Alt 1 to 50. There are
thousands. Princess Pink directed me to the use of them. Perhaps she
has the full list.

???????????????????때?????????? !"#$%&'()*+,-./012

Sir Philanthropist
Subject: Re: The duel begins ..
From: am777-ga on 04 Feb 2005 04:09 PST
LOL Phil,

glad you enjoy my "music"

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