Hello mrmr7,
This could be a number of things, such as a tendonitis, arthritis,
contractures, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or a nerve disorder. You really
should visit your doctor for an acurate diagnosis and therapy.
I have listed some sites that describe various forms of hand pain:
Hand Pain Causes:
Hand Pain:
Hand Pain and/or Stiffness
Hand and Finger Pain
Wrist Pain
Finger and Hand Pain
"Dupuytren's contracture is a fairly common disorder of the fingers.
It most often affects the ring or little finger, sometimes both, and
often in both hands. Although the exact cause is unknown, it occurs
most often in middle-aged, white men and is genetic in nature, meaning
it runs in families. This condition is seven times more common in men
than women. It is more common in men of Scandinavian, Irish, or
Eastern European ancestry. Interestingly, the spread of the disease
seems to follow the same pattern as the spread of Viking culture in
ancient times. The disorder may occur suddenly but more commonly
progresses slowly over a period of years. The disease usually doesn't
cause symptoms until after the age of forty."
"Claw hand is a condition characterized by curved or bent fingers,
which makes it appear like the claw of an animal."
"Claw hand can be something that someone is born with (congenital) or
that they develop because of certain acquired disorders, such as nerve
"Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy is a chronic pain disorder involving the
sympathetic nervous system. It usually is the result of an injury or
trauma, but can also be a complication of surgery, infection, casting
or splitting and myocardial infarction (heart attack). The trauma sets
off the body's mechanism for pain recognition, but then the "normal
system of pain perception" begins to misfire and an abnormal cycle of
intractable pain begins. As RSD progresses, the abnormal pain of the
sympathetic nervous system has an effect on other areas of the body
and can result in total disability as muscles, bones, skin and the
autonomic immune system become involved."
You may find a previous answer interesting:
Hope this helps you!
Sincerely, Crabcakes |