Hello Grtspeed,
Generally speaking, most people, after the first taste of spoiled
milk, spit it out, and/or do not continue drinking any more. This
greatly decreases the risk of potential illness.
?If something looks or smells different than normal, check with an
adult before eating or drinking it. Milk is a good example. If you've
ever had a sip of sour milk, you know you never want to taste that
again! Any mold (which can be green, pink, white, or brown) is also a
sign that food has spoiled.?
Before pasteurization of milk, drinking spoiled milk could cause one
to die or become deathly sick!
?The secret of success in the pasteurization of milk lies in the fact
that the major part of the inevitable changes that, accompany souring
or other fermentative changes is due to the presence of bacteria that
in the rapidly growing stage are readily killed by a scalding
temperature. This point, known as the thermal death point of the
growing organism, is fortunately just below the temperature at which
the cream line in milk is affected. Even disease bacteria, such as
tuberculosis, diphtheria, typhoid, and other organisms are not able to
endure the temperature of pasteurization.
This method was first, applied to the treatment of milk in Europe but
it was in America, that the process was commercialized and put on a
practical basis. In the earlier days the process was applied primarily
to the treatment of milk for infant, feeding and ailing children, but
the success in this field soon led to its more general application in
the treatment of city milk supplies. America has developed this. phase
of the dairy business to an exceptionally high stage of perfection.
Without doubt, the very wide use of fluid milk in the United States
compared with other countries is due in no small measure to the
feeling of security that the public have in the healthfulness of the
product, both from the hygienic as well as the nutritive point, of
Today, milk purchased in commercial grocery stores is pasteurized, to
avoid the ills of the past. However, spoiled milk can still make one
sick, depending on the contaminating organism and the numbers of the
organism present.
?Foods from animals, raw foods, and unwashed vegetables all can
contain germs that cause food poisoning. The most likely source is
food from animals, like meat, poultry (such as chicken), eggs, milk,
and shellfish (such as shrimp).
Some of the common bacteria are:
· Salmonella (say: sal-meh-neh-luh)
· Listeria (say: lis-tir-ee-uh)
· Campylobacter (say: kam-pye-low-bak-tur)
· E. coli (say: ee kole-eye)
To avoid food poisoning, people need to prepare, cook, and store foods properly.
Do I Have Food Poisoning?
If a person has food poisoning, he or she might:
· have an upset stomach (called nausea, say: naw-zee-uh)
· have stomach cramps
· have diarrhea (say: dy-uh-ree-uh), which may contain blood
· have a fever
Sometimes feeling sick from food poisoning shows up within hours of
eating the bad food. At other times, someone may not feel sick until
several days later. With mild cases of food poisoning, you will not
feel sick for very long and will soon be feeling fine again.?
?Classical food poisoning with staphylococcal organisms usually
appears within three hours of eating the contaminated food. The
illness normally begins with nausea, leading to severe vomiting.
Other types of food poisoning such as campylobacter may only cause
diarrhoea and abdominal cramps, without vomiting, although vomiting
can occur in some cases.
Some forms of food poisoning have an incubation period of up to
several days so it can be hard to identify the source of
Other possible symptoms:
A cluster of food poisoning in people who ate the same food
Fever and chills
Examining the suspected food for any poison or bacteria can confirm
the diagnosis. A diagnosis can also be made by testing stool or vomit
The illness will normally last about a day, although many people can
still feel weak and off colour for several days afterwards.
What can be done to help?
Treatment involves measures to avoid dehydration. Drink plenty of
water and electrolyte solutions to replace lost salt and minerals.
Avoid dairy products during the illness. Eat bland foods such as
bananas, apples, and unbuttered toast. Babies should continue to be
breastfed and given electrolyte solutions.
Those suffering from stomach cramps may get relief from taking an
antispasmodic medicine. Anti-diarrhoea medications are generally not
given because they may prolong the infection.
People taking diuretic medication should ask their doctor whether to
keep taking them while they have diarrhoea. In some cases they may
need to be stopped during the acute phase of the illness.
People who are unable to keep anything down due to nausea may need
medication to stop them vomiting, and require intravenous feeding in
some cases.?
?In both pasteurized and raw milk, various microorganisms
succeed one another as the chemical environment of the milk
changes. The microbes themselves bring about these changes.
The stages of microbial growth are Streptococcus, then Lactobacillus,
then yeasts and molds, and finally Bacillus.
Streptococci convert the milk sugar (lactose) to lactic acid. The
acidity of the milk increases to the point where further streptococci
growth is inhibited. Lactobacilli then begin to grow and convert
the remaining lactose into lactic acid. Acidity increases further
until Lactobacilli growth is suppressed. The lactic acid sours the
milk and curdles (coagulates) the milk protein. Yeasts and molds
grow well in this acid environment, and they convert acid into
nonacid products. Finally, bacilli multiply in the environment
where protein is the only nutrient available.
Bacilli convert protein into ammonia products, and the pH rises.
These bacteria also digest the remaining protein through enzymatic
action. The odor of spoiled milk becomes apparent once
this has happened. Microbial activity causes changes in the pH of
the milk. Fluctuations in pH are due to fermentation and putrefaction
(decomposition) process.?
?Storing Food
· Bacteria grow quickly at room temperature.
· Put foods that spoil quickly (meat, fish, poultry, dairy foods, and
eggs) in the refrigerator or freezer right away to keep bacteria from
· Refrigerator temperature should be 40 degrees F or lower.
· Freezer temperature should be 0 degrees F or lower.
· Store foods that spoil quickly in the coldest part of the
refrigerator-- the lowest shelf in the back.
?· Keep everything clean. Clean your counters often and clean them
well. Wash your hands with soap and water a lot during cooking.
· Don't use foods past the recommended date on the label. Even though
this never made you sick in the past, it may now!
· Don't taste anything that you think might be spoiled. If in doubt,
throw it out!
· Use pasteurized milk only. This means it has been treated with heat
to destroy harmful germs. Look for the word "pasteurized" on the
label. Do not drink milk fresh from the cow!?
?It is common knowledge that milk spoils, and spoiled milk can cause
diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps and flatulence.?
?Milk spoils quickly without refrigeration. Throw out spoiled milk.
Soured milk may be used in baking.?
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Regards, Crabcakes
Search Terms
Food poisoning + spoiled milk
Drinking spoiled milk
Ingestion + spoiled milk
Ingesting soured milk |