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Long-Term Care Facility - Legal Requirements
Category: Health > Seniors Asked by: jkm1317-ga List Price: $50.00 |
26 Oct 2005 18:23 PDT
Expires: 25 Nov 2005 17:23 PST Question ID: 585419 |
I would like to the legal requirements for starting a long term care or nursing home in Creek County, Oklahoma. This would include any city, state, and federal requirements for a small residential facility of approximatly 10-20 beds. The focus would be on patients that are bed ridden, generally seniors. Thanks for your help!! | |
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Re: Long-Term Care Facility - Legal Requirements
From: czh-ga on 26 Oct 2005 22:41 PDT |
See prior related question. http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=581549 |
Re: Long-Term Care Facility - Legal Requirements
From: ryaninkansas-ga on 18 Nov 2005 19:30 PST |
Dear Sir- I am involved with nursing homes in my work so I will do my best to answer you question (becuase if you knew what they pay nursing home administrators these days you'd look for extra cash too!) If it will resemble a nursing home (even if it doesn't these regulations are the most stringent so you would be in FULL compliance to abide by them" you would want to read these - http://www.health.state.ok.us/PROGRAM/condiv/675act.pdf Also Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services at http://www.cms.hhs.gov/default.asp? would be helpful. If you are going to renovate your existing structure there are Fire Marshall Life Safety Codes specific for long term care facilities that must also be met. You can acquire the Life Safety Code for LTC facilities at your local college library (just take a roll of quarters for the copies). You will also have to submit a plan, architectual documents, etc. to your states Dept. of Health and Environment or Dept. on Aging for approval. PLease make note that there are Federal Regulations and State regulations that must be met to maintain full compliance of your facility. You may want to visit the Oklahoma Association of Homes and Services for the Aging at http://www.okahsa.org/ This association represents all the nonprofit nursings homes in your state. I am assuming that your home will be nonprofit because of its size and benevolent makeup. They will be able to provide a tremendous amount of information on where to go and who to talk to (lots of resources). You could also go here http://www.medicare.gov/NHCompare/Home.asp?version=alternate&browser=IE%7C6%7CWinXP&language=English&defaultstatus=0&pagelist=Home&CookiesEnabledStatus=True and look up nursing homes in your area to compare. You are able to look at a history of deficient practices, staffing ratios, etc. etc. This might be useful to locate those providers who really excel at what they do and then contact them for a tour or to ask questions. Also you will have to go to http://www.nabweb.org/Home/default.aspx To operate a long term care facility it would be pertinent to become a nusing home administrator. At this site you can gather information on how to do that (who to contact, reister to take the exam, request and pay for a hard copy of the regulations, etc.) Now, will all that said I'd like to speak candidly. Please understand that health care (namely long term care) is the second most regulated field in the US next to nuclear power. It is this way because many people have made many mistakes and many people have died, not naturally, but from neglect and just plain bad care. In response the federal government has taken the approach that even "risks or the potential for harm" are not acceptable in nursing homes. There are going to by multiple hoops for you to jump through for you to get your endeavor off the ground. Please also know that just becuase you feel compelled to be a care provider for "the elderly" doesn't mean you can just renovate your home (like a segment on Oprah) and change the world. The road to (you know where) is paved with good intentions. Nursing home administrators go to jail when they are found to have been providing consistently poor care. I don't mean to be discouraging I just want to be honest and tell the truth. |
Re: Long-Term Care Facility - Legal Requirements
From: msazalea-ga on 25 Nov 2005 07:55 PST |
Dear Sir, I'm not familiar with your state, but I do operate an assisted living facility in Georgia. Your first step is to determine if you want a residential care facility or a nursing home. Each has different licensing requirements. The residential care facilities in some states have different levels of care, so you might start with this type first. If no levels of care are in place, you can probably get waivers for the bed patients. Each State has different names for residential care facilities. Find out the official term first! My advice is to contact your state licensing agency. If you don't know who it is, call one of the other facilities in your area to find out who is in charge of state licensing. Call this agency to request a Rules and Regulations booklet. This should give you all the State requirements. Read thoroughly. If you are confused, ask a State Regulator to clarify. Another important step is to check the zoning regulations in your area to see if your location is zoned for this type of facility. If not, you will need to re-zone or find a location that is already in the correct zoning. Normally these are located in Office-Institutional or Commercial zoning areas. If neighbors protest, forget it and find another location. The main thing is to read that Rules booklet to see if you can comply with everything required. This would involve square footage of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, handicap accessable requirements, menu approvals, background checks on the administrator and all employees, obtaining your admission forms, policy manuals, etc. You will need approval from the City, the County, the Fire Marshall, Health Department, State Regulators, and your neighbors. Yes, there is a lot of paperwork and lots to consider....but well worth the effort! I have had my facility for over 22 years and care for approximately 32 residents. My son is now involved with the operation, and my own parents live on the property. In my situation, we are very careful to do as the State and Health Department asks...because they are the ones who determine if we stay in business. If you need more information, I can assist some, but don't know all the answers. It takes a lot of investigating on your part to comply with all the agencies and requirements. Good luck, MsAzalea www.azalea-manor.com |
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