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Q: Finding exorcist for myself ( No Answer,   6 Comments )
Subject: Finding exorcist for myself
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: coolartist70-ga
List Price: $25.00
Posted: 04 Apr 2006 17:40 PDT
Expires: 04 May 2006 17:40 PDT
Question ID: 715506
I am a man who's seriously looking for a person who will excise a
demon from my life.This demon has tormented for months.Please don't
refer me to a Catholic prest, since they won't help a person who's not
Catholic.I live in Oregon, and I'd like to meet an exorcist who's
within a radious of 500 miles, though I'm willing to travel a little
longer. Please try to find me three exorcists.
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Finding exorcist for myself
From: grant0-ga on 05 Apr 2006 14:10 PDT
Exorcisms are very very expensive, and so I would highly recommend, if
the demon will allow you, visiting a psychiatrist to determine whether
you are truly posessed or not. It's also very difficult to find
anyone, Catholic or not, who can and will perform exorcisms. It is
almost a lost art/trade, and few know how to do these. Many people who
advertise as exorcists are fakes, and rely on the placebo effect.

If you are speaking in tongues, or the devil has appeared in front of
you, or you have strong evidence that you are posessed, I would
recommend absolutely speaking to a psychiatrist, not because I think
you are crazy or insane, because I doubt that you are, but simply
because they tend to be less expensive. As for finding one, look it up
in your local phone book. Hope this helps.
Subject: Re: Finding exorcist for myself
From: duconihilum-ga on 05 Apr 2006 23:15 PDT
Instead of wasting your money on a exorcist, find a psychiatrist. I
agree with the poster above me. If you are seeing things, or believe
you are possessed, please seek help immediately. A psychiatrist could
help you through this much more than any exorcist could do.
Subject: Re: Finding exorcist for myself
From: stressedmum-ga on 06 Apr 2006 00:09 PDT
Maybe this will help you... "There is a French priest and exorcist,
Father Henri Gesland who investigated 3,000 cases of alleged
possession between 1968 and 1974 and found only four he believed to be
demonic. The percentage of possession was .0133%."

(That was from the

By going to see a reputable psychiatrist, you give yourself the
opportunity to be properly diagnosed, and if indeed you are possessed,
the psychiatrist will recognise the symptoms and refer you for further
help. You might or might not be relieved to hear that it's quite
possible that a chemical imbalance in your body system might be
responsible for your feelings of possession. That's why it's important
to get initial help from a psychiatrist who will try and sort it out
for you.

If you do pursue the path of exorcism, I think you might find that the
Catholic Church offers a legitimate exorcism service, whether or not
you are Catholic, but you must be referred to them by a reputable
psychiatrist. Those who advertise their exorcism services in phone
books, usually for money, are probably not going to help you. There
was a case here in Australia a few years ago where an unqualified
exorcist ended up in court for manslaughter because he didn't know
what he was doing. There is a well-researched exorcism process that
needs to be followed and it is that process which will protect you as
you rid this demon from your life.

This must all be very distressing for you. Do seek help quickly, and
all my very best wishes for your good health and happiness.
Subject: Re: Finding exorcist for myself
From: purplecloud-ga on 07 Apr 2006 01:46 PDT
Dear coolartist70

Perhaps the following thread on exorcisms will be of some help.

You get what you pay for. 

Regards, AM
Subject: Re: Finding exorcist for myself
From: coolartist70-ga on 16 Apr 2006 19:40 PDT
Your comments are typical. A person claiming to be tormented by demons
must be mentally unbalanced and in need of a psychiatrist. I must
admit that had I not experienced demons, I'd probably feel as you do.
And I haven't spent a penny on exorcists.
Subject: Re: Finding exorcist for myself
From: stressedmum-ga on 17 Apr 2006 00:31 PDT
Dear coolartist, I had hoped that my comment would offer you some
reassurance. I also hoped that you would get in touch with the
Catholic Church, despite being a non-Catholic, because their vast
expertise in exorcisms would provide a safe avenue for helping you
deal with your demon. If you are not getting the help you need from a
Catholic priest simply because you are not a Catholic, then I urge you
to go and find another one. There is a vast difference in the
attitudes of priests and it's a case of finding one with an open mind
and a kind heart who will help you. You might find that a
college/university chaplain might be more broadminded. It is important
that you accept that most people's first response will be that you
should seek assistance from a psychiatrist given that this demon is
affecting the way you deal with the world. It's not meant to insult
you or dismiss your problem. I know that I would far rather deal with
a recognised mental illness than cope, as you are having to cope, with
a demon.
I have found these sites who seem to offer some insights into the same
issue you're dealing with. I sincerely hope they help you.    I just found this site and it seems to
have lots of information that might be useful to you. 
this wikipedia site links to a tv show of a local guy, John Safran,
who subjected himself to an exorcism by Bob Larson, a US
fundamentalist Christian preacher. It was quite disturbing to watch
and I personally don't believe that Safran is that good an actor to
have faked this. Maybe contacting Bob Larson will be of assistance.

Best wishes...

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