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Englisg to vietnamese translation
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: nemi14-ga List Price: $20.00 |
04 Nov 2006 23:42 PST
Expires: 04 Dec 2006 23:42 PST Question ID: 780211 |
hanb (08:18:40 PM): khoc ha sint (08:18:43 PM): chup anh khoa than nhieu lam hanb (08:18:44 PM): sung mat the sint (08:18:48 PM): uh hanb (08:18:54 PM): nhin thay het ha sint (08:18:58 PM): uh hanb (08:19:06 PM): cua con do luon sint (08:19:06 PM): con day cung the ma hanb (08:19:13 PM): alin cho mi xem ha sint (08:19:14 PM): ca 2dua chup ma sint (08:19:17 PM): uh hanb (08:19:21 PM): troi hanb (08:19:28 PM): con day dep ko hanb (08:19:31 PM): thoi sint (08:19:33 PM): binh thuong hanb (08:19:36 PM): may suy nghi lai di hanb (08:19:45 PM): no yeu con day cuoi the con bo sint (08:19:52 PM): thi tao dang ko biet phai lam ji day hanb (08:19:54 PM): thi minh cung phai nen can than sint (08:19:59 PM): uh hanb (08:20:17 PM): mi dung mu quang nhu thang viet lai kho lam sint (08:20:30 PM): tao cung so nhu the lam sint (08:20:40 PM): va bjio cung gan the roi hanb (08:20:47 PM): thoi hanb (08:20:54 PM): mi lam gi thay dung la lam di hanb (08:21:00 PM): dung nen o voi no nhieu qua hanb (08:21:10 PM): thinh thoang thoi hanb (08:21:15 PM): mi o ca no nhieu qua sint (08:21:26 PM): 3ngay nua tao ve roi hanb (08:21:26 PM): giiong con chan doi hanb (08:21:30 PM): thieu thuoc the hanb (08:21:33 PM): uh sint (08:21:35 PM): y n o roi thi phai hanb (08:21:41 PM): ve di tau vao sg ca mi hanb (08:21:46 PM): chac chan sint (08:21:49 PM): uh hanb (08:21:58 PM): mi noi ca no chgua sint (08:22:05 PM): lan nay tao quyet dinh kiem tien no hanb (08:22:06 PM): dot nay ve no cho tien ko hanb (08:22:09 PM): uh sint (08:22:10 PM): ko yeu duong ji het sint (08:22:14 PM): co chu sint (08:22:18 PM): nhieu nua la khac hanb (08:22:30 PM): sao may biet sint (08:22:39 PM): no noi lan nay ve xay nha ma hanb (08:22:47 PM): uh hanb (08:22:50 PM): the thi tot sint (08:22:52 PM): xay nha thi phai co tien chu hanb (08:22:58 PM): cu binh thuong di sint (08:23:00 PM): uh sint (08:23:04 PM): \ tao btuong nha hanb (08:23:07 PM): ma gen thi van cu gen hieu ko sint (08:23:10 PM): ko khoc ko suy nghi sint (08:23:15 PM): ma chi nghi den tien sint (08:23:18 PM): lam tao lma dc hanb (08:23:19 PM): chu binh thuong qua no noi minh ko yeu no hanb (08:23:36 PM): nhung dung bo hanb (08:23:42 PM): cu cap binh thuong sint (08:23:47 PM): tao nghi ve tien la tao co gang hanb (08:23:49 PM): hieu chua hanb (08:23:52 PM): uh sint (08:23:59 PM): hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hanb (08:23:59 PM): tao thay no cung yeu may sint (08:24:08 PM): con nao ma cha yeu hanb (08:24:08 PM): yeu moi the sint (08:24:23 PM): no ko co thoi jian nghi vi yeu dau hanb (08:24:25 PM): thoi dung suy nghi nua sint (08:24:26 PM): nhu may y hanb (08:24:32 PM): len orcard ma choi sint (08:24:35 PM): uh sint (08:24:42 PM): chac hnay tao len day choi hanb (08:25:02 PM): uh hanb (08:25:02 PM): xoan ve chua sint (08:25:08 PM): ve sangnay roi sint (08:25:12 PM): no dt cho may chua sint (08:25:22 PM): tao gui ao roi day sint (08:25:38 PM): nay hanb (08:25:46 PM): uh hanb (08:25:49 PM): sao hanb (08:25:51 PM): chua hanb (08:25:54 PM): no chua dt hanb (08:26:02 PM): so no bao nhieu o vn may biet ko sint (08:26:07 PM): tao gui cai giay to ma lan truoc tao giu tien cho cai hang sint (08:26:32 PM): may len biu dien hoi lay lai tien ho tao nha hanb (08:26:49 PM): uh hanb (08:26:59 PM): nhung so no can chung minh thu thi sao sint (08:27:02 PM): biu dien lon ha noi y hanb (08:27:07 PM): cu gui di tau di lay cho may hanb (08:27:12 PM): ok thu hanb (08:27:19 PM): danh phan son di choi di hanb (08:27:22 PM): o nha lam gi sint (08:27:22 PM): chi can cai to giay bien lai gui tien thoi hanb (08:27:27 PM): len day dong trai sint (08:27:30 PM): uh hanb (08:27:31 PM): ok sint (08:27:34 PM): tao cung nghi the hanb (08:27:47 PM): co thang nao di ngu luon kiem tien ma vui sint (08:27:55 PM): ngay gio gui tien va ten ho o trong giay luon nha sint (08:28:00 PM): uh hanb (08:28:07 PM): biet roi hanb (08:28:13 PM): lat tao goi xoan sint (08:28:17 PM): uh hanb (08:28:21 PM): may co so dt cua xoan ko sint (08:28:23 PM): ve an com di hanb (08:28:25 PM): o vn ay sint (08:28:28 PM): ko co hanb (08:28:28 PM): ok thu hanb (08:28:31 PM): biibiibibi sint (08:28:33 PM): biiii hanb (08:28:35 PM): gap sau nhe hanb (08:28:37 PM): bibib sint (08:28:40 PM): tao trang diem di choi day hanb (08:28:42 PM): di di dung o nha hanb (08:28:50 PM): vui ve sint (08:28:51 PM): bi |
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Re: Englisg to vietnamese translation
Answered By: secret901-ga on 05 Nov 2006 14:01 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hi nemi14-ga, Below is the translation: ---------------------------------Translation begins---------------------------- hanb (08:18:40 PM): [Are you] crying? sint (08:18:43 PM): There are so many nude pictures hanb (08:18:44 PM): [Your] eyes are all swollen. sint (08:18:48 PM): Yeah hanb (08:18:54 PM): [Did you] see them all? sint (08:18:58 PM): Yeah hanb (08:19:06 PM): Even of her sint (08:19:06 PM): She's like that too hanb (08:19:13 PM): Did Alin [?] let you see them? sint (08:19:14 PM): It's of both of them sint (08:19:17 PM): Yeah hanb (08:19:21 PM): Oh my god hanb (08:19:28 PM): Is she pretty? hanb (08:19:31 PM): Forget it sint (08:19:33 PM): [She's] OK hanb (08:19:36 PM): Think [about it] again hanb (08:19:45 PM): He loves her that he would leave somebody he's marrying sint (08:19:52 PM): I don't know what to do now hanb (08:19:54 PM): You should be careful sint (08:19:59 PM): Yeah hanb (08:20:17 PM): Don't be blind like Viet; it'll be difficult [for you] sint (08:20:30 PM): I'm also afraid it'll be like that sint (08:20:40 PM): It's almost like that now hanb (08:20:47 PM): Forget it hanb (08:20:54 PM): Do what you think is right hanb (08:21:00 PM): Don't be with him too much hanb (08:21:10 PM): Just sometimes hanb (08:21:15 PM): You're at his place too many times sint (08:21:26 PM): I'll return in 3 days hanb (08:21:26 PM): [You're] like someone who's tired of life hanb (08:21:30 PM): Missing medication [?] hanb (08:21:33 PM): Yeah sint (08:21:35 PM): [I'm] probably already in love with him hanb (08:21:41 PM): Return then take a train to Saigon with me hanb (08:21:46 PM): It's certain sint (08:21:49 PM): OK hanb (08:21:58 PM): Did you tell him yet? sint (08:22:05 PM): This time I decided to find his money hanb (08:22:06 PM): Did he give you any money to return? hanb (08:22:09 PM): Yeah sint (08:22:10 PM): No more love sint (08:22:14 PM): He did sint (08:22:18 PM): Even more than last time hanb (08:22:30 PM): How do you know? sint (08:22:39 PM): He said this time return to build a house hanb (08:22:47 PM): OK hanb (08:22:50 PM): That's good sint (08:22:52 PM): Building a house requires money hanb (08:22:58 PM): Just act like normal sint (08:23:00 PM): Yeah sint (08:23:04 PM): I'm acting normal hanb (08:23:07 PM): But still be jealous, understand? sint (08:23:10 PM): No crying, no thinking about it sint (08:23:15 PM): Just think of money sint (08:23:18 PM): I can do that hanb (08:23:19 PM): If you act too nonchalant he'll wonder if you love him hanb (08:23:36 PM): Don't leave him hanb (08:23:42 PM): Stay with him like normal sint (08:23:47 PM): I'll try when I think about money hanb (08:23:49 PM): Understand? hanb (08:23:52 PM): Yeah sint (08:23:59 PM): hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hanb (08:23:59 PM): I think he loves you sint (08:24:08 PM): He loves everyone hanb (08:24:08 PM): That's love sint (08:24:23 PM): He doesn't have time to think about love hanb (08:24:25 PM): Don't think about it anymore sint (08:24:26 PM): Like you hanb (08:24:32 PM): Go play at Orcard sint (08:24:35 PM): Yeah sint (08:24:42 PM): I probably will go there hanb (08:25:02 PM): Yeah hanb (08:25:02 PM): Did Xoan return? sint (08:25:08 PM): She returned this morning sint (08:25:12 PM): Did she call you? sint (08:25:22 PM): I sent the shirt sint (08:25:38 PM): Hey hanb (08:25:46 PM): OK hanb (08:25:49 PM): What? hanb (08:25:51 PM): Not yet hanb (08:25:54 PM): She hasn't called hanb (08:26:02 PM): Do you know her number in Vietnam? sint (08:26:07 PM): I sent the paperwork for the last time I sent money to Hang sint (08:26:32 PM): Go to the post office and ask for the money for me hanb (08:26:49 PM): OK hanb (08:26:59 PM): What if they want a letter of proof? sint (08:27:02 PM): It's a big post office, they won't ask for it hanb (08:27:07 PM): Just send it to [someone?] to get it for you hanb (08:27:12 PM): ok Thu hanb (08:27:19 PM): Put on makeup and go out hanb (08:27:22 PM): Why stay at home sint (08:27:22 PM): You only need the receipt for sending money hanb (08:27:27 PM): There are plenty of men there sint (08:27:30 PM): Yeah hanb (08:27:31 PM): OK sint (08:27:34 PM): I think so too hanb (08:27:47 PM): If you find some guy, sleep with him to make some money sint (08:27:55 PM): You need the time that I sent money and the full name on the paper to sint (08:28:00 PM): OK hanb (08:28:07 PM): I know hanb (08:28:13 PM): I'll call Xoan later sint (08:28:17 PM): OK hanb (08:28:21 PM): Do you have Xoan's phone number? sint (08:28:23 PM): Go home and eat hanb (08:28:25 PM): I mean in Vietnam sint (08:28:28 PM): No, I don't hanb (08:28:28 PM): OK Thu hanb (08:28:31 PM): Byebyebye sint (08:28:33 PM): Bye hanb (08:28:35 PM): See you later hanb (08:28:37 PM): Bye sint (08:28:40 PM): I'll put on makeup and go out hanb (08:28:42 PM): Go, don't stay at home hanb (08:28:50 PM): Be happy sint (08:28:51 PM): Bye ------------------------------------Translation ends-------------------------- If you need clarification, please request for it. secret901-ga |
rated this answer:![]() Thanks for your assistance. |
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Re: Englisg to vietnamese translation
From: steph53-ga on 05 Nov 2006 13:11 PST |
Nemi14.... What are your reasons for wanting these IM translations? It is usually considered a breach of confidentiality to publicly display a private conversation between two individuals. Steph53 |
Re: Englisg to vietnamese translation
From: secret901-ga on 05 Nov 2006 13:31 PST |
Hi steph53-ga, You might be interested in reading the comments and clarification in this question: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=777051 secret901-ga |
Re: Englisg to vietnamese translation
From: probonopublico-ga on 05 Nov 2006 22:56 PST |
Hi Dung Steph is right! What goes in Vietnam and Singapore is not OK in California or anywhere in the US. |
Re: Englisg to vietnamese translation
From: myoarin-ga on 06 Nov 2006 09:54 PST |
Hmm, I expect that Probono knows that Secret901-ga is "Dung". The more pertinent answer to Steph's comment is that to my question about this: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=776782 |
Re: Englisg to vietnamese translation
From: steph53-ga on 09 Nov 2006 16:48 PST |
Thanks, myoarin-ga..... Thats just what I thought too. My son's ex fiancee falsely accused him of intercepting her e-mail and IM, after he broke off their engagement, and it turned out to be a very serious charge. Thank God, the charge was dropped after it was confirmed the ex had lied. Steph53 |
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