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Q: How is Cognitive Science used in Business ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   3 Comments )
Subject: How is Cognitive Science used in Business
Category: Relationships and Society
Asked by: davidm101-ga
List Price: $60.00
Posted: 10 May 2005 09:01 PDT
Expires: 09 Jun 2005 09:01 PDT
Question ID: 519996
I am looking for 3 stories that illustrate how business is using
Cognitive Sciences . I would expect each stories to contain specifics on
The company / industry
The part of the business / function
The problem / issue that Cognitive Science helped solved
An idea of the magnitude of the impact.
I'd expect that each story would be no more than half a page long at most.
I posted a similar question that was well answered about Anthropology
see link for
Subject: Re: How is Cognitive Science used in Business
Answered By: websearcher-ga on 10 May 2005 09:36 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello davidm101:

Thanks for the interesting question. I've found what I believe to be
three good examples of the use of cognitive science in business
applications. I've included excerpts (smaller than a half-page) from
the three webpages where I found the examples, as well as links to the
larger pages/articles.

If these three do not suit your needs, please let me know what about
them is not "right" and I'll try again.

Example #1: Cognitive Tutor
Quote: "Cognitive Tutor uses cognitive science and artificial
intelligence to guide students through CD-ROM math lessons, which
predict the way they think and steer them back on the right path when
they go off it. "Effectively, it's providing just-in-time instruction
to the learner," says Bob Longo, president and CEO of Carnegie
Learning, the Pittsburgh-based company that makes the program."

Example #2: CIRI LAb
Quote:"CIRI Lab provides practical software solutions that help people
capitalize on all the knowledge residing in their organization. CIRI
Lab builds advanced Knowledge Management technology using the latest
methods in Cognitive Science and computing technology.
In 1997 CIRI Lab Inc. changed its Charter from 'not for profit' to
'for profit' and research and development began in earnest in the
field of semantic spatial indexing. In the last six years CIRI Lab has
succeeded in developing and bringing to market a core suite of
technologies known as KOS (Knowledge Object Suite) based on its
Multidimensional Semantic Spatial Indexing Technology.
Through this technology, CIRI Lab has developed two products, CIRI
Discovery and CIRI Kortex that quicken the research process by
providing a search tool that delivers personalized results and an
organizational tool that makes easy and quick categorizations of
unstructured text."

Example #3: KanjiPower
Quote: "Language & Learning Technology Center has been established
with the aim of developing learning tools for foreign language
learners by using a particular learning procedure called "cognitive
methods". Cognitive methods have been developed based on the studies
of human brain structures and functions and are widely accepted in the
field of second language acquisition as one of the most effective
methods in learning foreign languages. Although there are many
different perspectives even among the cognitive approaches, we are
trying to develop a learning method focusing on the "Parallel
Distributed Processing (PDP)" framework which is commonly used in
neural networks.
The kanji e-learning system, namely the KanjiPower, introduced on this
web site is one of the results of our research based on such cognitive
studies. In particular, the present system takes each kanji as an
integrated form of several different linguistic elements such as
forms, structures, readings, and meaning. Such linguistic elements are
not necessarily independent of each other but are connected to one
another according to their degree of similarities. This interpretation
of kanji may in turn be used to facilitate kanji acquisition provided
that the inter-connected network of kanji elements can be congruent
with the human knowledge structures."

Search Strategy (on Google):
* "cognitive methods"
* "using cognitive science"
* "cognitive sciences" "products"
* "cognitive sciences" "in products"
* "cognitive science" "our products"
* "uses cognitive science"
* "use of cognitive science" 
* "cognitive science" "commercial use"
* "cognitive science" business example


Request for Answer Clarification by davidm101-ga on 10 May 2005 23:47 PDT
Dear Websearcher-ga,

Thanks for the good answer and the examples are well written and
clear, some good ways in which cognitive sciences is being used to
build applications and methods that get applied to business.

Also by Cognitive Sciences in Business I was looking more about the
use in business - how are cognitive sciences being used to solve the
problems that large companies face - so maybe more generalised - how
can Cognitive Science help you run a business better, more effectively

This may not be easy to find as Cognitive Sciences more than any other
has been seen as "manipulation" and labelled so in the press - I
remember a special article in the economist several years ago pointing
out the Orwell "1984" aspects - especially with regard to marketing
and sales and I can believe that many companies may be still thinking
over the ethical and PR aspects before feeling that they can be more
open. And of course will avoid publicity making these types of
references difficult, if not impossible to find.

You might have noticed that this is one of several requests for the
use of human sciences in business and that I did feel that this might
be one of the most difficult to do.

So if you found a few other references on use by business - especially
on how to help business become more effective, I'd really like you to
include the links to a few of these (if they exist of course.

But the answer as you have it is a good answer, has some important
insights and of course is much, much better than anything I'd have
been able to come up with. So I'd be really happy to take this plus
simple links to other examples you think might fit the above (this is
a 60 dollar question so please just include the links - you shouldn't
put extra time into making summaries of the others.)

Many thanks,


Clarification of Answer by websearcher-ga on 11 May 2005 05:51 PDT
Hi davidm101:

Thanks for the clarification. I think I see the disctinction between
what I provided you and what you ultimately want.

I've found one more example that is closer to what you're looking for,
but I'm still not sure they are 100% there. It doesn't identify a
specific company.

American Demographics: The New Science of Focus Groups 
Quote: "And as research from the 1990s, dubbed the decade of the
brain, wends its way into the business world, cutting-edge qualitative
researchers are opting for one-on-one interviews and borrowing
cognitive science techniques, such as response latency and
neuroimaging, to access emotions and feelings that consumers don't
even know they're having. Qualitative researchers predict that such
creative and effective approaches may ultimately leave the traditional
construct of focus groups far behind."

That's all I've been able to find. I've used dozens and dozens of
different searches to try to find better examples. I'm having trouble
thinking of other ways to search for this.

davidm101-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Good clear answer with some important insights in the examples given.
One of a series of similar questions put to Google Answers (all around
the use of humanities in business and felt this might be the most
difficult to find hard facts on - so although I rated the answer 4
stars, I felt the researcher, Websearcher who give me the opportnity
to clarify the problem,  rated 5 for effort and service

Subject: Re: How is Cognitive Science used in Business
From: aetheist_conspiracy-ga on 27 Jun 2005 17:52 PDT
What do you think of these:

Some companies that help other companies improve business processes
using cognitive tools:

Papers and slides about the topic: (technical)

Subject: Re: How is Cognitive Science used in Business
From: frankcorrao-ga on 06 Nov 2005 17:19 PST
I'm not sure if this fits exactly what you're after, but "behavioral
finance" is also an important area where this sort of thing is in use.
 It tries to explain market anomolies using behavioral biases.  Here
is the definitive meta-study on the topic:

which i got off google scholar (google scholar is the best thing since
sliced salami)
Subject: Re: How is Cognitive Science used in Business
From: frankcorrao-ga on 06 Nov 2005 17:20 PST
Just to make clear, this is definately used in business, especially as
part of quantative trading strategies.

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