Hello bigdig-ga,
Congratulations on getting the interview! Google is inundated with
hundreds of resumes each day so making the cut is an achievement in
itself. As you can imagine, others before you have tried to find
inside information about interviewing at Google. The results of my
search show that it?s a challenging and lengthy process.
I?ve organized the material I?ve found into personal experience
anecdotes and business press articles. Both collections of links will
give you insights on the content and style of Google?s recruiting
methods. In addition, I?ve also included a few links from prior Google
Answers on the more general subject of how to prepare for the job
Wishing you success for your Google interview.
~ czh ~
Google Interviews
-- Google 1 - Full time phone screen with a product manager 1/?
-- Google 2 - Full time phone screen with a product maanger 2/?
-- Google 3 - Question to be completed before fly-down decision is made 3/?
Interviewing at Google
A little piece of Jeremy Zawodny?s blog ?
A friend of mine has been interviewing for a job at Google. So far the
tale has proven both interesting and amusing. But the thing that
strikes me most of all (of that which I'm allowed to hear about, of
course) is how many interviews--or rounds of interviews have
transpired so far.
Sun, 17 Aug 2003
Google, San Juans, I-5 service
And where was I on this breezy summer afternoon? Interviewing at
Google (after a grueling 2 prior phone interviews, a few essay
questions, and a portfolio). ? But back to that bleak friday. Well,
primarily I feel I was tested prodded poked and baited as a
programmer. One interview went really well and helped me understand
both how google works and what I want out of a job (as well as making
what I think was a good impression...). One interview was.... Sort of
argumentative. If I was an interviewer and had such a interview I'm
not sure what I would think of the candidate. Unfortunately in this
case I fear I would think they were full of shit and not nearly as
competent as their resume might suggest....
Tue, 02 Sep 2003
More google, first gnome-blog release
As for Google.... had another interview last Friday, this time with
Google's frontend engineering manager. This time I was asked
exclusively "designer" questions. Its been 1.25 months since Google
started interviewing me. Slow? Sheesh. This is getting ridiculous ;-)
[May 15th 2003, 05:30] >>> Day after Google
So I did my second day of interviews at Google yesterday and now I'm
back home, across the country. I'm waiting with baited breath, because
it's exactly what I want to do and exactly the kind of people I want
to work with.
[May 4th 2003, 03:45] >>> Job updates - Google, eBay, Amazon
Quick job update: Had the Google screening interview with a woman who
was in the 18-person graduate UI design class I TAed at Berkeley. I
have no idea if that worked in my favor, but I did get the nod for
in-person interviews.
Fast Company -- Issue 69 | April 2003, Page 74
How Google Grows...and Grows...and Grows
Rule Number Four: Great People Can Manage Themselves
Google spends more time on hiring than on anything else. It knows this
because, like any bunch of obsessive engineers, it keeps track. It
says that it gets 1,500 résumés a day from wanna-be Googlers. Between
screening, interviewing, and assessing, it invested 87 Google
people-hours in each of the 300 or so people that it hired in 2002.
Google CEO speaks out on future of search
October 7, 2003
Google has a rigorous hiring system to draw in people with these sorts
of traits, from passion to a perspective of limitless boundaries.
Prospective Google employees are subjected to a peer review, which at
times is tougher than the interview with executives and managers,
Schmidt said. And job candidates who manage to pass the first hurdle
are then interviewed by a second committee.
Looking for insider information on Google, Inc.?
Vault, Inc. is the "Insider" Career Network. We annually survey and
interview 10,000s of employees and job seekers to bring readers the
inside scoop on top industries and employers.
Welcome to the Google, Inc. Employee Message Board.
Vault.com message boards are designed for a community of employees,
job seekers, insiders and interested observers.
APRIL 01, 2004 - What to wear ?aka Recruiter eye for the Tech guy
While I don?t know for sure, I can only assume my advice can be
applied more broadly outside the walls of Microsoft. Interviewing at
Google or Amazon? These style tips may help.
Workforce, March 2003, pp. 50-51
At Google, the Proof Is in the People
At Google, formality and convention aren?t the corporate values. When
a job applicant shows up for an interview, he could, for example,
elect to sit in a chair or perhaps sink into a beanbag. The latter is
what a Google kind of person would do. The company wants people who
are flexible enough to adjust to big changes on the job. When a hiring
manager listens to a candidate, she?s trying to see if the person is
thinking more about the team or more about himself. Google wants
employees who can play ideas off others. Sullivan and her 10-person
human resources team keep in touch with more than 300 professors
nationwide, making sure Google knows who their best students are.
Q: How to prepare for a job interview
Q: Question on Job Interview
Q: interview behavior questions
Q: Great Answers to Competency based Interview Questions
job interviews at google
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