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Q: Who Am I ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   8 Comments )
Subject: Who Am I
Category: Reference, Education and News
Asked by: pamalou46-ga
List Price: $5.00
Posted: 05 Aug 2004 18:11 PDT
Expires: 04 Sep 2004 18:11 PDT
Question ID: 384106
My parents were avid seafarers which influenced my writing, I studied
Law and litature in paris, and it took me longer than I thought to get
around the world.
Subject: Re: Who Am I
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 05 Aug 2004 18:39 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
The answer is "Jules Verne." 

"Jules Verne was born in 1828, in Nates, France. Jules' parents were
of a seafaring tradition, one factor which influenced his writings."

MasterRects: Jules Verne

"In Paris Verne studied law but afterward chose to follow his interest
in literature."

Encyclopædia Britannica: Jules Verne

My search strategy began when I read the phrase "around the world" in
the question. Coupled with the reference to Paris, this suggested to
me that Jules Verne might be the correct answer. A Google search
verified that Verne's parents were seafarers, and that Verne had
studied law and literature in Paris. And, of course, the "around the
world" clue is a reference to one of Verne's most popular works,
"Around the World in 80 Days."

Google Web Search: "jules verne" parents law literature

I hope this helps. If anything is unclear or incomplete, please
request clarification; I'll gladly offer further assistance before you
rate my answer.

Best regards,
pamalou46-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $2.00
Thanks, that was great. You did an awesome job I only wish I would
have gone to googles long before I went nuts looking this up. All I
can say is Yahoo...Thanksagain Pamalou46

Subject: Re: Who Am I
From: probonopublico-ga on 05 Aug 2004 21:20 PDT
Hi, Jules

Just a fawning comment to say how much I've enjoyed your stuff,
especially the Mike Todd movie version of 'Around the Whatsit'.

Until Miss Pink answered your question, I hadn't realised that you
were still writing.

Please don't worry about forgetting your name, it happens to many of
us as we get older.

All the Best

Alexandre Dumas, Fils
Subject: Re: Who Am I
From: pinkfreud-ga on 06 Aug 2004 10:59 PDT

Thanks for the five stars and the tip! I'm glad to have been able to help.

Subject: Re: Who Am I
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 07 Aug 2004 10:52 PDT
Bon jour, Alexandre,

Please convey my regards to my friend Bryan, whom I did not see in
Paris.  He might have been looking for a wingless bird, whereas I am

Subject: Re: Who Am I
From: probonopublico-ga on 07 Aug 2004 12:59 PDT
Hallo, Ma Cherie, Archae0pteryx

Did you wear the Mask?

And taste the forbidden You-Know-What?

J'attendrai the News de la Tour de Force. 

A bientot!

Subject: Re: Who Am I
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 08 Aug 2004 11:51 PDT
Non, non, je suis desolee, but no tiny songbirds gave their lives for
the pleasure of my palate.  My expected partner in gustatory crime did
not appear (or I did not recognize him behind the Mask).

However, I was responsible for the early end of several assiettes de
fromage avec pain along with a considerable quantity of vin both blanc
rouge and, of course, the occasional l'oeufs & quiches (with a smile
and a nod to Pink).  I spent most of my time far out in the country to
the southwest, among ancient stone cottages and chateau-dotted
mountainsides, with mouton on the hoof and canard on the riviere,
inhaling sights and sounds and tastes and breaths of clean air to last
me forever.

Subject: Re: Who Am I
From: probonopublico-ga on 08 Aug 2004 12:39 PDT
Hi, Again, Tryxie

Glad you had a great trip.

But why the new handle?

I am beginning to suspect that you have a Dark Side.

Where did you REALLY go while you were supposed to be in France?

No wonder that I couldn't find you at our agreed Rendezvous.

Vive M. Mitterend! (Oops, it's trop tarde for that.)

The Masked One.
Subject: Re: Who Am I
From: archae0pteryx-ga on 08 Aug 2004 13:48 PDT
Mon ami masqué,

>But why the new handle?

>I am beginning to suspect that you have a Dark Side.

One side is always in Shadow.

>Where did you REALLY go while you were supposed to be in France?

It's where I really go when I am NOT supposed to be in France that
might raise the eyebrow.


P.S. to Pamalou46:  I see you're new to the GA community, so let me
explain a little.  Over time, many questioners and researchers and
commenters get to know each other through their postings.  Dialogue in
GA can be a fleeting thing, hopping like a frog from lily pad to lily
pad as occasions present themselves.  You've provided a lily pad for
some longtime GA frogs to land on briefly.  Thank you, and I hope you
don't mind.  The background of this playful exchange, if you're
curious, is here:
Subject: Re: Who Am I
From: probonopublico-ga on 08 Aug 2004 23:17 PDT
Hi, Tryx

Well, yes, I suppose it is an explanation of sorts.

And I know that women are NEVER satisfied.

But I suspect that you are on the run.

It is all highly suspicious. Apart from Gene Kelly, I have never heard
of an American in Paris.

Hush! I feel a song coming on ...

I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise 
With a new step every day.

A Bientot


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