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Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: silver777-ga List Price: $2.00 |
22 Nov 2004 22:49 PST
Expires: 22 Dec 2004 22:49 PST Question ID: 432712 |
Hi Researchers, Bryan, Steph, and TimeSpacette, A/ Are commentors comments in answer to a question to which you may have had the opportunity to derive income, a pain in the posterior? B/ Conversely, are you as Researchers alerted to new questions posted, in order that you can lock out a question in reasonable time before a commentor beats you to it? If yes to A/ and no to B/ then what time frame of etiquette might you suggest as to the lead-in time prior to attempts by the less learned and those commentors wishing to assume ownership of this excellent medium of thought? (Also, how do we convert G time to local time?) This thought has sprung to mind after I successfully assisted in helping someone. I now feel guilty and embarrassed that I gave no thought to those of you relying upon this enterprise as a source of income from your efforts. B, S & TS, I include you three as I respect your comments and intelligence from which I continue to learn. Your joint regular contribution is not to be confused with my topic of argument. I saw a bit of myself in another commentor's comments. I detested it. To think that another commentor might attempt ownership of this domain by using words of invitation and pre-emptive acclaim coupled with disclaimers negating expertise does nothing to foster excellence. I apologise in advance should any of you Researchers have held me in that same regard from your perspective. I should hope not. My difference is that I like to help just as I appreciate your help; I consider this fantastic learning; it's better than watching TV; I do have a life and I have no points to prove. The other purpose of this post of course, is that my exact thought was politely alluded to by a Researcher some weeks ago, hopefully in reference to another, not I. Reference was made to "those whom aspire to be Researchers". Well, why don't they just fill out an application form? I hope that I might be expressing some thought on behalf of Researchers who dare not tread upon the customer's toes. As Researchers, you may not be privy to proprietory information. However, if you are able to access my contact details, you are all welcome to do so to share your thoughts which you may not wish to do so here. Your distant friend in thought and learning, Phil |
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Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 26 Nov 2004 13:10 PST Rated: ![]() |
Debates like this one tend to throw The bathwater with the baby. Your answer, Phil, is "yes" or "no" Or "definitely maybe." Respectfully, Pink | |
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rated this answer:![]() Pink, Thank you for your answer in closure. Please accept my nominal tip to enjoy some roasted peanuts in memory of the question. Kind regards, Phil |
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Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: probonopublico-ga on 22 Nov 2004 22:59 PST |
Wow, Phil ... What a question! And you have even included Little Me anong the High and the Mighty. Now, I fully expect that you will be inundated with dozens of comments slagging off poor Probo ... I'm now going to get tanked up on Dom Perignon before I dare look in again ... Just in case. Bryan |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: silver777-ga on 22 Nov 2004 23:12 PST |
Sir Probo, That was not my intention as you well know, hence your inclusion in my asking of your comment from one whom I respect, as an unknown. I am sure that you will detect the target of my argument, unless of course it be my own reflection. If so, and I remain positive in doubt, I will bow my head and scrape my tail upon the pavement as I seek a park bench befitting my demeanour, if indeed I am describing myself. Enjoy your Dom P. Phil |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: pinkfreud-ga on 23 Nov 2004 00:12 PST |
I do find it annoying when a question that is rather fresh is fully answered in a comment. I don't mean the posting of something useful or a helpful hint: I mean an entire, correct answer that doesn't need any expansion. Here, for instance, before I ever saw the question, a commenter posted an answer (which I knew, too), and apparently satisfied the customer's need sufficiently. The customer's $50 question was answered to her satisfaction for 50 cents (the listing fee). The commenter received nothing. I received nothing. http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=365589 I could, of course, have posted an answer even without hearing back from the customer. Some of the more money-driven GARs would probably have done exactly that. If you are going to post material that is essentially an entire, complete answer in the "Comments" section, I think it's best to wait until the question is at least a couple of days old. I am aware that some of my colleagues believe that I make a habit of answering questions in comments just to annoy them. I have tried to respond to these colleagues in a civil fashion in the past, and I don't intend to open a new dialogue on the issue. I just wanted to say my piece to you, Phil, since you are one of the brightest stars of the non-GAR Peanut Gallery. Or perhaps I should say that you are one of the saltiest peanuts. ;-) |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: silver777-ga on 23 Nov 2004 00:38 PST |
Hi Pink, Well, I take delight in being a salty peanut. A legume encased in his own Thyme perhaps? I just love that suggestion of yours. You know, I have noted more often than not, that you post your answers as a comment asking the questioner if that satisfies the question. You are to be commended. That I presume is an element toward my perception of your success. It just ****** me off that some flusey (sp) chooses to prance on in, taking up a seat of presumption, then welcome, direct, apologise for responding without knowledge as a disclaimer, then proceed with directions to sites available in the public domain, presumably to display intelligence or speed of keyboard skills .. for what? Self gratification? A potential job interview? I have read your question on Downe's Syndrome. I see what you mean. I too will sit on my hands for three days before responding again .. maybe! :) Then again, it usually only takes you 20 minutes to respond with a correct and full answer. :) Phil ps Please note the sparing use of emoticons .. enjoy the privelage. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: fj-ga on 23 Nov 2004 03:42 PST |
Hmmm, my name isn't Bryan, Steph, or TimeSpacette and it isn't in bold and underlined, so please stop reading now if I've offended your criteria! This to me is an interesting post subject, hence my comment: I think you're missing a trick here - who is this service for? Who is the customer? It's not the researchers (for whom I have utmost respect) but the 'ordinary' public who post the questions. One of the most important factors in any sales environment is the return visit or the second sale and if the question is answered to satisfaction, by whatever format, then the punter will be happy and will likely post again. You talk about "the less learned and those commenters wishing to assume ownership of this excellent medium". GA researchers don't 'own' the medium, they provide a service. Last time I checked (a while ago) the doors to becoming a new researcher were still closed as Google had a full compliment signed up. I think its a gross injustice to paint the non researchers as 'less learned'. Knowledge is the one commodity worth money that can be given away for free and not be diluted in value by its dispersion. I say value the posts from whomever and take the long term view on GA. More happy customers - more questions - more opportunity for researchers to make money - more knowledge spread around. In response to Pinks comment about waiting a few days prior to posting, unfortunately I don't see that working. Back in the good old days it was possible to have read every single question and follow topics over a number of days, but now, I suspect that the majority of non researcher users only visit every other day which makes it impossible to view all the 'missed' questions due to the sheer numbers now being posted. Hence, on viewing a topic that the users has an interest in, I think it unlikely that they would wait a couple of days and then come back to add their 50c. Your thoughts? fj |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: politicalguru-ga on 23 Nov 2004 05:44 PST |
Phil, The answers are "yes" and "no", as far as I can tell, and I am also sometimes annoyed, just like Pinkfreud here, to see questions that could have been answered get a comment that satisfies the client. Sometimes I also feel unease when I see some of the comments, which reflect unfounded opinions given to a client who is not always aware of the difference between a comment and an answer. On the other hand, one should not dissmiss the fact that commentators have contributed greatly to this site. Some in particular could have been great Researchers. I just wish some people would have waited before posting a comment. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: steph53-ga on 23 Nov 2004 06:11 PST |
Hi Phil, Thank you for mentioning me. I feel humbled to be grouped with the the great minds of the Researchers, Bryan and Timespacette. I've been a fan, questioner and commenter of GA for 2 and 1/2 years now and have seen all kinds of things here on the boards. There are quite a few commenters who answer a question fully and completely. In my own humble opinion, some of them appear to be Google Researcher wannabees. I see no problem with that, as so many questions here remain unanswered ( a question I once posted but was removed by the GA Honchos ). As well, many of the GA Researchers themselves were commenters before being hired, based on their writing skills and responses. Great question Phil!! Steph53 |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: probonopublico-ga on 23 Nov 2004 06:42 PST |
Phew ... Nothing too awful .... YET Here we go then ... I've just done a Search for 'ID:' and I discovered that 'about' 83,417 questions have been asked, out of which 'about' 31,112 have been answered and 'about' 69,626 remain unanswered. Huh? 31,112 + 69,626 = 83,417 ... Well, who am I to disagree? So only 'about' ONE THIRD of Questions ever get answered! Now, I have only asked or commented on 'about' 2,845 questions so am I really such a villain? Poor Probo ... Everybody picks on him. Aw! |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: ipfan-ga on 23 Nov 2004 08:16 PST |
Forgive the intrusion as I know I have not been invited, but I feel compelled to point out that GA itself invites the very activity Phil describes. See http://answers.google.com/answers/faq.html#providecomments: "While you will not be compensated for providing comments, it is a good way to demonstrate your suitability to be a paid Researcher." Google could well control this practice by, e.g., "locking" all new questions for the first, say, four hours so that only Researchers could post. Or, they could certainly write a script to prevent certain frequent commenters from posting if it became a nuisance or disservice. But they do neither. Indeed, I have exchanged e-mail with the Editors on this very topic (since, as an active commenter, I too was concerned about giving offense to a paid Researcher), and they have assured me that comments are welcome at any time. So what to do? I very much enjoy posting comments that might contain an entire answer since I look at this as sort of a competition. Should I, then, as a matter of courtesy, wait a respectful amount of time to allow a Researcher to answer? If this group feels that I should, how much time should I wait (especially if the question is one with which I am intimately familiar and can answer fully and quickly, like copyright, trademark and Internet law)? I will admit that there are some Researchers, like Ms. Pinkfreud, for whom I will certainly withhold a comment if I know she is working on it because I highly respect her efforts and skills and would do nothing to impair her revenue opportunities. But candidly, there are other Researchers with whom I have engaged in friendly competition regarding a particular question and actively seek to post a full answer as a comment because I know from experience that their answer will be only partially correct or, frankly, wrong. This happens occasionally in the copyright and trademark realms, as they are extraordinarily complex topics. But because I have studied, researched, written about and taught copyright and trademark law for 15 years, I feel obligated to step in when appropriate. Thus, with all due respect to politicalguru, my comments to these types of questions do not merely reflect unfounded opinion. I am most curious to see what consensus develops as a result of this string in terms of commenter/Researcher etiquette. Thank you, Phil, for raising the issue. ipfan |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: steph53-ga on 23 Nov 2004 10:22 PST |
Hi ipfan...... Count me in as to being in favour of commenters feeling free to post answers here. Given the sheer volume of unanswered questions ( thanks Probo ), even a comment to a question is probably welcomed by most questioners. And , as you pointed out, the GA honchos welcome commenters to answer if they so chose. Steph53 |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: silver777-ga on 23 Nov 2004 16:10 PST |
FJ, Thank you for your comments. No offense taken and none intended. I don't believe that I have missed any tricks as you put it. You are correct in saying that the service is for the customer. Your sales environment argument is flawed however. What if I was to walk in off the street and start to show one of your customers around while you were out the back of your shop looking for the goods or services to make your sale? Then I direct your customer next door, or just give them what they need for nothing. You emerge with the answers/goods/services, but the customer has gone. Are you not going to boot me out of your shop? You are correct again. Reseachers do not "own" the site. Point is, neither do the commentors. I see you missed the tongue-in-cheek reference to the less learned, myself included. It is not a gross injustice, it's slight humour in pointing out the exact opposite. That is, there are many knowledgeable people using the site. Some could quote answers immediately, while a Researcher will often answer and also provide further reference material. The question is, should we give them a go first, or just jump in? I do like your view of the long term approach. Should we maybe view this similar to a stock exchange or on-site auction? Perhaps we should. Walk into a room, wave $20 in the air and ask a question. You might then have a valid argument FJ. It could be viewed that a privileged few are allowed to be paid, if they are quick enough to beat those who can not accept payment. Thank you for your thoughts on the subject. Phil |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: timespacette-ga on 23 Nov 2004 17:11 PST |
geez, what a surprise. I'm so new to this GA virtual community; it was only a month or so ago that I realized that it functions as such and not just a research service. My own learning curve has been steep; in just a matter of several weeks I've managed to annoy and incite rapacious remarks, tread on peoples toes, start wild political rants, even had a post removed by the gods of GA (it was a little over the top, yes, even R rated - oh my!) and I suppose have contributed something here and there (at least in Phil's eyes!) . . . though I think I've disqualified myself from ever being a GAR! (My son had an interest in a GAR job and I posted a question regarding employment and resume requirements, and I found myself taking a closer look to see how it all works; then got hooked!) With regard to the issue at hand, Phil you beat me to it! Just last week I posted a simple answer to a simple question about an engraving on a tombstone, and tryx pointed out that it would be better etiquette to allow a researcher first dibs. It had never occurred to me, really, and as a result of this comment, I was actually thinking of formulating a question just like silver's about this very subject. (is this called morphogenic resonance???) Interesting comments so far . . . and at this juncture I have no idea what to say, as it was I who had the question and not much in the way of answers, hmmm . . . I think I"ll take probono's lead and have a beer, sleep on it, ask my subconcious ... it always knows! cheers! ts |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: bowler-ga on 23 Nov 2004 18:45 PST |
Phil, Please excuse me but I've been rather vocal about this in the past and I couldn't resist. I agree wholeheartedly with fp-ga. This service is for the customers and whether the question is answered in an answer or comment the point is that the question was answered and the customer is satisfied. There are a few commentors out there that may be more qualified than the researchers and have offered answers to some questions. They are just unfortunate enough to be on the wrong side of the research community. I agree that the researchers are underpaid and overworked and that questions are hard to come by. But there is a service to be rendered here and the researchers are well aware of the hazards of the business at Google Answers. It would defeat the purpose of this forum to withhold an answer if a commentor knew the answer. Personally I try to pick questions that have been sitting around for a while unless the subject jumps out at me. I've had some success at answering questions but mostly I try to facilitate the researcher by clarifying the question or giving the customer a few leads. Once or twice I've posted a comment and the researcher said the same thing in their answer and got paid for it. There definitely should be some courtesy between the commentors and the researchers but everyone should know why we are here, for the customer. Bowler-ga |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: pinkfreud-ga on 23 Nov 2004 20:33 PST |
I suppose my feelings on this matter are inescapably colored by the fact that Google Answers is my only source of income. When a fifty-dollar question is answered by a commenter before I have a shot at it, I feel as if someone has snatched bread off my table. This may delight the customer no end, but the selfsame customer may be disgruntled the next time he or she posts a question and actually has to pay the question's set fee because a Researcher is permitted by the masses to post an answer. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: aht-ga on 23 Nov 2004 23:46 PST |
My two cents on this (or is that one point five cents)... As has been properly pointed out already, comments are encouraged by the powers that be who operate the Google Answers service. As an independent contractor privileged to participate in this service, I both understand and respect this. I also understand, and accept, the financial risk that this represents. One point that has not been expressed yet, is that of accountability. All customers of this service have the ability, through the rating system as well as through contact with answers-support@google.com, to keep a Researcher accountable for his/her work. The Researcher has an obligation to try to satisfy the customer, and if such is not possible, there is always the refund process. Researchers operate under the understanding that a trend of customer dissatisfaction can lead to a loss of their Researcher privilege. Comments which imply a complete answer, while clearly being of perceived value to the customer, do not come with the same satisfaction guarantee. While certain commenters, such as ipfan-ga, consistently post useful and complete answers as comments, this is not always the rule. If you put yourself into the shoes of a first-time user of the Google Answers service, someone who is not familiar with how this service works and the difference between comments, clarification requests, and answers, a comment posted that appears to be an answer but is not accurate can lead to a dissatisfactory experience. Anyone who has "been around" the Google Answers service long enough, and read enough questions/comments, knows what I am talking about. The problem is that the first-time/second-time users may not. So, from a customer service perspective, I am concerned when I see comments-posing-as-answers that I feel may be misleading to a customer. When such a comment leads to a customer closing the question so that I cannot post anything to it in order to help clear things up, then I am annoyed at the possibility that the customer will eventually be dissatisfied, and blame wrongly Google Answers. However, when a comment that is well written and a complete answer is posted, I simply utter a little curse that I didn't get to the question first, then I move on. Again, just my thoughts. aht-ga Google Answers Researcher |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: fp-ga on 24 Nov 2004 00:02 PST |
Just to avoid some possible misunderstanding: The comment bowler-ga agrees wholeheartedly with was written by fj-ga (not by fp-ga). |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: timespacette-ga on 24 Nov 2004 00:20 PST |
okay! I slept it off, back in the saddle, and I'll tell you what my subconcious told me: ask Pink (and other GARs) what set of guidelines she would, in the best of all Google worlds, like to see followed by non-GAR commenters . . . I always think in cases like this it is better to listen than to hold forth . . . ts |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: fj-ga on 24 Nov 2004 03:39 PST |
Hello again, a few further thoughts and responses: firstly apologies to fp-ga, although I (think) I predate you on GA, you have certainly been far more prolific and probably have more right to the moniker than I do! But what of your thoughts on this issue? I'm thinking of promoting the 'Conscientious Commentator' programme by appending the following to any comments that I make as answers: "Please be aware that this comment has come from an unpaid source and, as such, is not bound by the quality and guarantee requirements of official GA researchers" - or words to that effect. Why drives the behaviour of commentators posting answers? I think that there is the competitive element of 'beating the official route' - I think that most people want to help other people and in this case, the 'us' is the non GARs and the 'them' unfortunately is the GARs. Perhaps commentators feel more affinity for the group of non-researchers? The positive, immediate, certain consequence for the behaviour is a self given 'reward' of beating the pack to the answer (think of eager young kids putting their hands up in class - 'look how clever I am'!). The negative, future, uncertain consequence of annoying the research community doesn't, I think, even appear on the radar when commenting. But this question thread has modified my behaviour, so you can claim at least one success (see http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=432785). Back to the comments made so far: thank you Phil for your considered response, perhaps I did over-react with my 'gross injustice'! That is the danger of this medium, you don't necessarily read between the lines of what is written unless you know the individual who's posting them. But I still take issue with the sales analogy - the customer doesn't walk into the 'GARs shop', again this implies ownership by the GARs and, in any case the locking process available to GARs goes some way to avoiding this issue. I wonder to what extent having unpaid answers acts as a spur to the paid researchers to keep on the ball - actively and avidly waiting for the next question to arrive... Finally, what does the data say? As a bunch of diligent intelligentsia should we not have a look to see if there is any difference between reuse of this service by first timers who have had their questions answered via comments and those answered via a paid fee? I suspect that no difference would be found. Best regards, fj |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: mikomoro-ga on 24 Nov 2004 04:07 PST |
Please accept my apologies for being crass enough to comment on a question where to my embarrassment I have been specifically excluded. I have to assume that this was due to an administrative oversight. But it sure is fun to challenge the boundaries. All I have to say is 'Gresham's Law'. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: fj-ga on 24 Nov 2004 04:17 PST |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gresham's_Law Gresham's law is stated as: "bad money drives good money out of circulation In an influential theoretical article, Rolnick and Weber (1986) argued that bad money would drive good money to a premium rather than driving it out of circulation The Gresham's Law principle has been applied, by analogy, to many different fields. For example, in higher education, "Diploma mills" have come into existence producing low-cost qualifications which are often of little or no market value. According to Gresham's law as it applies to money, these "bad" diplomas ought to drive out the "good diplomas". However, unlike laws for money, there is no law requiring employers to accept all diplomas as being of equal value. Consequently, each employer is free to assess the value of qualifications as they see fit. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: silver777-ga on 24 Nov 2004 06:55 PST |
It would appear that there is a reasonably distinct line between Commentors' and Researchers' points of view. Thanks to everyone for your spirited and thoughtful contributions. PoliticalGuru .. That was a very diplomatic answer. You have my vote in the next election. Steph & Probo .. Good points. The fact that so many questions remain unanswered go toward furthering FJ's argument of taking the long term view. Ipfan .. Well, if GA itself promotes comments, who are we to argue? You also raise another thought. If a Researcher unversed in say Trademarks locates information from a presumed reliable source found later to be incorrect or out of date, what would you do? TS .. Morphogenic resonance ? Maybe, because it was my answer to your question about the medication reminder that led me to pose this question. Thanks for the cyber cigar by the way! AHT & Bowler .. I guess I had been looking at this medium as "pay first, comment later". As in a Commentor is a back seat driver. But what you guys are saying is that it's free for all, with the chance for a few to be accountable and paid for the privelage. FP .. yep, I think we picked that up, but thanks for the clarification. Mikomoro .. No not crass, just misunderstood. The post was one of inclusion not exclusion. It could have been posted to a single Researcher. FJ .. Excellent! Yes, the flaw in my "shop" argument is that you can't lock up your customer, or at least not legally anyhow. I'm still not suggesting that either the asker or answerer own the site. The asker owns the question, I know that much. You have made a far more interesting observation though. What really does motivate people to answer a question, paid or unpaid? You might like to present that question to the masses yourself. I am impressed by your demonstration in exercising the topic of sitting on your hands when you know the answer. I'm still laughing. I could almost see you wincing in your seat and biting your lip as you tested the theory. You are to be commended. Pink .. I will take TS's advice. How might you suggest we strike a happy medium? (And I don't mean hitting a soothsayer). Naturally any change would have to come from GA. Etiquette from commentors could not be relied upon, if at all that is a considered option. What if all questions were either locked immediately, or viewable only by Researchers from the moment of posting before general release, say one hour later? With the 4 hour option still available, you could then re-lock your target question. Thanks you lot. You're great. Don't forget to smile as you read. All the best, Phil |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: ipfan-ga on 24 Nov 2004 08:34 PST |
Phil, To answer your question, if an Answer was posted dealing with trademarks (to use your hypothetical) that I knew was incorrect, I would post--and have in the past posted--a comment hoping that the Client would figure out that although not "official," my comment was important in terms of clarifying the posted Answer. Sometimes this works and sometimes not. For example, on one recent copyright question I posted a comment in an effort to clarify an only partially correct Answer, and the Client ignored the comment and gave the GAR five stars and a tip. This frustrated me to some degree since I knew that the Client did not fully get what they paid for. I agree, however, with everyone who has either said or implied that there must be some caveat emptor at work here, and I think the GA disclaimers go a long way toward assuaging Researcher and commenter concerns about misplaced or unfounded reliance on either an Answer or a comment. Sometimes, when a question is particularly arcane or esoteric, e.g., a difficult software licensing issue (see, e.g., http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=404108), I will just go ahead and comment as quickly as possible since I feel the question would likely go unanswered otherwise. AHT, Thanks for the compliment. I make no secret of the fact that I am a GAR wannabe, but GA will not have me. Thus, I salve my ego by posting comments that I hope are as complete and full as possible as a sort of continuing job application, in accord with the FAQ on the topic. This string, however, has given me new insights into the etiquette of commenting, and I am grateful for everyone?s ideas. Perhaps GA will see this and implement some of the suggestions, e.g., a ?Researcher-only? lock on all new posts for the first hour. If GA does not do so, I guess we are stuck with the current somewhat anarchist structure, relying on common sense and good manners. Happy Holidays to all, Ipfan |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: probonopublico-ga on 24 Nov 2004 08:46 PST |
Hi, Phil Yet another point .... Lots of questions do not have a precise answer (or may even be unanswerable) and the questioner is clearly seeking opinions even advice. On occasions, I have posted questions which have attracted numerous comments (NO: Not THAT one!) and I have invited one of the Researchers to post an answer. Interestingly, the invitations have not always been accepted, which disposes of the theory that the Researchers are simply after the loot. My own view from personal experience (and I may or may not be the longest serving user of GA) is that they all do a cracking job and deliver great value for money. What irritates me is when a Researcher's Answer is given a great 'Rating' and often even a generous Tip but then gets less than 5 Stars. It's a funny old world, isn't it? But it's a lot better now that so much info can be easily exchanged among folk in the US, Canada, Germany, The Philippines, NZ, Oz, Britain, The Czech, The Netherlands, etc. I should like to thank one and all and YES! I shall keep smiling. All the Best Bryan Posted in Hove, UK @ 16.46 GMT. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & T
From: hummer-ga on 24 Nov 2004 09:41 PST |
Hi Phil, Here's a similar situation which I experienced. I answered a $2 question, then the questioner posted a clarification, and before I had a chance to respond (which I could've), someone posted a comment in response to the clarification which answered the question. The questioner chose to ask for a refund for the $2 question since I hadn't actually answered the question (although I would've had I been allowed to respond to the clarification). My only point is, please folks, think about all of the ramifications before you do anything (at the least, please don't respond to requests for clarifications!). For me, the first priority for GA is that the questioner receive a good and proper answer, the researchers are secondary. However, researchers put alot of time and effort into GA (more than you realize!), often for no compensation, and we can only hope that common courtesy will prevail. Sincerely, hummer |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: bowler-ga on 24 Nov 2004 09:51 PST |
Fp an fj: I'm sorry about the mistaken identity. You both are excellent commentors and your names are easily confused. Pink: I hope I have not offended you or any of the other researchers. I have the utmost respect for you guys and I hope I have never "stolen bread off your table". Google Answers has mislead me to believe that if I submitted enough useful comments that I would be able to join the research team. I guess I let that get in the way of common courtesy. It's interesting to see the class division that has developed in the GA community, the Researchers and the Non-Researchers. I've seen it many times and it is just one of the many things that facinate me daily about this forum. Perhaps discussions like this will help define the roles of the participants in this community. I thouroughly enjoy the flavor many of the commentors bring to this forum. Probono's sarcastic, biting, astute and thouroughly hilarious comments are a treat to read. Ipfan, Fj, and Fp's knowledge and research ability are certainly worthy of researcher status. I think some people may like to answer a question in a comment to show that they knew the answer before anyone else but ultimately I think that we all enjoy helping people and enjoy finding the correct answer above all else. Bowler-ga |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: mikomoro-ga on 24 Nov 2004 10:50 PST |
Like Ipfan, I have found that Researchers occasionally provide incorrect or potentially misleading answers but, fortunately, some learned user (like Ipfan) soon sorts things out by way of a comment. This sometimes occurs when a non-English or a non-European Researcher tackles a question relating to a UK or a European situation. It also arises (and I am saying this quietly) because not all the information that can be gleaned from The Net is 100% reliable or up-to-date. Of course, many researchers (and I list Answerfinder, Leli, Scriptor and Politicalguru as stellar examples) often go way beyond The Net in their search for whatever. Others have stacks of expertise in specialist topics. Similarly, some commenters (e.g. fp, fj, bowler, ipfan, augusta, probo, steph53, timespacette and Phil, our noble question master, etc.) also do a great job and make this Community much more interesting and useful. Overall, I reckon that GA has a great concept that works really well. I pop in most days and I always manage to learn something new and truly amazing. Mike |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: ipfan-ga on 24 Nov 2004 13:28 PST |
Hummer is too polite to tell you all that it was me (I think) that messed up that question to which he refers. When I saw that the Client had asked for a refund, I was shocked since Hummer had indeed answered the question. Anyway, I apologize for that one, and thanks to this invaluable string I will indeed think before posting a comment when a question is in "mid-stream," so to speak. Hey Hummer--I have always wondered--that's a reference to the car, right? ;) |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: ipfan-ga on 24 Nov 2004 13:31 PST |
Hey Pink, since we're on the topic, is the one at http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=431146 one in which I usurped your opportunity? If so, I apologize. Thanks, Ipfan |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & T
From: hummer-ga on 24 Nov 2004 13:41 PST |
Yikes, ipfan, I had no idea it's happened to me twice! No, I wasn't referring to you, heck, you're one of my favorite posters - it's always nice to know you are there checking up on things.! You know, when I chose hummer, I had never even heard of a Hummer car! No, I'm afraid I opted for something alittle less masculine but no less exciting - the Hummingbird 8-) Don't you dare change one hair on your head, ipfan. hummer |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: pinkfreud-ga on 24 Nov 2004 13:44 PST |
I hope I haven't presented myself as someone who views non-GARs as enemies. I was a prolific commenter before I was brought onboard as a Google Answers Researcher; I have also been a paying customer. Having experienced GA from various angles has, I hope, given me some useful insights. If it were up to me, I would reserve newly-posted questions for the attentions of Google Answers Researchers for 24 hours. If a question remained unanswered after 24 hours, I would release it to be commented upon by all site users. Most questions that haven't been answered in 24 hours are badly in need of attention. Such questions tend to slip through the cracks, and customers may (justifiably) feel ignored. It would be a blessing to hard-working Researchers if GA's better commenters would focus more on the old than on the new. I confess that, when I was a Peanut Gallerian myself, I didn't always follow this policy. Strong in me was the desire for one-upsmanship and recognition, the need prove that I was smarter than the GARs. I had to beat my ego down with a stick sometimes, saying to it, in a stern, Yodaesque voice, "A Jedi craves not these things." |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: silver777-ga on 25 Nov 2004 03:55 PST |
Hummer .. your contribution fairly well sums up what I had suspected. You're part way through your research, then say I come along and bugger it up for you. Your balanced point about serving the customer is what it's all about I guess. For you Researchers, I suppose it ends up being a numbers game and as FJ rightly stated, the view should be long term as opposed to question by question. Phil |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: silver777-ga on 25 Nov 2004 04:36 PST |
All, Bryan, you are the only one to have picked up on the hidden question (bracketed at the 10th line). Your posting at 16:46 hours GMT on 24 November from Hove, gave me the answer to correctly convert G time (PST) to local time. I now see that when you might be enjoying Marmalade on toast for breakfast, I will have been pouring my second Scotch for the evening while those on Pacific time are missing out on both. Might you send me the local race results in order that I back a winning horse 11 hours before the race starts? PoliticalGuru, would you consider the position of mediator/arbitrator in future questionings? You do a fine job. PinkFreud, have you put your own suggestion forward to your employers in contract? Interested Researchers. Would anyone care to put this topic to rest by posting an answer? PoliticalGuru's answer of "Yes and No" will more than suffice. Thanks to everyone for the fun, concerted thought and of course politeness and understanding in discussion. My bag of peanuts is now saltier and richer for having conversed with you all. Thanks for being you. Phil |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: fp-ga on 25 Nov 2004 05:57 PST |
Well, I do try to wait "some time" before writing a comment. Sometimes half a day, sometimes more than one day, such as http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=430926 I know that some of my comments resulted in the question being closed soon afer they appeared, e.g. http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=387430 and http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=311957 However, it is not possible to know in advance if the researcher or the asker will find a comment helpful. When trying to write a comment right away it may happen that the question is locked before the comment is finished. So it may be wiser to wait a while before writing a comment. If an interesting question is unlocked (one or twice) without a comment or request for clarification left behind I usually don't wait any longer. Of course, waiting for 24 hours would give all researchers around the globe the opportunity of reading a question. By the way, not all of questions currently asked are viewable (as there are more than 2000 questions), only the questions 1 - 1000, e.g. "976-1000 of ...": http://answers.google.com/answers/currentquestions?sort=qestartts:D:R:d1&start=975 and the last questions, e.g. "976-1000 of ..." http://answers.google.com/answers/currentquestions?sort=qestartts:A:R:d1&start=975 There is a gap as soon as more than 2000 questions are being asked. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: probonopublico-ga on 25 Nov 2004 07:01 PST |
Hi, Phil You have now proved conclusively that us humble makers of Comments do have some uses as trainees for elevation to the Court. Some day, one of us might also be invited to follow in the footsteps of the Mighty Pink Lady. Wow ... If I ever get the call, I'll LOCK every question for a week ... until I've had a chance to knock out the answer. All the Best Bryan |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & T
From: byrd-ga on 25 Nov 2004 07:20 PST |
Heh, Bryan, try to do that and you'll quickly find yourself assailed by the Editors and as many of your colleagues as were able to get through to you, and sternly warned! Fact is, we can only lock ONE question at a time, two at maximum and that only if we have a #$%& good explanation for doing so, such as waiting for a phone call on the first one, but it is physically impossible to lock more than two questions at once, period. THAT is part of the reason for some distress at having questions answered in the comments, simply because we CAN'T lock them all. For my two cents on this whole deal, the answers are also "yes" and "no." I don't especially mind having peanuts answer, except when they try to make themselves sound like Researchers to the customer, and/or post personal emails and otherwise violate the TOS in an effort to garner some gain from this board. It's not fair to Google, to us, or to the customer, who is frequently confused by who is who, and unable to effectively use the clarification and/or answer process. I do like the idea of having questions reserved exclusively for Researchers for a period of time after posting. 24-48 hours would be good. The other thing that irritates me no end is when Researchers themselves follow this practice. Dangit! If you have the answer, post it; if you don't then don't. And if you want to make some off-the-cuff comment without doing the work of answering the question, fine. Just wait 'til you see whether or not someone else may want to actually answer. Some Researchers may approach this as a fun hobby, but others of us do derive income from it and treat it as a professional activity. To have that undermined just because somebody doesn't care whether or not they're paid is just wrong and extremely frustrating! Have you hit a nerve here, you think? Heh, thanks for the chance to sound off! Cheers, Byrd |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: tlspiegel-ga on 25 Nov 2004 09:39 PST |
My colleague byrd, composed the words so well that described what so many of the researcher community feels it bears repeating. And I quote: "I don't especially mind having peanuts answer, except when they try to make themselves sound like Researchers to the customer, and/or post personal emails and otherwise violate the TOS in an effort to garner some gain from this board. It's not fair to Google, to us, or to the customer, who is frequently confused by who is who, and unable to effectively use the clarification and/or answer process. I do like the idea of having questions reserved exclusively for Researchers for a period of time after posting. 24-48 hours would be good. The other thing that irritates me no end is when Researchers themselves follow this practice. Dangit! If you have the answer, post it; if you don't then don't. And if you want to make some off-the-cuff comment without doing the work of answering the question, fine. Just wait 'til you see whether or not someone else may want to actually answer. Some Researchers may approach this as a fun hobby, but others of us do derive income from it and treat it as a professional activity. To have that undermined just because somebody doesn't care whether or not they're paid is just wrong and extremely frustrating!" That is it in a nutshell. Short and sweet. Best regards, tlspiegel |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: silver777-ga on 25 Nov 2004 19:54 PST |
OK, so what's the answer? Would one Researcher please post an answer? "Yes and No" will be fine. Bryan, no need to LOCK up a question for a week. Pink suggested 24 hours. It was my idea to have an AUTO-LOCK for the first hour, with a 4-hour relock after that. Then it becomes open slather. Quote "Wow, Phil ... What a question! And you have even included Little Me anong the High and the Mighty." End quote. No Bryan, you are not a nong! Your comments are well received, undoubtedly by all. Obviously, it's a matter of balance. And no Sir, you are not the subject of my initial question. In fact, I will now go to a thread to invite another commentor to the discussion prior it's ending, to exemplify the example. FP, Byrd and Tlspiegel have summed it all up, albeit with the benefit of hindsight in reading others' comments here. Researchers .. as you feel so strongly about exactly that which I had detected, have you or are you prepared to, collectively approach your employer under contract with a suggestion of change to suit your needs and that of the questioners? Looking forward to striking a balance, Phil |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: aht-ga on 25 Nov 2004 20:46 PST |
silver777-ga: I was reviewing the comments just now, and noticed a point from you that I had missed originally. If you would, please allow me to clarify my position: "AHT & Bowler .. I guess I had been looking at this medium as "pay first, comment later". As in a Commentor is a back seat driver. But what you guys are saying is that it's free for all, with the chance for a few to be accountable and paid for the privelage." To be clear, I am not saying that Google Answers *should* be a free for all. On the contrary, I disagree when I see people describe GA as a forum instead of what it is, a service that features the ability for all users to participate. The difference between the two is a major one. A forum's strength is in the willingness of all users to contribute to developing and debating an answer to a question. The Google Answers service, though, is positioned to first-time users as a recommended (by Google) way of getting expert researchers to provide "carefully-screened" research services. I reference all readers of this comment to the answers.google.com homepage, and the pitch found there: "More than 500 carefully screened Researchers are ready to answer your question for as little as $2.50 -- usually within 24 hours. Your satisfaction is completely guaranteed." The implication is that, if a person is unable to find the information they seek on their own using the free search services of Google, then they can pay someone (who is carefully screened by Google) to find the info for them. They are also told that their satisfaction is completely guaranteed. I then see too many first-time users of this service get led astray by the type of comments mentioned by byrd-ga. Where possible, I will post a comment myself to ensure that the question-poster does not mistake those comments as an answer provided by a qualified researcher accountable under the GA satisfaction guarantee. Ultimately though, as a contractor providing services to GA, I feel that it is my responsibility to provide those services within the rules and capabilities maintained by Google Answers. Since the current GA environment allows for a "free for all" approach by anyone who creates a user account for themselves, I must make the best situation possible for myself within that environment. Please note that I (along with a number of other Researchers, for sure) have made suggestions regarding changes to the environment that would, in my opinion, provide for better control of the customer experience. This includes the concept of a comment-lock for a certain period of time to allow a qualified Researcher to take on a question first. To date, the suggestion has not resulted in a change in the service. So, like I said, I must make the best situation possible for myself as a contractor, and work with the rules and capabilities as they exist. I may disagree with aspects of the rules, but I fully respect that I need to accept them if I wish to continue providing research services through Google Answers. Respectfully, aht-ga Google Answers Researcher |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: aht-ga on 25 Nov 2004 20:56 PST |
by the way, forgot to mention... thank you for posting this question! The comments have been enlightening. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: julicollins-ga on 25 Nov 2004 22:05 PST |
Comments received silver777. Will go away now. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: probonopublico-ga on 25 Nov 2004 22:14 PST |
That wise young owl, AHT, has quoted the sales blurb: "More than 500 carefully screened Researchers are ready to answer your question for as little as $2.50 -- usually within 24 hours. Your satisfaction is completely guaranteed." If I were being picky (Heavens Forbid!) I would go to the stats ... And, of course, if questions were going to be locked for 24 hours ... They would simply get LOST! When I do a trawl of new questions, I sometimes post a 'Fascinating Question' comment, simply to remind myself to watch the progress of a question that interests me. I would never dream of going back - unless directed to some previous question - and there are of course lots and lots of those to plough through. Really, I have got absolutely no wish to be a Researcher or to usurp the job of any Researcher. But I do like to tune in from time to time and keep myself reasonably up-to-date. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: julicollins-ga on 25 Nov 2004 22:44 PST |
http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=432114 |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: fj-ga on 26 Nov 2004 02:02 PST |
One final thought from me, (after a wonder if this is the most wordy response to an unanswered question - other than *that one*): there is something that researchers can do to modify commentators behaviour and that is to recognise and encourage those situations when good commentator behaviour is evidenced. Working on the premise that we all like recognition and thanks, when a comment is left which enhances the askers experience, whilst not impacting on the potential $ return for the GAR - recognise it! Acknowledgement from an 'Official Google Answers Researcher' can act as a pat on the back for the lowly commentator. Additionally / alternately, post a link to this question. fj |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: probonopublico-ga on 26 Nov 2004 02:42 PST |
This morning I prepared a comment for posting to a new $20 question that would have killed it stone dead ... but before hitting the Post Comment I thought better ... Would someone now please say that I am a good boy? Someone? Anyone? OK ... I'll say it myself 'Bryan ... You are a very good boy!' |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: politicalguru-ga on 26 Nov 2004 09:43 PST |
Mr. Brosnan, You're a very good actor (and a good boy in general). Silver - thank you for the compliments. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: pinkfreud-ga on 26 Nov 2004 12:54 PST |
>> there is something that researchers can do to modify >> commentators behaviour and that is to recognise and >> encourage those situations when good commentator behaviour >> is evidenced. Working on the premise that we all like >> recognition and thanks, when a comment is left which >> enhances the askers experience, whilst not impacting on >> the potential $ return for the GAR - recognise it! I wholeheartedly endorse this suggestion. A kind word from a GAR can mean a lot to a "common tater." I remember how thrilled I was when, as a non-Researcher, I received pleasant remarks from Scriptor and Voila, two of my Google Answers idols. Their encouragement made me feel that my unpaid efforts were not in vain. P.S. Bryan, you are a Good Boy, and I hope Father Christmas knows it. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: probonopublico-ga on 26 Nov 2004 22:19 PST |
Aw, gee thanks PG & PL I feel so much better now. And that $20 question is still unanswered! Off to London today. If it's still there when I return, the 24 hours embargo will be removed and I can do my good deed for the day. Scriptor & Voila have NEVER said any nice things about me! |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: probonopublico-ga on 26 Nov 2004 22:21 PST |
In case you wondered ... PG stands for Pink Guru and PL for Political Lady (Freud). |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: helpfulharry-ga on 08 Dec 2004 17:54 PST |
I just found this post because it was linked to a new question posted on 12-8-04. Very interesting (especially from a new commentor's perspective) to see all the different viewpoints but how embarrassing and wrong that a customer was brought into this discussion. While I totally agree with your comments here, shame on you ipfan for dragging that poor customer into this. Don't let the "paid" researchers ruin it for the rest of us. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: helpfulharry-ga on 08 Dec 2004 17:56 PST |
http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=439859 Here's the post I mentioned in the above comment. |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: bowler-ga on 09 Dec 2004 09:25 PST |
Harry, Have you checked out: www.ga-commenters.com |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: pinkfreud-ga on 09 Dec 2004 17:18 PST |
>> Don't let the "paid" researchers ruin it for the rest of us. This comment troubles me. How can paid researchers ruin things? |
Re: Candid comment please, Researchers only with the exception of PB , Steph & TS
From: julicollins-ga on 10 Dec 2004 17:23 PST |
Shame you, silver777, shame. |
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